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Everything posted by Teddy

  1. It's a 20 year old game, nothing lasts forever, if you actually care about saes that much you're probably too far invested for your own good health and social life irl. Saes is doing quite a bit worse than other well known English servers but they're all going down too, SAUR only hits 200 once a week and CIT tops out at 300 still, which is less than 50% from peak. SAES hits ~80 daily and 100 on a really good day which is like 30% of peak but bear in mind e.g. CIT gameplay splitting activity to 3 cities means 300 CIT = ~150 SAES so u spend a lot of time alone Anyway, SAES would be a lot more playable if blips were brought back and all cop changes since 2018 were removed, the server became a lot more toxic since then and a lot more like League in terms of desk bangs per hour as a criminal rather than the casual game it was before .. but that would only bring it back up to 100-120 daily at best.
  2. @sherap2-0 said in [Suggestion] 2 new rules: 2nd rule : Not allowed to get bribe (or spawn as trainee to bribe) in a BR regroup before start the BR. @Versace @Kain @zaza can I be afk bribing 24/7 in sf airport for panel hours
  3. Thanks to all of u & ur omeks :man_farmer:
  4. @Crank said in [CHANGE] Nightstick arrest: What a lot of people miss, especially criminals that barely play as cops is, that cops deal with a lot of sync issues, as Licano already stated. Even though it looks easy to run around, hitting people with nightstick, it is not. Once criminals are moving around it becomes an almost impossible task to arrest anyone soley with the nighstick, as you sort of have to predict where they are running towards in order to have a hit registered. For example, I personally have barely any success to run around and arrest people with nightstick as I got no lag to help me out. This greatly helps out any criminal to just shoot me down with ease. Furthermore, you have not elaborated how this would work once a player has been tased. Do you expect cops to hit them twice whilst they are on the ground? You seem to forget that any kind of hit or shot removes the animation of a tased person (them laying on the ground), resulting in them being able to fire/hit back. Cops already consistently require a bunch of hits with a nightstick to arrest anyone on the ground, I am also not talking about the laggy type of player, because these players are almost impossible to arrest with only 1 nightstick hit even when tased. Also, how would you expect cops to raid BR vault rooms with this change? It is already hard enough to reach the vault room with a half decent BR defense, requiring 2 nightstick hits (at best without server sync) would make crackers invincible to any raid. do they not teach paragraphs in germany shit looks like 50 years of berlin wall grafitti
  5. @Muhammed
  6. @Samuel3021 said in HQ Team Addition!: SAES RPG, It's Lost First it was Nanobob and now comes Teddy. Did it become a hospice? you only talk to me because of my admin cars, but for me you will patrol walking or cycling Respect, I'm naval officer I have a lot of experience in Afghanistan and now lately in ucraine @Underground-Empire DONT OUT FROM PICADOR WHEN U GO EATING FOR IFTAR STAY IN PICADOR I WILL CONTINUE AFTER I would like to thank my sons @Rondaw and @Fugitive for this promotion.
  7. Address: Saes Las Venturas Airport Corp Account name: bas260 Last seen: 25/02/2022 Screenshots:
  8. $5m sent and cars placed. Thanks for donating. Interior added 50 points
  9. $5m sent and cars placed. Thanks for donating. Interior added 50 points
  10. Address: Gardening Tools Store Account name: dormiara Last seen: 22nd January Screenshots:
  11. $2.5m sent and wraps placed. Thanks for donating.
  12. $1m sent and wrap placed. Thanks for donating.
  13. $3m sent and cars placed. Thanks for donating.
  14. $1m sent and shamal placed. Thanks for donating. [s=]:middle_finger_medium_skin_tone: [/s]
  15. $1.5m given & two cars placed, one wrap removed for 15 net. Thanks for donating.
  16. :backhand_index_pointing_right_medium-dark_skin_tone: $1m sent and car placed. Thanks for donating.
  17. @weppo Literally every criminal could make their own video of their own experience where they go in a vending machine but get arrested by a cop they can't kill/shoot first otherwise it's defending outside, how's that different? Both situations are dumb asf.
  18. NRG // Roca Escalante, LV // -10 points / 20 points left
  19. Happy new year all :call_me_hand: except rivals
  20. I didn't think I was gonna make any posts in these forums anymore but :revolving_hearts: Cya mens
  21. @rykila are you http? Because without you I'm just ://
  22. Rationally speaking considering how dead turfs already are & how demotivated one side is to bother fighting non-HS turfs, are you gaining anything by this potential update? Unless UE plans to fight HS etc for fun, this seems pretty pointless overall, or at least, fitting a completely different era of SAES. Realistically you're only reducing the number of turf zones that will be contested, whether this is your intention or not.
  23. Was about to log on SAES but there's 91 players at 17:00 on a Saturday so I'll use my time here instead as I forgot to reply: @bas260 said in GM Questionnaire: Why are you not a cop?: The cop community in my eyes is more mature than the criminal community. That's just my opinion, I haven't been in a gang or a criminal ever. On your second point. I haven't read all the replies to this topic. But I would just like to point out that the only two cop groups in the game are PC and SAI. HLS? DE? SS? SAPD? They ain't gangs... Compared to criminals having CLO and well, technically OB, though that's dead. A ratio of 2 v 6 at least. @Teddy * There's a general attitude of; if you can't beat them, report them. I've never heard this on the cop side in the 7 years I've played. And this is information you as an admin-only have about the reports. Maybe you're biased because of it. I mean that's not a point of bias is it? Just an observation anyone with an admin panel can make. Cops massively outweigh criminals in reports per day while making up a small minority of the server. Hence I don't even agree with the initial "maturity" point because a large amount of crim players would agree that many cops only play-to-report. Why is the PC spawn locked? in my opinion, because it spawns with rules and a certain level of maturity is expected of you. And if you open up the PC spawns to anyone it would hurt squads and groups. Why would you be in a squad or try to join SAI if you can have the same abilities in a public spawn. Why do you think people join OB? They have no extra abilities over any other criminal spawn which can also jailbreak. Or SAP? It used to be an extra teamchat at best, nothing more. People join these groups because of the camaderie and the availability of like-minded people to play around with, that's what made them special & active. PC is neither a special spawn or a "mature" spawn, and has nearly never been. For most of its history SWAT completely ignored whether somebody was a member of PC because in reality it made no difference to their application or how they are viewed as a person/player, and made little effort to push people inside the group. There was of course bonuses if people were part of SAPA, but for different reasons. It is a redundant "group" in a group sense, and only serves to lock 80% of cop abilities behind disused classes. Opening up PC to the public would give more players the ability to experience different sidejobs (e.g. Detective) and different abilities (Coordinator/Dispatcher) which makes playing cop fun. Locking them behind only makes people less likely to play police in the first place. The inability of trainees to place barriers or even have a shotgun compared to the normal PC Officer spawn is just silly. *The criminals in cop groups problem; this is directly from GM. Not quoted but something like the following is written down somewhere. A group maybe not be some sort of squad for criminals. And the other way around it's also not possible. Yeah I'm aware, hence why I said people don't play as cop more often. There isn't anything to get your attention/interest. A lot of people used to join DE as a criminal, then switch to cop side temporarily or permanently later. Nowadays there isn't anything like that, and no offence to SAI, but it cannot offer the same. ^ In effect the solution to why people aren't cops is multi-ended, and group managers are part of that long-term solution. @Leonard I must say that in my own experience you're incorrect. If I see trainees running around and they are not gang members (who change their name which is incredibly dumb just keep your own nickname). I would teach them how to play the game introduce them to it a little. Find someone from their own country. Tell them what they should try to join if they want it. Just ask @dobroski I helped him when he first joined. Same with @nvidia. I highly doubt this is true to be honest, perhaps not from you, but definitely from the cop side as a whole. It's no secret that the majority of gangs PM new players in an attempt to make them loyal and join the gang, most notably any of the 22 gangs Mrwan made, UE, sometimes Z & CripZ ... ThC and TT scout new players but rarely 'teach' them the game per se, I think only AA doesn't do anything in that sense. On the cop side there isn't anything remotely similar. Nearly all squads refuse to engage with new players, whether they are trainees or otherwise, and ignore their existence. There's just a holier-than-you attitude that squads like SWAT / FBI / FOX are above standards and shouldn't recruit new players. You can even find the exact same words from FOX HQ Howlze in server echo, same was said by a mid level FBI member and from my own experience in SWAT I know we did the same. Of course that means gangs will pick up new players instead, including trainees, so there's rarely anyone ever who joins a squad as a new player. The days of SAPA are long gone, and I would comfortably say the death of SAPA is one of the reasons why cop side began to die in general. There's nothing to get involved in as a new player if you're willing to become a cop, so you end up in the gang side instead.
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