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Everything posted by Teddy

  1. Vehicle 1: Audi (lights1 wrap) --> clo Vehicle 2: Hotracing 3 (lights 1 wrap) ---> clo Vehicle 3: Cheetah (weed wrap) in AA garage ship. Vehicle 4: Suntplane on AA ship. Username: quality
  2. Vehicle Type: Shamal Where you want it placed: SF Airport
  3. @Yoko_Kurama said in DESERT EAGLES SUMMER RECRUITMENT - 2020: @Teddy don't you want to go back? Good luck Only if DE introduces a dog spawn so @Groove can continue to stick around me
  4. @Richard said in Donation: Richard (Amount 20.00 GBP): Requested Awards: receive the money and the spawn awards for the time being.
  5. @Asexyno te abri mi corazon .. lo rompiste worst admin is @Shaun for quiz scams tbh, along with @System31 who supports him because he can't face me. also @Fyrr cause he replies to me after 5 days. he will see this forum tag in about 2 months.
  6. hello Kajo and ~[welcome back to saes RPG]~(red) I would ~[like to once again clear up some of your false accusations]~(lime) ~[about what I have done on the server]~(blueviolet) ~[like the last time]~(navy) ~[what happened is that you were frozen when teddy was ]~(green,teal)~[investigating a bug with caralho @Rivals ]~(orange) ~[and told to move away]~(cyan)~[but instead of moving away ]~(lime,blue,blueviolet,violet)~[you decided to keep ramming my bike]~(maroon) ~[while clearly seeing i had 0 stars because i respawned as admin ]~(olive) ~[and while the person on the bike had 1 star i clearly]~(yellow) ~[told you in main chat and local chat to move away]~(blueviolet) ~[because i am busy doing something.]~(blueviolet,sienna,green) ~[i am aware that you dont understand english without a translator but correct me if im wrong "STOP" also means stop in polish right?]~(navy,purple,orange,red,lime,blue) ~[try to not be annoying as fuck in the game and admins wont have any reason to take actions against you]~(sienna,olive,green,teal,maroon,magenta,violet,blue,cyan,lime)
  7. excuse my aim, at this point it was over 10 mins and i was tilted https://streamable.com/vdetkj https://streamable.com/30jan1
  8. No for a wage just for existing. But a daily bonus given to top arrester / store robber / store rob cop defender / turf zone killer / top trucker / top delivery man / top binman / top medic (by hp) / top mechanic / etc. with an ingame weekly scoreboard would be pretty cool.
  9. his mother eated couscous and animal shits before she gave birth to him
  10. @SheraP said in [SUGGESTION] SAES:RPG ( DEAD ) - SAES:GANGWAR ( RIGHT NAME ): Increase jail time to 7 minutes again ( 420 seconds ) or more ! Increase the time between SR's = less things to do on the server = criminals log off quicker / fewer criminals log in = fewer people to arrest = fewer cops on the server high iq
  11. Aight then, my vote changes to a no in that case, allowing cops to arrest & turf same time is pointless.
  12. @JasonBourne said in [SUGGESTION] Adding Police to the Turfing script: @Teddy said in [SUGGESTION] Adding Police to the Turfing script: @JasonBourne said in [SUGGESTION] Adding Police to the Turfing script: @Teddy said in [SUGGESTION] Adding Police to the Turfing script: It's not hard at all, it's pretty easy to solve reports under current rules of whether gang members are arresting other gang members in turf zones or not. It's .. especially easy if you actually have the zones on your minimap. If cops are allowed to arrest in turf zones my answer would be a definite no, and so would the majority of people who would be in favour otherwise I guess. Cops should definitely be able to arrest in turfs otherwise it would literally ruin their main job and turn them into criminals. My suggestion still remains as it is, make arresting allowed but make the arrested criminals sentence 75% lower. Then .. it's no longer a turf zone. Just an area where you arrest like any other. Completely ruins/misses the point of the actual turf system. Literally proving my point @Teddy said in [SUGGESTION] Make Squads requirements a bit lower: And lastly and most importantly, the suggestions that cops on the server give are honestly stupid and self-hurting. [...] without it cops are self-limiting themselves to SR and patrols only. You're literally giving yourself less things to do by choice. But be my guest Just a patrol, honestly. I mean, no different to raiding a turf right now as a cop.
  13. @JasonBourne said in [SUGGESTION] Adding Police to the Turfing script: @Teddy said in [SUGGESTION] Adding Police to the Turfing script: after arresting is strictly disallowed in f1 rules in and around active turfs, yes Arresting shall not be disallowed due to the fact itd have of been hard to discern whether a cop arrested someone in a turf zone or not, what i suggest is a lower sentence for the crims arrested in one. It's not hard at all, it's pretty easy to solve reports under current rules of whether gang members are arresting other gang members in turf zones or not. It's .. especially easy if you actually have the zones on your minimap. If cops are allowed to arrest in turf zones my answer would be a definite no, and so would the majority of people who would be in favour otherwise I guess.
  14. @Ramby said in [SUGGESTION] Make Squads requirements a bit lower: The moment I log in, mandatory this, spawn now! I just want to play for an hour or 2, have some fun and not record evey step I make on the forums to prove "we're active" . Take it all less serious and keep the fun going. Instead of the 2nd job as it's now. I agree with the sentiment, I don't like it either. However it's also a personal choice. At ThC we don't do that at all, we see zero need for posting mundane stuff like going to storerobs together or make pictures 24/7. Other gangs do, that's their choice, we aren't gonna take time and enjoyment out of the game to spam F12 more and upload more pictures on the forum to prove activity. Although that might be the biased perks of being level 5 already. We haven't changed our posting behaviours that much either, we post the usual gang stuff of bankrob and turf and tab activity (despite new rules not counting the last), and sometimes people post storerobs and br assistance from their own will, we definitely don't force it or even encourage it. If it's not enough then that's gang requirements stupidity, to be honest.
  15. @AntiRug said in [SUGGESTION] Make Squads requirements a bit lower: @Tritosh That's why it's gotta be changed. You saying "arresting isn' hard" makes no sense, because completing a BR against 10 cops when 100 crims are guarding it, takes no skill what so ever. It might be boring, but it's gotta be changed instead of getting ignored. It's never 10 cops. A BR in SF bank with James online counts James as 20 cops, because of respawns. Crims inside don't have infinite or repleaceable health either, you finish with what you came with. As a cop with a property near a bank you effectively have 1000+ hp for a bankrob. 2000+ if you're HLS.
  16. after arresting is strictly disallowed in f1 rules in and around active turfs, yes
  17. Also cops can't join groups like OB and CLO where a lot of fun is, instead being stuck with choices like DE, where they can't even spawn without permission or go AFK under threat of a kick. HLS is a mysterious group mostly based on your relationships to the people running it in FBI & SWAT - if your relationships with that circle isn't good, you aren't joining. Joe got HLS less than a week after joining the cop side, most cops outside of FBI/SWAT never touch the group after a year of playing as a cop. There aren't any other cop groups, so you're left with throwing an application to become a trucker in ALT and hoping for the best. Like honestly, fix your fucking groups ngl.
  18. Decreasing squad requirements doesn't increase cop activity, it simply means there's higher level squads with more rewards easily. There needing to be 10 instead of 20 members for a level 4 squad, doesn't mean that next month we're going to see a doubling of squad members. At the very least, decreasing squad requirements gives 0 help to squads like FOX and SWAT, so absolutely nothing changes. All it does in fact is make people more likely to make a new squad. Most new squads/gangs don't last very long, and a new one would pull people away from existing ones only to bring them back later. Most crims aren't interested in the cop side, so any crims that make a squad are going to be making it for fun then stop when the fun stops like Five-0. Consolidation is not a bad thing, I don't see anything wrong with the cop side being reduced to a few professional squads so that they can be even more active. Let's stop thinking that making the game easier for cops will mean more cops because we've done that many times (e.g. kill arrest, v8 for police cars/increasing police car speeds etc.) and it absolutely never worked. I think the more important point here is that I've left SWAT almost 1.5 years ago - literally nothing has changed for cops since then in terms of their abilities. Cops still go to store robs, jail breaks and general patrols. Their gameplay is 100% reliant on crims getting wanted levels. There has been zero script additions. The gameplay simply gets incredibly boring after you're done kicking ass of moaning crims. The game is unfriendly to people who start out as trainees. They don't even have access to /radio, and official squads stupidly don't want them to have it, so new people just switch to crim. Straight away you feel unwelcome and don't bother continuing. The restrictions we made over time for spawning as warden/state trooper are stupid and should have been for reward purposes only like "Congrats, new spawn for so many arrests!" instead of "Ok, we trust you not to be stupid after 100 hours, have this shotgun on spawn." .. shotgun is literally a basic necessary weapon for cops. To not include it under trainee spawn is just insane. Especially since by default it does no damage and a new trainee will take days if not weeks to figure out what LALT does. The BR meta has been completely broken and it works on two bases - either the cop side is dead, in which case bankrobs are unstoppable, or the cop side is active/normal, and bankrobs don't happen. I still remember laughing a long time ago in admin chat after the HLS bankrob changes a few months ago - when the cop side was relatively active 90% of bankrobs happen between midnight and 6am .. obviously this is highly unenjoyable for anyone who doesn't play outside those hours, whereas those cops who do have lots of fun. When the cop side was active there was once a 4-day period where not a single bankrob happened between peak hours of 12:00 - 23:00, because gangs couldn't be bothered with the likely fail. It's either incredibly unbalanced or incredibly unbalanced. The new trend of buying up houses to nolife spawning around banks has pretty much ruined it for all other cops. Making things easier for cops, doesn't mean more cops. ETF wouldn't have survived anyway. For gang management purposes their leadership was relatively inactive. Creating a squad or gang on this server is unsuitable for anyone under 21 or even 18yo anyway cause of the time investment. Giving cops an incredibly OP water tank hasn't made cops more active. It just made seeing it incredibly annoying for any crim. And lastly and most importantly, the suggestions that cops on the server give are honestly stupid and self-hurting. Take the most recent example of JB cooldown -- literally why. Instead of avoiding jailbreaks / jail area, cops who don't like dming around go to the jail area and die anyway, then moan. It's so easy to just .. drive around it. Jailbreaks are a major part of gameplay on SAES, without it cops are self-limiting themselves to SR and patrols only. You're literally giving yourself less things to do by choice. Honestly just disallow arresting in & around turf wars in F1 and make a slight tweak to add Official Squads as a turfing team in the turf script, turfing is a major part of the server gameplay and giving cops more things to do like this is so simple since the script exists already. Just let cops make a turf neutral and give them money for it while giving them fun fighting for it with guns, it's so simple. I might be insane but I believe that you'd see a a huge increase in cop activity if that happened. Otherwise any complaints about cop activity are a direct reliance on script development. Gameplay changes will do nothing other than shift the meta around.
  19. No for unlimited amount of glues, those should be reserved for the current cars which you can glue. But 100% yes for a small limit, e.g. 1 person can glue on a 2-door car and 2 people can glue to all 4-door cars.
  20. everyone, let's tag @n0vis0ry
  21. happy birthday frr n7ebk :blush: when pubg
  22. @Trap said in I'm gonna donate 50 GBP: @Teddy <3 <3 n7ebek
  23. @Medelln-Cartel @Arms-Assassins @Al-Munazama @CripZ
  24. I have an addition to my suggestion spree Let's ban Liyones from the forums plz @Kain @NanoBob look at votes plz
  25. @Ikzelf said in COP SUGGESTION: Making things easier for cops isn't gonna work to get it more active. Its already hella easy to gain a mil every day while playing as a cop. Being in a gang just gives you more freedom and activities to do. Precisely this. Being a cop is easy, it's just boring. You literally only have one thing/script to do, which is arrest. I suggested 2 years ago to disallow arresting in turfs and let cops turf down a zone to neutral APB:Reloaded style, but not enough people support it for devs to care I guess, that would be cool.
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