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Everything posted by Teddy

  1. @xavier said in Interested in joining SAHA? Apply here!: Personally, through looking at the applications above i've already found at-least 5 people worthier than me to join SAHA. But i decided to try my luck. Look on page 2 and 3 as well though. :sunglasses:
  2. So if a criminal is pointing a gun at you while you are chasing his friend with stars, your partner wouldn't be able to kill them because they're unwanted until they shoot?
  3. A warp back to safe vaults/red door on kill? Not sure that's too feasible to do
  4. @ikzelf said in [POLL] Kill arresting in interiors: How long will the test period last? a week or two although people can start giving opinions already if they experienced it i assume the poll will be reset and it will stay if it's not controversial enough (i.e. ~75%+ keep). although we'll also look at the effects like frequency of jbs (going down?) but i assume that will be reflected in the vote
  5. everyone who dislikes mickey's post gets $5k ingame
  6. @tefa said in July Updates: Great new things will get the exciting part of saes back again , but what is KATLA? -> when you realise 2.0 was in development for so long most most of modern players don't even know what it is
  7. Making the lines behind gate 2 would make sense since gate 1 is more of a staff area with computers etc
  8. @filex said in [POLL] Kill arresting in interiors: Well I see that this will make SAES a server simillair to any DM server (without mentioning names) where you arrest by killing, SAES has a priveledge of the nightstick arrest method which is special and gives something in plus to the server So if it comes to my miserable voice i will easily and with all respect say that this wont work. Different servers have different arrests, there's arrests by kills, arrests by nightstick, arrests by handcuff, arrests by car transport, arrests by shoot-to-knock-out & bring to station and others I can't be bothered to name. SAES certainly isn't the first to have nightstick arrest (and isn't the only one now, or even the most popular server with that by player count) and the only original arrest system SAES had is the arrest by one-hit taze. Which is gone.
  9. @skerdi We'll obviously test it to see how it works in practise, and if necessary add balancing features. Since kill arrests already favour the police side, we decided that cutting arrest time in half is at least a fair balance backwards. So someone with 20 stars would go to jail for just over 90 seconds, meaning they could return to a BR much faster just like police officers respawning. Currently that jail would be 3.5 mins, which after 2nd gate means there's no point returning to a BR. Same is roughly true of jailbreaks. Additionally it will raise server activity as people would only be in jail for 3 mins instead of 7, allowing them to return to whatever activity they were doing earlier much faster and so have more people on the server rather than AFK in jail or on PD release.
  10. fake recruitment real DE recruitment is tomorrow 0/10 for the late 1st april joke
  11. depends if cops can rob gang banks as an anti-corruption/extortion/laundering move
  12. Granted, but you will have no internet I want a Ferrari
  13. Granted, but he'll be allowed to PM you all the time I want England to win the WC
  14. Information thread If you would like to CHANGE your password, you need to press F1 while ingame and do the following steps: Press F1, click "Change Password" (bottom right) and then fill in the spaces. If you would like to RECOVER an account (/forgot your password), we do not currently have a working webpage for you to do this automatically since moving to the new forum. So your only option for now is to contact an admin and politely ask for them to do this manually. To do this either go on our official Discord server (https://discordapp.com/invite/MR64u4T) or PM an admin on forums or ingame. The admins which have the power to do this are marked with a * on the 'SAES Members List' on F1. Please note that while we will try our best to help you, in some cases we are unable to verify you are the owner of said account, in which case we will not be able to assist you and the account is basically gone. If you do need to recover an account, please provide your IP (https://www.whatismyip.com/) as well as your SERIAL (F8 ingame, type serial, copy result) to the admin you are dealing with. Please also provide the old username (if you remember), the forum nickname on old forums (archive.saesrpg.uk) and the e-mail you registered your old account with (if any of these 3 are applicable) In many cases we will require more information, such as what cars you owned, what guns and ammo you had, how much money you had, how many hours you have played, what stats you had, what groups you were in etc. If you cannot answer these and by this stage the admin failed to confirm the account is yours, then you lost it. **** Please note that sometimes the login panel bugs showing your password is incorrect, but this is simply because of the Remember Me function bugging out. Simply delete what is in your Password box and type it again as a first resort before trying to reset your password. If you would like to MULTIACCOUNT, bad luck, you cannot. It is not allowed to multiaccount, and if you share a computer with other people in your house or you play publicly we may require proof. Further information can be found on this topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23831/multiple-accounts/ If you would like to RESTART your account, whether by starting on a new account or clearing your stats/inventory on your current, again ask an admin with a * on F1 Members List. We may not necessarily agree if the sole reason is that you dug yourself into too much shit with a negative reputation. If you restart your life on SAES with a new account, we will close and lock your old one. If your ACCOUNT IS BUGGED because it says "someone is logged in on this account already" then contact an admin to reset your cache. This normally applies if you are N/A on the scoreboard at the top. Simply ask someone ingame/have someone do it for you or raise your issue on our Discord. PLEASE REMEMBER THE E-MAIL YOU REGISTER YOUR ACCOUNT WITH. Don't moan if you register a fake one, such is the risk you take.
  15. i'm sure a grand total of all two of outfit active members will be extremely delighted to hear they are now a potato-farming kurd gang.
  16. @nav said in Departure from ICE: The meme died your entire life is a meme a bad one, but still a meme
  17. Nothing wrong with kicking inactive members, we do that all the time and have done it since our creation, except for honoraries and SAES. They make the roster untidy and can present a reputation loss if they come back from inactivity and start fucking up on new rules or new features. As for not informing people, I don't see the deal. Unless you are run by Hitler or you are running a kindergarten daycare centre, the HQ is there to make decisions that are in their power. If someone would keep asking me if they can do this and can do that I would demote them because I can't be bothered to deal with that shit if they're unable to figure out whether it's a good decision or not. On the other hand it was a pointless decision because the problem (that being ICE's failure to get a level up) is down to active members, not inactive members. If Sam and James want to run their squad the way they want to run it, let them run it that way. Sometimes being a gang ran by friends for the purpose of friends means giving up hopes of level ups. There's no point of interfering nor is there a reason to, at this point it was clear Sam and James are more interested in running a friendly squad than a serious squad. They have different priorities - level 5 isn't a holy grail and SWAT isn't magically better at 5 than a year ago when it was 4. It's the people that make and represent the squad not some number and rewards to go with it.
  18. A comar, a pyramid and a jew are sitting in a bar...
  19. this is what happens when you don't go through the swat academy! do you want to end up like NNB?!
  20. :astonished: :astonished: Damn it!!! Ty for everything tho!
  21. Teddy

    GTA 6?!

    https://www.gamesradar.com/gta-6-is-coming-in-2019-according-to-gta-online-sending-players-into-panic-mode/ https://support.rockstargames.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360003383108-GTA-VI-Confirmed-2019 Rockstar is really >not< as big of a game publisher as many people think it is, at least relative to the bigger names out there. Also unlike Ubisoft and EA, Rockstar is particularly known for 'perfecting' its games by focusing their entire workforce on one title before it is released. In other words, there's no way GTA 6 can be designed and released in such a short time after RDR2. 2021-2022 is more realistic for GTA 6. Especially since GTA 5 is still profitable for Rockstar. Since the VR version of L.A. Noire was only released 6 months ago, I would bet L.A. Noire 2 is more likely before GTA 6.
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