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Everything posted by DROT

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  3. Username: pofkisduchas Last Seen: 23th September 2018 https://i.imgur.com/4uMsYIA.png
  4. As you failed to contact a SAHA agent within 2 days, the property has been set for public sale.
  5. By that logic cops should be able to kill anyone doing /offerbribe for crims. Which would then mean NNB will get spawn killed 24/7
  6. Sorted.
  7. Archived.
  8. Archived.
  9. Since 2 weeks passed since creation of this topic, it has been archived.
  10. SWAT Activity 22.10.2018. Morning Activity ::: ::: Evening Activity ::: :::
  11. @JoGe please include screenshot of /seen
  12. As you failed to contact a SAHA agent within 2 days, the property has been set for public sale.
  13. As you failed to contact a SAHA agent within 2 days, the property has been set for public sale.
  14. Archived, does not include screenshot of /seen and unresolved for 3 days.
  15. Sorted.
  16. Sorted.
  17. Sorted.
  18. @flusha said in Arrests/SR Scoreboard: Nori is not a official squad member This is not a requirement, anyone can post their stats
  19. SWAT Evening Activity 21.10.2018. (Humble 18 Online) ::: :::
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