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Posts posted by TaJ

  1. ^[]

    ^[~[SILENT DEATHLY BUSTING.]~(#7d5752)]

    ^[~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 78.]

    ^[~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[From Central Intelligence Agency : TaJ - @TaJ ; Wolf1 - @Wolf ; Ricarda - @GirlyPrimis]

    ^[From ~The Silence of Death~ : Tom - @tomplb14 ; Axestos - @Axestos]

    ^[From The Motor Heads : Harb - @Harb]

    ^[~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario:]

    ^[August 25th, 2019; Evening of a Sunday in late August was rushy, for CIA Agents down at Las Venturas Police Department headquarters.]


    ^[The agents were all busy with their basic law maintaining activities when suddenly, the states CCTV operator rushed into the hall trying to approach the CIA Chief Mark Calaway, well known by his nickname TaJ, with some unexpected activities taking place at a warehouse at North Las Venturas, a place generally famous for underworld meetings.]


    ^[The agent requested the suspicious footages to have a closer look and as clear as a car approaching the place chasing what we may call, a civilian, the danger to his life was clearly acknowledge able.]


    ^[The agent decided to work on the information as soon as possible and with the nearest checkpoints approval of just one vehicle with two men wasnt so harmful, the chief himself decided to raid the place as soon as possible and got into his vehicle and left for the destination.]


    ^[Situation at the warehouse being more dangerous than expected and predicted by the agents was known as soon as the gun shots were audible from a far, in fact the mid way of the agent.]


    ^[As Mark reached the location, he could see from far, the two treating the victim as bad as anything as they were using all sorts of painful tools from their vehicle's trunk, aka handheld and shootable arms.]


    ^[Monitoring the deapth of the situation closely, the agent thus also requested backup from Ms.Ricarda and Mr.Wolf1 to arrive from the East as he went from the West.]


    ^[Upon successful reaching of the duo, with radios 1 - 2 - 3 - LETS GO, the agents together raided the place to neutralize the situation.]


    ^[With guns pointed towards the two suspects and a person lying on the ground motionless, Agent Ricarda went forward to check his condition who unfortunately was no more now.]


    ^[The visitors card found in the wallter of the deceased proved his identity to be a TMH Racer who was a useless liar bitch in words of the head murderer.]


    ^[Ricarda then called the forensic ambulance to the location just as TaJ and Wolf handcuffed the suspects who despite clear guilt kept repeating were innocent, he shot himself!.]


    ###The criminals were then pushed into the cop vehicle of Calaway.]


    ^[The suspects were then driven towards the Las Venturas Police Department.]


    ^[Upon reaching, the agents pushed the criminals out of the car and into the Departments premises.]


    ^[Walking through the street into the lockup was the moment when the two actually understood the complexity of their actions as they were pleading to let them go.]


    ^[Reaching inside despite few cries, the agents pushed the two inside and our brothers would get us out anyways. The Silence of Death bitch! was the last words uttered before locking the lockups and waving them a little bye until next time, at the hearing in front of the judge.]



  2. ^[]

    @Ramby said in Fire Academy Application - Ramby - 25-08-2019 [UNDER REVIEW]:

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    Duty report:
    During my evening shift, I drove by a hostile area in the city of Los Santos. I had a report of a 904A and was heading to the destination. When suddenly my tire popped, it could have been a nail or a bullet what caused it. I reported it in via the radio and a member of the SAPD drove by to give me a hand. Sadly, we didn't succeed in fixing the problem, so I had to call a mechanical service called "TMH". They showed up after 20 minutes, together with the mechanic I installed a new tire on the firetruck. I didn't have to pay anything, it was all part of there service. At the end a member of the SAFD came by, to check if I was alright and perform a 10-10.




    A big thanks to @ferthis @TaJ and the SS agent who showed up.

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  3. ^[]

    ^[~[''WAIT, WHAT'S THAT?'']~(#7d5752)]

    ~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 76.

    ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP:

    • From CIA : @TaJ

    • From AA : @chemist

    ~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: Evening of 25th August took an unexpectedly interesting turn for casually patrolling agent TaJ from Central Intelligence Agency. The agent was around the peaceful city of San Fierro when through the North hill towards the south, the agent spotted a what was supposedly "tuned" Toyota Supra. The driver female was quite harsh coming onto the hilly exit and so the suspicion increased by a lot. This then provoked the agent to try and pull her over for a little inspection of his own. As the sign was made, she pulled over and so did the agent. TaJ then walked towards her car and leaned onto the half opened window to talk. The suspect just turned off the high intensity K-Pop playing and greeted the agent. "What's the matter, officer?" said the suspect when the agent corrected and answered her with "Agent, first of all. Here is my badge, I'm the new chief of Central Intelligence Agency - Mark Calaway". This was enough to make the lady take it more seriously as she now stepped out of the vehicle with a little bit show of gratitude. The agent then questioned her about the bodykits on the vehicle along with the exhaust because all of that was surely not stock. The lady replied with the fact that "yes, agent, these are specially transported from Japan but are totally legal and all the fees are duly paid". The agent was satisfied with the answer as soon as she showed him a picture of the receipt in the phone. However, to be totally satisfied, he started noticing the vehicle more intensely and thus asked permissions to check the trunk. The suspect did open the trunk with a little avoidance at first, the reason was now clear. The nitro bottles at the trunk were surely more of a reason for suspicion because these were not allowed on normal transport roads. The lady assured the agent that she or anyone else driving that car never really uses the nitros and that it is mostly only for track-day racing purposes, in fact not even fully filled at the moment. The agent trusted the explanation and with his watch suggesting him low time to reach back to the San Fierro Police Department as the patrol time was over now, the agent let her go and got back into his vehicle as well.

    ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!

  4. ^[]

    ^[~[''MEGAPHONE : TO THE SIDE, PLEASE.'']~(#7d5752)]

    ~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 74.

    ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP:

    • From CIA : @TaJ

    • From UE : @Spinkes khan.

    ~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: August 23rd, 2019. The month is closer to its end but not the spirit of Central Intelligence Agency's TaJ. The agent has rejoined the agency since more than a month now and with every passing day, his spirit of contributing to the agency and hence his hometown San Andreas increases bit by bit. The agent today was at the headquarter all day long working on some department accountancy files when by the evening he requested his senior to deligate the work to a junior for a while so as to go for an evening patrol in the "fresh air that I kinda miss now". The desired then came true and the agent was out on a solo patrol around the city of Las Venturas. Passing through the Pay n' Spray road onto the Old Strip road, the agent saw an suspicious person with an unusual sort of orange vehicle. This sure wasn't a reason to pull someone over, but shattered rear glass is surely a big reason and thus the agent made up his mind to pull over the person to look into the matter since it was not safe to be driving the vehicle in that condition, the fact how it broke was another worry since rear glasses are usually made of a hard glass and thus very unlikely to be broken. Anyways, as the agent used his vehicle's siren, it sure did not seem working for the suspect since loud music of his vehicle was hearable even to the agent. TaJ then decided to use the long unused megaphone to ask him to pull over for a little investigation. The suspect did hear this one however, and pulled over. The agent approached the suspect who had already come out of the vehicle figuring what exactly was wrong here. The agent then told him the actual reason of the pull over, i.e. the broken rear shield. And the reasoning for that was "Some truck's wheel at the hilly terrain of Whetstone made a stone hit the window during my trip there two days ago. I'm already planning to get it fixed, agent". The explanation was sure good but so as to make sure there was nothing hidden in the innocense, the agent asked for his Licensing and Vehicular documents which all seemed clear as far as the government's record was to show. At this moment then the agent returned back the documents and suggested him to get the repairs made as soon as possible since it was unsafe, as discussed above. The suspect totally understood the agent's worry and promised to work on it as soon as possible. Now the agent shook hands with the person as he let him go and eventually himself went back to his vehicle to continue the "fresh air" movement, the patrol.

    ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!

  5. ^[]

    ^[~[''HOLD ON, DOESN'T SEEM GOOD TO GO YET.'']~(#7d5752)]

    ~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 70.

    ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP:

    • From CIA : @TaJ

    • From TMH : @Rainy :flag-hr:

    ~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: Being an police officer is no easy. Neither is any other job to be fair, but this is what Central Intelligence Agency's TaJ who had heard this long before enrolling to the force, just realised. Starting today with a routine patrol earlier in the morning, TaJ was back to Las Venturas Police Department building behind his desk working with a lot of papers and a computer just when an acquaintance had called to ask and meet him "in person" regarding a legal scandal he found himself in. The person was living at a rather far side of Las Venturas, towards the South and so Agent TaJ agreed to meet him and promised him to be by his house in another hour. With around 40 minutes to spare, Agent TaJ now planned to leave for his destination though it was a long time but any unexpected stops are always welcome in an officer's life. With this been said, as the agent went around a mile away from the parking lot, towards the first turn he met with an suspicious person. The person was driving a rather expensive sports vehicle sound of which was hugely loud and unpleasent, atleast to the agent. He then saw his watch which was indicating to a spare 35 minutes thus the agent decided to pull the person over and investigate the matter. As the agent turned on sirens and signed him to pull over, he took a turn and immediately pulled to the side of the road just as he got out of the vehicle and surrendered with his hands held high in air. The agent got out of his vehicle and looking at a nervous suspect, asked him to relax and initated a talk with the person. "I'm sorry to ask sir but is everything alright?" asked him in a rumbly voice to which TaJ replied "yes, it is. May I please ask you for a little cooperation and hence your licensing and vehicle documents, please?". The person handed over the documents right from the car's dashboard which the agent then went to run a check of, at his vehicle's database monitor. With the check turning out all positive, the agent returned the papers and asked to check the front faced trunk "just to make sure everything is alright". The suspect opened the boot and with the check again being all positive, the agent was about to let him go but just then he noticed tinted headlights of the vehicle which was again an offense and so the suspect got ready to pay the fine and getting them removed as soon as possible. With the $55 paid right away, the agent then allowed him to leave and with a little shake the two were en route to their destinations. The watch now indicated a spare 25 minutes which was good enough to reach the destination.

    ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!

  6. ^[]

    ^[~[''PRISON TIME FRIENDS.'']~(#7d5752)]

    ^[~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 66.]

    ^[~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[From Central Intelligence Agency : @TaJ]

    ^[From Arms Assassins : @chemist]

    ^[From Thuga Thugs : @Kim]

    ^[~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario:]

    ^[August 18th, 2019; Sunday evening of the 18th wasn't so usual down at Los Santos, atleast for CIA Leader TaJ. The Intelligent department's report about a pink vehicle kinda heavily loaded with suspicious items heading towards Los Santos passing through the Las Venturas Cross' speed cam caught its way to Agent TaJ. The driver had broke a few traffic lights in the way and so the department caught an eagle eye on the suspect. All of his route was being monitored and Agent TaJ got out to take control of situation just as the suspect supposedly lead to the Los Santos Port area which was lately being known for a lot of criminal activities, the meet was some kind of "deal" from the looks of it. The place in underworld was supposedly known as "TT Base" full form of which is still unknown.]


    ^[As Agent TaJ arrived to the location, he pulled his vehicle to the side from quite a distance to monitor what was exactly going on. To his surprise it was for real a kinda "big" deal there as the lady who owned the Huntley now just opened the trunk and was showing the contents of the crates beneath it to the "TT" representative. According to the agent, it was the best time to catch them both red handed as just as one crate was opened, some shiny metal thing was visible, thus weapons. Agent TaJ then got back into his vehicle and with sirens turned on, raided the place and while getting out of his cruiser, aimed at the two suspects with his shotgun and asked him to "surrender!".]


    ^[As the two surrendered, agent right away handcuffed them with a pair each and asked them to stay shut. This moment the agent pushed them towards the car and opened the door for both of them to sit inside. The agent now shifted his attention towards the contents of crates sitting inside the boot of the Huntley which actually did contain illegal weapons. The agent then used a sealage tape to seal the contents and called impounder and forensic backup from the Police Department to get the vehicle and substances into the custody until further investigation.]


    ^[Now the agent got back inside the vehicle and reported at the radio that the suspects were finally under his custody, now driving towards the Los Santos Police Department's Lockup where he would lock them up until further investigation and until their lawyer arrives. In the way he questioned both of them about their identities but as true criminals they didn't leak a word other than "we're innocent!". The vehicle had now reached the headquarters and as supposed, the agent showed them both the way to the lockup where they were now locked and left to cry and regret their actions.]



  7. ^[]

    ^[~[''WE NEED SOME SUPPLIES, SCIENTIST.'']~(#7d5752)]

    ~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 65.

    ~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP:

    • From CIA : @TaJ

    • From IAC : @chemist ; @Kim

    ~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario: August 18th, 2019. Mornings aren't always tiring but sometimes, beyond limit. Today was a similar case when Central Intelligent Agency's Commander TaJ was at San Fierro Police Department quarters just as he received a call from the Department of Defence, Los Santos. The department spokesperson called to talk about the agency's weaponary situation. As per the government, only one private arms manufacturing agency was authorised and thus the DoD personnel suggested TaJ to meet the officials at "InvestArms Corporation" to get any type of weapon supplies required. To TaJ's surprise, IAC which earlier as he knew was in Los Santos had recently shifted their Headquarter to San Fierro, that too right behind the Police Department. TaJ rang IAC leader's phone who then suggested him to visit at new workshop itself as two of his "best men" were on duty at the moment. As supposed, TaJ got a ranger and went to the 5 minutes away headquarters. As he parked the vehicle, a person in armed soldier uniform signed him to meet the person standing further away in a white coat. The person was none other than Senior Scientist Chemist, and the uniform person was Regiment Commander Kim. As TaJ explained the CIA's situation in terms of arms which was quite bad, the IAC offiicals promised him to stay carefree now that he's in good hands. The commander was then shown several prototypes to choose from and make his personalized order. Chemist then noted down TaJ's order characteristics and told that the desired consignment may arrive at CIA HQ itself by the end of the week since it was an considerably big order and thus required to be built on order. An "advance" payment for which was then made. With a receipt been handed over to TaJ, he then got back into his vehicle and got back to the department building.

    ~[S]~(#69514D)creenShot(s): Click here!

  8. ^[]

    ^[~[''THE CAR OUTSIDE IS YOURS, RIGHT?'']~(#7d5752)]

    ^[~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 63.]

    ^[~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[From Central Intelligence Agency : @TaJ]

    ^[From Arms Assassins : @chemist]

    ^[~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario:]

    ^[August 17th, 2019; Evening of a Saturday differs for almost everyone. While the majority is enjoying a free day, many out there are busy with routine works. Similar situation was for Central Intelligence Agency's Commander TaJ who, after a busy day catching criminals and dealing with offenders of the law thought of taking a little self refreshment break as he was passing through a Burger Shot outlet situated at Las Venturas East. The agent who was hungry for hours now tried to sort out of routine and figure out whether he had any meeting scheduled in the hour or not. The answer to the above being a negative, he thought of utilizing this free time of his by having a tasty meal. Thus, the agent drove his vehicle to inside the parking lot and as he came out of it while parking it, he spotted another vehicle right next to his.]


    ^[The car, though quite sporty looking, was supposedly breaking law of the San Andreas Government with tinted windows. With a high chance of the owner being inside the outlet as well, the agent stepped inside the Burger Shot with all focus on surroundings as he stepped in front of the counter and ordered his food. After receiving the tray full of magnificant food, he carefully noticed that only one other person was there which as a lady wearing a white top, thus he went near to her in order to have his meal.]


    ^[As he was done with eating, the lady was about to walk out as well. The agent then stopped her and greeted her with a polite "good evening" just as he asked "Is the purple car outside yours, miss?" to which the reply fortunately was "Yes, it is. Why?" The agent further explained that as he noticed, it had tinted windows which is prohibted for a non-official vehicle or unless a valid permit is granted. The lady was surprised to know this as supposedly her "boyfriend recently got it done for some incremented privacy". The agent asked her to accompany her towards the outside and thus both of them walked outside. The agent pointed towards the windows which was actually quite more tinted than a normal car like his. ]


    ^[The lady understood his concern since this was indeed a breach of the law. She then questioned what was her way out for now, to which the agent replied, "You must get a ticket of nominal $55 fine for this offense. You can pay it out at any nearest Police Department within a period of 1 week otherwise failing to do so might cause further charges to apply". The lady accepted the offer and thus the agent got onto writing the ticket which he soon then handed over to the lady.]


    ^[He then told her to get the tinted filming removed within a week and till then if another police officer harrases her for the same cause, the ticket is her way out of the argument. At this moment the agent wished her good evening as she went inside the vehicle and drove it out of the parking lot with a slight smile on her face.]



  9. @bogiito said in Central Intelligence Agency - C.I.A.:


    In Game Name: boogiito
    Nationality: tunisian
    Languages: arabic/french/english
    Total Server Playtime: 5 years but with breaks
    Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: SAPA
    Current/Previous Groups: none
    Have you ever been banned, if yes, why: no


    For you, what is C.I.A.: C.I.A is a secret Organization who develop new technologies for intelligence research when you say spying you say C.I.A because it have world wide reputation in having many members worldwide doing some spying missions.
    What unit would you like to join in the future, and why: intelligence unit because i have some talent for spying and gathering informations
    What is our main role: C.I.A main role is gathering most possible information about criminals and helping other squads to understand and stop crimes for the security of civilians
    What can you bring to the squad: i can bring only good reputation of C.I.A members with some ( pro cop ) arresting skills . criminals will have more fear of C.I.A agents im faster than a bullet on the road with my super cars collections good driver good guy love cooperating with cops jail will be so saturated. i guess if id give my arrest skills a rate 1 to 10 it would be without any doubt a 9
    Describe a short situation (a few paragraphs), on how you would act during a spying mission: i would be so camouflaged so discrete so fast on the map because of my map knowledge could even spawn as a criminal just to spy the enemies


    Any other information you wish to specify: cop and cop and only cop thats what i played in this server due to my love of arresting people ... i also have many experience in this server i know all the rule servers and C.I.A rules
    Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who: yes hope
    Why did you choose C.I.A.: because i love cop who works with such great team-play i met many C.I.A members when playing cop and they was humble

    Greetings dear applicant, @bogiito ;
    We are glad to have received your application to join the Central Intelligence Agency. Your interest is surely appreciated and thus without taking long, we have decided to get back to you with a verdict as soon as possible.
    Without further ado, I am happy to announce that your application has been ACCEPTED. Please contact a sHQ+ Member in the game itself to receive your ingame tests. Congratulations so far and goodluck!


    @MrTheBank is a noob thai; ty


  10. ^[alt text]

    ^[~[''AGENTS REQUIRE SOME SUPPLIES, SIR.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)]

    ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:]


    @chemist said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive:

    ^[alt text]

    ^[~[Participants: @TaJ ]~(gray,black)]

    ^[~[~RolePlay Story~]~(gray,black)]

    ^[Tradition, quality, and reliability are secrets of the highest quality and reliability of ammunition manufacturing. Also, you may pay attention to :]

    - Fine component selection.
    - Flexible production lines.
    - High standard quality control.
    - Quick response in customer delivery.

    ^[As long as these instructions are followed, it is possible to ensure the best quality products. And this is what we exactly do in IAC Laboratory. Thanks to our teamwork and quality during production, we have many customers today.]

    ^[Today's delivery was for a newly formed police group, which was moving forward with firm steps aka SFC. Many weapons are useful when you are a criminal, but if you are a cop you have to act fast. Therefore, it is useful to prefer lighter weapons rather than heavy ones.]

    ^[When they first came to see me for business, I offered them 45 calibers of Glock G.A.P.]

    Glock G.A.P (Glock Automatic Pistol) is a semi-automatic pistol with low recoil using .45 caliber projectiles. Also available in different versions, such as the Glock 37, Glock 38 and Glock 39, the pistol is widely used in the military for easy transport and handling.

    ^[After a long consultation, they agreed to me and told me to start manufacturing for this weapon.]

    ^[During the production process, I have contacted the authorized persons for the necessary material supply. After I got the necessary supplies, I've started to work at IAC Laboratory. With the help of my colleagues, I prepared the products one day before the delivery day.]

    ^[It was the day of delivery. Customer satisfaction was very important. So I made the necessary preparations in the meeting room. The SFC HQ was coming from abroad, therefore, I sent someone to pick him up at the airport.]

    ^[I met him at the gate when he reached the IAC base. Then we went to the meeting room and had a drink. He told me he wanted to see the IAC lab. This was often the case. The customer arrives, takes the product (or before receiving it) and wants to see the lab. Of course, we had special work plans like everyone else. So I set up the lab before the client came to the base. Because I knew that he could ask to see the lab. After a small lab tour, we examined the products. He said he liked the product and would organize things for delivery. I said we'd help with the delivery and I smiled.]

    ^[I dreamed of going home and resting while the client leaving the base. But I had things to do for the delivery.]


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  11. ^[alt text]

    ^[~[''HOLD ON, SOMETHING'S NOT RIGHT HERE.'']~(#988870,black,#988870)]

    ^[~[R]~(#988870)ole Play Number:]


    @chemist said in Arms Assassins Media Archive:

    ^[alt text]


    ^[@TaJ (from SFC)]


    ^[I was smoking my cigarette with the sound of waves hitting the shore. At noon, I came here with my car to get a delivery. The weather was humid and hot. I didn't want to wait any longer. I looked at my watch and I realized that it was almost the delivery time.]

    ^[I looked at the sea and saw a boat approaching me. I put my cigarette down and put it out. As the boat approached the shore, the intensity of the waves was increasing. Finally, the boat came ashore. We shook hands with the captain. I went to the back of the boat to get the delivery. I got the package and thanked the captain.]

    ^[I put the package in the trunk of my car. I got in the car and started the engine. And I set off.]

    ^[When the most valuable material for illegally produced weapons in your trunk, you get a little nervous. I had to go to the AA base before the cops got caught. With this material, we would have made 55% more profit in arms sales. So I had to drive the car without getting attention as possible as much.]

    ^[I opened a song on the radio. I crossed the Los Santos bridge and, I noticed a patrol car ahead. I fixed my speed, and I passed near the police car. When I looked in the rearview mirror, I saw the siren lights of the police car was on. He drove fast to pull over me. I couldn't take any risks. So, I decided to pull over. I took a deep breath and opened the car window. The officer got out of his car and approached my car.]

    ^[He said hello and introduced himself. Agent 125 from SFC. He asked me if I knew why he stopped me. I said, "I have no idea, I don't know". He wanted my driver's license and ID. I gave him the things he wanted and I waited nervously. The gun on my waist was sinking into my back. But I could draw attention if I made any move to correct it. After reviewing my documents, he said that the right rear light of my car was not working properly and that I should have it repaired as soon as possible. I was relieved. Of course, I said and nodded. He wished a good day and walked over to his car.]

    ^[I started my car's engine to go to the AA base. I reached the AA base without any other problems. I went to the office, made the necessary phone calls. Now I could start the process.]


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  12. ^[]

    ^[Roleplay Number: 61.]

    @Kim said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive:

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    ~[P]~(#49f216)articipants :

    ~[CIA - @TaJ]~(cyan)
    ~[TMH - @Kim]~(lime)

    ~[RP]~(lime) Scenario: It was a normal day on 16.08.2019 in San Andreas. Bone County, Technician Kim, after a tiring day at The Motor Heads HeadQuarters was just back from the afternoon meal when sound of a heavily roaring engine got to her ears which was approaching towards the Headquarters. That person was an Agent from the Central Intelligence Agency who had arrived to the workshop with his Police Dodge. Kim greeted him kindly and welcomed him into the workshop. Kim directed the agent towards the workshop and helped him park the vehicle up the ramp. After a short talk of the technician and the customer, it was certain that the trouble was in the engine unit from where some "weird noises" were coming quite often. After a little checking of her own, Kim was sure about the fault which was a squeaky torn belt. Kim got her tools and started working on the engine, the engine's conditions was kinda damaged, rusty and slightly scratched. Kim then replaced it with a new one. Furthermore, Kim investigated the bottom of the car where she found out a little hole on the fuel tank, Kim then took a flex tape so she can fix the inflammatory risky problem, all that costed 350$ for the customer. Technician Kim and the customer greeted one another good bye before getting back to their routine.

    ~[S]~(lime)creenshots :


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    ^[Thanks for reading!]

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