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Everything posted by Skerdi

  1. You are a good chief
  2. Granted but you wouldn't be able to teach. I want One Piece to end..
  3. Ohhh its @XgangsterX how much have it been? As if there is something new we are still waiting for 2.0 xD
  4. Granted, but you will be tortured and killed and none will remember you, you cant revive yourself again too. I want Juventus to get knocked out in ucl.
  5. Cops can use smg as silenced pistol wont cause that much damage, In my opinion I think this would be useless.
  6. @lincoln granted but after you join the same thing that happened with ddt will happen again I want to fly
  7. Revooo! Happy Birthday broo!!
  8. @filex said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: @nemesis said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: @pump said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: @Blade, can you please get this conversation to a private conversation or maybe creating a topic or whatever because he wont stop talking and Im sure right now he is answering you in a comment. His case was closed long ago, if he keeps spamming his shit on every single topic (including PMing admins) his punishment will be extended. Tamsou7 is showing that his interest in saes is over, he won't give a fuck :laughing: A kid will leave and this would even be very good.
  9. Skerdi


    No abuse mi plez. I luv u <3. (No homo)
  10. Skerdi


    I feel bad for you. But what you will do is stay afk 24/7 anyway.
  11. @chief Heist Robbery ::: Spoiler Text :::
  12. Oh it is the special strong(weak) birthday, hbd
  13. I would like to ask a question here too. It is about turisimo lambo mod. Is it going to change or stay in 200 km/h because it is a Lamborghini and it doesn't make sense. Lets say that it it was bought for 4m(yes the price decreased to 2.5m or 2m now). There are cars like cheetah that cost around 1m and are much faster, even comet. Just asking btw.
  14. @kipt said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: @justsomeane said in A message to all SAES CS/Admins/HQs/GMs.: Dont worry guys you can always try joining a group for 5 years like me :D Did you read the part where I say people can't join a group because they don't have the necessary skills for it? Just saying .... Then how tf ur clo??
  15. Happy birthday Geri, Gary sounds more cute tbh
  16. So in the end is this topic a "suggestion" how to prevent from losing players and attract new ones? Or a topic that says that is unfair that some groups havent got a spawn yet and discussion if some groups should exist or not, because only a few people talked for the first part only. No offense I respect everyone and their opinion, just asking anyway..
  17. Event type: LMS Event price: 1.000.000$ LWS/G6: Dufabo Event winner: SniperLyfe Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/ftlShEJ
  18. @lincoln well Ceo might be a good group but it cant have opportunities, there are tasks they should complete to apply for private forums like posting 50 events and roleplays, they can get a priv forum after 5-6 month since the group was created and later thinking for spawn. And then how can gms trust a normal group lws and g6 rights? Everything has it time
  19. @lincoln I agree but there are a lot of people who do not think like this
  20. @pump abput ceo it can be answered easily. Ppl claim that if there is lws and g6 CEO is unnecessary.
  21. As the time passes new games and new and improved things come. There are some problems with lag etc that can't be fixed just because how mta was scripted and it isnt possible to improve some things. Well as many players get older they leave the server and appreciate for the fun time they had on the server. If old players leave there are no new players. Yeah mta is in lack of new players, we have seen the number getting decreased. Yeah many people play gta but most of them do not know about mta. It is technology that is being improved and people now have access to new things cheaper. Yes community is what matters, but if your friends get bored and leave the server there stands a chance that you might do that too.
  22. He watched the ucl match I hope that his team won.. Rip Faker. May your sould rest in peace.
  23. I don't get why people call kill-arrest unrealistic while even gta is not an unrealistic game. Why no one complains of unrealistic things when a medic easily revives a guy that has been shooted by 50 bullets. Why no one says that is unrealistic, or when a person argues with an "experienced" player is called retarded, or someone word that has ultimate power is a great solution no matter what it does. There are crash accidents but you can repair the car at a small amount of time, and you can run like nothing happened. Even normal arrest system is unrealistic you get hit by a nightstick and teleport in jail, no court etc... What is unrealistic is that people complain that something isnt realistic in a unrealistic game. Just because they cant get used with it or cant handle it so if a person cant inhernt his will to somebody else it means that the other person isn't "capable". I think that kill arrest is fun and I think it balances s bit things but if you can shoot faster anyway crims can get jbed again and that makes the game more fun for me not "unrealistic".
  24. It is Brooklyn birthday. Happy Birthday Brooook!
  25. Username: vempkiller Last seen: 1 august 2018 Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/NqBcspo
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