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Everything posted by Teddy

  1. Teddy


    @Element said in SWAT: Teddy is not even SWAT? NEITHER IS FYRR
  2. Teddy


    Even @Sou the NNB spy was mentioned... We've officially reached a new low.
  3. @M7mod said in Show us your hairy leg!: Is it allowed to post leg pic?? no leg pics are very haram what if a female plays here?
  4. Anti-scam department headed by Mr. @RAMPAGE will monitor and handle this because he loves scam reports. Direct your questions to him.
  5. Lottery has to be done when I'm online so I can take my cut from your tickets.
  6. who cares about CLO/DE? they have other 'special' things like hydras and tanks and are a minority in the server as for the suggestion i say yes
  7. Added to spawn, will be added to discord vc at earliest convenience of a discord HQ
  8. whoever let @Groove in is aids personified
  9. @Combine said in Official Quote Wall: ... ... not a good idea since i usually mute people for 24 hours for saying that so you best avoid me ingame nothing funny about pushing new players away either
  10. I accidentally voted for 3 wanted 6 Why is 3 in the middle of 6 and 8 wtf
  11. @Silence said in Use of Trainers: Good thing that my arrest hack hasn't been caught yet Try turning it on You might get some arrests, too!
  12. do a muscle-up and ski down an ungroomed black slope
  13. @Cruz said in Show us your internet speed !: @markus_ u can easily change the numbers you can but the result ID and the date of the test make it obvious whether you've changed it or not. you would need an IQ lower than my jack russell to not spot a result altered with chrome elements
  14. In SWAT we considered merging with another lvl 5 squad and one of the ideas was a 3rd spawn or spawn in different location or 2 bases so it would be great if those were lvl 6 rewards, think about someone like AA having another spawn and a small base in LV or something with extra kb they haven't used
  15. someone needs to get @horkent up in here he doesn't even know he's a saes legend
  16. @RAMPAGE said in Vote for your favorite SAES Member!: i cried too
  17. @Teddy said in: There's nothing worse than people who quote themselves
  18. IT IS RESULTS TIME ::: Congratulations to the following for becoming Communit :::
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