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Posts posted by TaJ

  1. ^[alt text]

    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[~[TMH]~(#4b8a08) - @TaJ ; @Beckham ;]

    ^[~[B~B]~(orange) - @MArk ; @Melou .]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[There come days when you do not feel like stressing no more. With the global pandemic and other social issues going on around San Andreas; The motor heads founder and leader TaJ was experiencing a similar such day while chilling near the Las Venturas Airport sitting in fellow Beckham's old school classic and drinkin' a few beers listening to 70s' pop. This pleasant moment was interrupted by 2 men dressed in black and moving in Orange, supposedly 2 very dangerous members of "Black Bullets", a world renowned mafia in the underworld of San Andreas. What the proud people actually forgot was that although they were the ones ruling the killing and snatching, roads were still ruled by Taj and team. The duo then challenged Taj for a one on one drag following mocking his car. With beckham's approval, Taj accepted the challenge and told them to follow him into the airport strip which would allow them for a quick battle thanks to his high contacts. The two classic vehicles then lined up face to face in this odd challenge. With the countdown reaching to one, both accelerated their beasts to their max and Taj emerged victorious as speculated. This race was indeed fun but only until the moment the Black Bullets passenger shot at Taj's car right at the last second out of frustration. This was totally unappreciated by Taj who told them to go away and take the defeat like real men. The situation got back to normal once they disappeared out of the area and Taj and Beck' were back at the location chilling to cold beers.]

    ^[~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): (Click me!)]

  2. ^[]

    @Xtream said in Hell Soldiers | Roleplay Archive:

    alt text

    Roleplay #46

    The Perfect Delivery with @The-Motor-Heads-TMH

    One of the niggas that made it out of the projects had opened a towing company. He became quite successful and is an friend to many of our current Foot Soldiers. We had a delivery to handle over the borders of Los Santos which was quite impossible. Cops have started to patrol more often and there were many deals busted around the border. We contacted our old pal' saying we will make a fake accident where we will purposely bump our vehicle to look damaged. We drove around and got the perfect bump which did cause some damage. We called our pal, which came quite in time with a tow. He towed our vehicle and made this look legit. He drove us to Las Venturas at the location the buyers told us to put the drug crates. Our guy took us there dropped the van and helped us move the crates into the right place. When we tried to pay him the fee of transport he refused. As he said " I do not take money from my homies". We shook hands and we all left back to our business.

    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7uzD0Wm

  3. ^[]

    @Final324 said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive:

    Roleplay Title: Weapon Trade

    IAC Members: Final

    Other Practicants: @TaJ

    Description: I've received a phone call from TMH executive TaJ in evening he informed me about he needed some weapons for his organization since he was called the correct corporation i've approved his offer and informed him about payment and stuff on the phone after the phone call i set the weapon crates as the quantitiy he requested from me after setting the products i've settled them in my black jeep's trunk and started to wait after a while i've heard a horn noise came from infront of our HQ's gates TaJ was arrived i let him came in and we started to talk about the business we dealt on the phone i lead him to my jeep and showed him the weapons he slowlly opened one of the crates and checked a bit he was impressed from the quality weapons we had he decided to buy them immediatly and of course i approved and helped him through his jeep with carrying those crates into the trunk we came to the payment phase i gave him a paper with IAC's bank account details writtien on it and TaJ made the money transaction successfully we shake each others hands and he left our HQ for a meeting with other TMH executive members after another successfully trade i sit on my sofa and started to smoke my cigarette by watching to sky .

    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DnOkMbM

  4. ^[]

    ^[~['Sure I'll work on it in the meantime.']~(#005550,silver,#4b8a08)]

    ^[Participants in The RP:]

    ^[From TMH - @TaJ ; @DJO ;]

    ^[From IAC - @Final324 ;]

    ^[From CripZ - @Murtaza .]

    ^[RP Scenario:]

    ^[Night of Sunday the 24th wasn't quite chilling for many. This includes few TMH members, but mainly a "civilian" Murtaza who was just reaching to IAC HQ in Los Santos to honor a pre-planned ammunition supply deal. Murtaza had contacted Final from InvestArms Corporation for a weapons consignment for his "personal use" and was reaching to the city quite far, just to collect the supply. However, unfortunately met with an accident on the highway near Bone County.]

    ^[The vehicle was quite seriously damaged and shook Murtaza to his core for a tiny second. He could not think of anything to do in the moment until he remembered that his good friend was now racing for The Motor Heads who also provide mechanical services just around the hill of Bone County. Murtaza immediately called his friend "DJO" who arrived as soon as he heard and offered to take a look at the vehicle. Unlike Murtaza who was all safe, the car had some serious injuries and required mechanic supervision as soon as possible so as to prevent any more oil leakage.]

    ^[Together then they drove it to the TMH HQ which wasn't very far. Luckily, at the location was present TaJ as the only yet most experienced technician who decided to take a look first of all knowing that it were DJO's childhood friend. During this time, Murtaza explained DJO about the ammunition deal who then suggested him to ask Final from IAC if he can bring the consignment near the HQ, however not inside. DJO did and Final agreed. Both then had some coffee while spectating the technician do his job. In a while Final called and told that he had arrived and was waiting at the guest house parking just below TMH HQ.]

    ^[DJO told TaJ to inform him once its done and then drove Murtaza in a TMH vehicle to the hill view guesthouse parking to meet Final. After a little greeting came the time to check the weapons and make sure the content were all good. Since it was all impressive load of weaponry that Murtaza actually desired, they completed all the legal formalities of IAC and got them loaded into the TMH vehicle. As soon as the payment was done, they drove back up to the HQ.]

    ^[By this time, TaJ had successfully replaced all the damaged externals and checked the internals for any more damages. He then called DJO to inform that the vehicle were done and that he was now leaving the duty since his time for the day had come to an end. As soon as both of the friends arrived back up the hill, they could see TaJ change into his off-work attire and DJO lead the way into the garage where the vehicle was all done and ready for Murtaza to drive back. When asked about any payment DJO immediately denied remembering their friendship that goes way back so long.]

    ^[Screenshots :]

    ^[Click here!]

    ^[-Thanks buddies, CripZ and IAC for participating.]

  5. ^[]

    ^[~['Right on mah way, allies!']~(#b03c6c,black,#4b8a08)]

    ^[Participants in The RP:]

    ^[From TMH - @TaJ ;]

    ^[From AA - @Canelas ; @pinkyyytinkyyy ; @Velona .]

    ^[RP Scenario:]

    ^[It has been quite some time since TaJ went for ground duty as a technician. But why would he? There are others for the same. But this mentality changes when your top priority clients call. The same happened today when TaJ, already in his technician attire was working on a casual maintainence client car, when he received a phone call from Arms Assassins' Leader, Canelas. The fellow leader called in to get TaJ to look into a trouble making Sabre of the organization. TaJ wasn't very tight on schedule hence agreed to reach the location.]

    ^["Hello I'm here!" yelled TaJ at the entry of the mega private port when Canelas, who was already waiting right there came forward and helped him find a parking spot. Both then shook hands and got joined by a fellow AA, Pinkyy and then continued talking about the request. All then got in a private car to get inside the highly secured parking garage. The location which were no less than a heaven for a petrolhead, had the Sabre parked at quite a convenient location. Thus TaJ went ahead to get a closer look.]

    ^[On a detailed briefing about the vehicle, it was found out that many organization members had complained about the gearshifting. This indicated the issue must be with the transmission, or perhaps due to overall lack of care of the vehicle. This been said TaJ asked Canelas to assist in opening the hood. With his basic tools, TaJ checked the entire hood and tightened the loose screws and more. Some essential fluids were also replaced, including the gear oil which is required once in ages, just to make sure the trouble does not continue. TaJ then went to check the floor and found a broken piece which was causing some leakage. Luckily a spare was available in TaJ's mobile kit, and thus got replaced pretty quickly.]

    ^[As a final check, TaJ took a look around the vehicle and found the rear bumper to be loose too. He then voluntarily pushed it in and screwed it back together. This ensured no more apparent problems with the vehicle and so TaJ asked Canelas if there was any other vehicle he could take a look at. Canelas did not recall any other such vehicle from the top of his head, although he called his available fellows from the gang to ask if they knew any. A member named "Velona" did have an issue with his personal vehicle and so was called ASAP since TaJ had to leave for a meeting.]

    ^[Velona arrived quite quickly and showed his Picador to the lead technician. The vehicle was looking quite good ignoring a few scratches, however the main issue faced was a not properly working Speed-o-meter. This unit however can not be changed so quickly, and for this the dashboard needs to be taken out. Velona agreed to simply replace it with a new one, which would again take more effort and manforce. This was better to be done at TMH HQ and so Velona promised to stop by there sometime soon.]

    ^[Now came the time for TaJ to leave for the meeting in order to not be any more late. Thus he greeted all for a final time and was dropped out to the place where his vehicle was passed. No payment was to be made thanks to the agreement in place by both of the organizations, hence a simple wave was enough for TaJ to continue his way back.]

    ^[Screenshots :]

    ^[Click here!]

    ^[-Thanks buddies, AA for participating.]

  6. ^[alt text]

    Participants in The RP: TMH - @TaJ ; HS - @Juan

    RP Scenario: It has a been a while since TaJ who recently returned on the streets of San Andreas after a trip to Canada had met some of his old friends. As he was sitting in the TMH HQ office of his, he received a phone call from an ex buddy Juan. Juan had dived into the underworld activities after being mates in university so they kinda lost touch but he recently found TaJ's contact and wanted to get back in contact. After a wonderful greeting they questioned one another about what's going on lately and Juan challenged TaJ for a 1v1 race as soon as he found out TaJ now leads a successful race group. This been said the two decided that a face to face meet is much better and so decided to meet by the Las Venturas Casino where Juan often hangs and tries out his luck. As the duo met in their wonderful rides, TaJ found out that Juan recently got released from the prison and this made his confidence of winning the race even stronger. However, as the duo decided to line up for a race ending at Los Santos Airport entry and went on a count of 3, it was vivid that Juan hadn't lost any skill, rather gained a few. The adrenaline filled race was highly enjoyed both and fortunately went safely, although the result was more in favor of the HS member, Juan. TaJ greeted his fellow after the race and congratulated for still having it in him. They decided to stay in touch and at that point left the location for their respective meets.

    ScreenShot(s): Click here!

  7. Your ingame username: taj125
    Your ingame alias: TaJ
    Your year of birth: 2001
    Your gender: Male

    Nationality: Indian
    Country of residence: Canada

    How long you have been playing SAES: Since I were 10.. 2011. But been inactive for afew years in between; pretty active since 2015 onwards. However, currently inactive but will be back as soon as stores open and I grab my laptop.
    Qualities you can offer: Not currently, however Activity may stay at top of the list. Moreover, I believe to have good communication skills and friendly behaviour which I personally find very important in a SAES staff. Apart from that I know a lot about the server and the rules, hence potential enough to help the new players and pretty much anyone. I also have a good sense of serving justice learned from experience of leading a group with quite a controversial history altogether, hence I forever try to do whats right, not beneficial to myself.
    Your weaknesses: Activity right now fits this criteria of weaknesses too, but not for long. Secondly Id like to include that I dont have a lot of knowledge regarding scripting and such, hence a bit weakness. Would forsure look forward to improve my area of expertise if given a chance.

    Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): Community Staff

    Do you have Discord Installed: Yes

    Reason for application: Basically being anyones ultimate goal of playing on SAES. Ive been around for years. Been through ups and downs of the server and the quality of gossips and players. Never had much confident in serving the community as much as I do now. I always play for fun and not the achievements. However this is one Id sure love to achieve after contributing the community for long with helping and entertaining many. Plus you guys wont regret having a genius loser around

    Server Memberships:

    • The Motor Heads - Leader.

    • InvestArms Corporation - Honorary (Ex-HQ).

    • Cuban Cars - Impounder.

    • Cunning Stunts - Member.

    • Medelin Cartel - Gang Member.

    Additional information:
    Hello friends, I am TaJ aka the famous Indian (preferably Pro). I recently shifted to Canada for study and working purposes hence lack of laptop prevents me from playing anything currently however will soon get one. As far as my SAES career is concerned, Ive been playing from a long long time and hence achieved quite many honours including ProCops, memberships of prestigious groups such as SAI, SAFD and much more. The biggest of them was building a group from point zero to being official despite many odds proposed by the rivals. Theres much more to me than possible to include here, hope yall were observant enough through the years.

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: A few mutes.
    Previous (legitimate) bans: Once, back in 2017 I believe for being part of HQ team of an allegdcopycat server which was later cleared by Nanobob of not having any stolen resources. Got unbanned in a few hours. The same was closed soon anyways.

    Do you eat pork: Ive tried but hated it. No wonder why you gents are giving it such priority

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