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Everything posted by DROT

  1. @Carter even with your rather long list of previous squads/gangs in mind, we've decided to give you first and last chance. Should you depart from SWAT as eagerly as seemingly happened with previous squads, it will result in permanent ~[blacklist]~(red). That aside, ~[accepted]~(lime), contact a HQ in game for your entry test. @Benny based on your past exceptional results in SAT, we've decided to change the status of your application to ~[accepted]~(lime). Welcome back, contact a HQ in game for your entry test. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. -SWAT HQ
  2. SWAT Morning Activity 21.10.2018. ::: :::
  3. Since 2 weeks passed since creation of this topic, it has been archived.
  4. Dear @Benny Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. - SWAT HQ
  5. Modeled on scoreboard we had on old forums, some healthy competition for those who are willing to partake! In addition to tracking amount of arrests, amount of stopped SR's included in separate scoreboard. Arrests Scoreboard Username Nick Value 1 :crown: nori999 O-X99-O 37335 2 :second_place_medal: iSsoUu SAFP-iSsoUu 27118 3 :third_place_medal: hassoni [FOX]Ha$$oni<VL> 25600 4 kajobecha [FBI]Kajo 23791 5 snakeer LE>Goodie[1312] 23619 6 milicajac [SWAT]DROT 22174 7 chernobyl SheraP 21278 8 thereis41 Z-Deu 19746 9 ogulcan01 [SWAT]Flusha 17976 10 buch SAFP-Halo-COM 17186 11 dufabo1900 [SWAT]Dufabo-J1T 15343 12 kurcoglavi [FOX]Kleptix<CoS> 15265 13 deeeep [TT]Deep 14856 14 potato11 SAES>Kain 13631 15 bobi02 Absent 13397 16 cahek23 Sheriff.Sanek 12833 17 shadowr SAPA-Shadro-CPL* 12260 18 davey [TST]Davey[PVT] 11978 19 james69 ICE-James 11878 20 lasanhapt [NNB]iLazy 11665 21 johnk [FOX]Abdallah 11640 22 professorparadox10 U-Paradox 11627 23 hotgun kris 11618 24 hasantahsin123 Five-0-Ryler 11234 25 nice3549 [SWAT]Niceez 11109 26 richardthekiller Five-0-Richard 11034 27 elyessmaoui [ThC]Curvyyy 10944 28 officerraven teddy(cat)(AFK) 10693 29 blackxboy91 [FOX]007 10546 30 malek45 ColdX777 10532 Stopped SRs Scoreboard Username Nickname Value 1 :crown: buch SAFP-Halo-COM 2502 2 :second_place_medal: nori999 O-X99-O 2126 3 :third_place_medal: kajobecha [FBI]Kajo 1866 4 kurcoglavi [FOX]Kleptix<CoS> 1863 5 milicajac [SWAT]DROT 1717 6 james69 ICE-James 1710 7 dufabo1900 [SWAT]Dufabo-J1T 1333 8 snakeer LE>Goodie[1312] 1312 9 kellerman SAFP-Kellerman 1261 10 hassoni [FOX]Ha$$oni<VL> 1096 11 cahek23 Sheriff.Sanek 922 12 glastras96 ICE Sam 13 iSsoUu SAFP-iSsoUu 908 14 kenttabadat Piggy 907 15 zoomspeed ICE-Coma 898 16 johnk [FOX]Abdallah 870 17 dariich CC-Dariich 851 18 mctouch Jeremy_Schmidt 842 19 gullbooy [FBI]Darck 796 20 chernobyl SheraP 794 21 nice3549 [SWAT]Niceez 781 22 professorparadox10 U-Paradox 752 23 alexdvla Alex 751 24 breezy331 [FBI]Breezy 747 25 davey [TST]Davey[PVT] 740 26 pulsarka [SWAT*]Pulsee 728 27 fuerzas SAFP-Robert-911- 722 28 bobi02 Absent 719 29 harrystt [FOX]Access 707 30 piemonster11 SAES>Piem 702 To participate simply post a screenshot with /stats included. If you're already on the scoreboard, please don't post new /stats unless there is at least ~[1000 arrests]~(red) difference between your /stats from last time.
  6. Sorted.
  7. Archived (Deleted)
  8. Sorted.
  9. Please add "Last Seen:" to your post.
  10. Please add "Last Seen:" to your post.
  11. Please add "Last Seen:" to your post.
  12. Hello @Phoenix , you can request a maximum of 2 properties per week, please select one of 3 that you made; for deleting.
  13. Since 2 weeks passed since creation of this topic, it has been archived.
  14. Since 2 weeks passed since creation of this topic, it has been archived.
  15. Archived.
  16. Archived.
  17. Dear @Carter Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck. Please don't post anything related to your result under this topic. - SWAT HQ
  18. Sorted.
  19. Sorted, 2nd this week.
  20. Sorted.
  21. Since 2 weeks passed since creation of this topic, it has been archived.
  22. Since 2 weeks passed since creation of this topic, it has been archived.
  23. Since 2 weeks passed since creation of this topic, it has been archived. Furthermore, posted in auctions forum rather than inactive requests forum.
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