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Posts posted by TaJ

  1. ^[]

    ^[~[WE'RE HERE TO SERVE THE FORCES.]~(#185e07,#4b8a08,#185e07)]


    ^[~[TMH Executives -]~(#4b8a08) @TaJ / @chemist @Brooks / @Griffin.]

    ^[~[TMH Technicians -]~(#4b8a08) @Bagetto / @ferthis / @Wolf / @Radio_. ]

    ^[~[TMH Racers -]~(#4b8a08) @Final324 / @Spinkes / @DJO.]

    ^[~[Desert Eagles -]~(#185e07) @Pegasus.]


    ^[One of the biggest achievements of The Motor Heads till date has been achieving the authority of solely taking care of Desert Eagles automation. It was indeed an honor when the Senate of the San Andreas elected us for this immensely dutiful work which requires to be done with great responsibility. Today was the day to begin the work on ground after the earlier done test job by just a few motor heads in front of Honorable President himself. Today was the time when the Desert Eagles itself called the headquarters of TMH Technical and asked for presence of few highly effective technicians to get the two of majorly important vehicles that were having troubles of "several sorts" that the military officers and the technical units could not repair themselves even after a plethora of tries. This demand was acted upon at the same moment as TMH Leader gathered all the available members of Technical as well as Executive units and got driven to the base by few Racing members. Upon reaching the highly regarded location of Area 51; Officer Pegasus personally came to the gates and got us an entry inside. After parking the vehicles just at the beginning of the place, the several formalities were to be completed as we had to go through the metal detectors and personal checks by the cadets. Finally after these were done, in a formal line one after another, the officer showed us way to the vehicles ground. Many motor heads having experienced the place for the first time were feeling so obliged. The officer then took us to the particular vehicles which were a "Patriot", and a huge "Barrack". These two, obviously being army vehicles, were tuned to a special extent and thus required heavy maintainence which the army atmosphere could not really provide them with. But that is why TMH is appointed, right? That being said, the officer asked if it would be any better to "bring the vehicles out of hanger of easy inspection" to which the leader agreed and thus appointed the technicians to each vehicle according to the ability and skill. Technician Ferthis along with Executive Chemist and Brooks were appointed on the much more heavy-duty Barrack, while Technician Bagetto along with Wolf1 and Executive Griffin were appointed on the Patriot. Executive TaJ along with Captain Pegasus were keeping an eye on the operation taking place. DE's special care should also be extremely appreciated as we got offered for some drinks and snacks. As the obvious repairs of broken and loosen belts and fluids were made, the officer was asked to check the vehicle one after another and he was extremely happy with what we called in our language, "Mission Accomplished". Pegasus then showed us a way to the waiting lounge where TaJ had a talk with him and told him how much this meaned to The Motor Heads. By this time, TaJ called for a TMH Racer to bring the Bus back to the compound so as to take everyone back. This highly important and effect meet sure helped DE but also TMH, to grow.]


    ^[~[Thanks to everyone for participating.]~]

  2. alt text

    Roleplay type: Vehicles extinguishing and truck repair.

    Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences):

    @chemist said in Chemist's Application for ALT:

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    Type Of Activity: RolePlay
    ALT Members: N/A
    Participants: @TaJ (from SAFD) & @Griffin
    Information/Story: While I was sipping my coffee, I looked at my friend sitting just across me. We spent college years together. Actually, though we both had decided to pursue the same job. But this could not become truth because of a small accident I met with. He became a cop and I've become a mechanic. It was Sunday and I was having coffee with my friend at the police department in Los Santos. On my day off, I wanted to go out and get some fresh air. Then I came here with a phone call from my friend.

    After I finished my coffee, I thanked him and went out of the police department. I walked over to my car and noticed that there was something wrong with its left rear lamp. I approached the car and saw a broken lamp. I had to get it fixed. I got in my car and on my way to my house I decided to go a longer way, that follows through the mountains.
    As I was almost halfway. I noticed smoke while passing through a large construction site. As I approached the smoke, it was harder to see through the windshield of the car. Smoke was rising from the bonnet of a car. There was a firefighter right next to the car. I went to the firefighter and asked him what the problem was. There was a problem with the water pumping system of the firetruck. Actually, it wasn't my job, but I offered to help. We took a look together and realized that a small piece did not function. We performed the necessary repairs to ensure that the part works properly. And finally, the system has worked.

    After the firefighter successfully put out the smoke, he invited me to have a drink. I told him that I was already late to reach home and that maybe we can do it later on. He said, of course, and thanked for my help.

    By the end of the day, when I was heading home, I realized there was another excuse to drink coffee.
    Screenshots: ^[alt text]

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  3. ^[]

    @RadiO said in Fire Academy Application - RadioGaga- 24/05/2019:

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    Roleplay type:
    Description of roleplay: 29/5/2019, was an ordinary day till i recived a report about a cra crash took place at LV-LS Highway. We went to the Location quickly. We prepared our self with equipments and i've take my WaterTruck, while EMT Tapi took his ambulance in case if someone in need of Paramedic help. We parked the vehicels near in the area. There was no Fire, a driver under Under alcohol influence crached into a sign on the edge of the road. After putting out some roadblocks on the right side of the way, i report the case on the radio in case if someone passing by to slowdown and drive safe. The driver was wounded in the left leg. After EMT Tapi put some bangages on his leg, we helped him to get in the Ambulance. On the way to LS Hospital he was ill realy hard, but all went off when he took some sedatives and medical care required. The Doctor say that he need to stay there from some days before he can walk again and go back home.
    Date (DD/MM/YY): 29/05/2019
    Location: From LS Fire Department to LS-LV Highway
    Participants: @TaJ , @Tapi and Me
    Screenshots:Click Here!
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  4. ^[]

    @Kim said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive:



    ^[RP Story:]

    ^[The Tuesday of May 28th 2019 marked the presence of well known The Motor Heads leader into InvestArms Corporation headquarters. I, Regiment Commander Kim, was present there at the very moment when he arrived in a typically strange vehicle. The vehicle seemed as if it had to carry some goods eventually, it was a Patriot. As he stepped inside the headquarters, I gladly welcomed him and offered some treat.]


    ^[As he didn't wish to have anything but "services", we got to the real talk about exactly why he was here. "I actually wanted some hassle-free legalized weapons for safety purposes of our garage" said him as I understood what he actually meant. Upon further talk, it got clear that he posses all the legal documents required and that he has had "countless" transactions with IAC, in the past. Afterwards, I requested him to give me a list of weaponary required so I can work on it and eventually get them shipped.]


    ^[At this point, although he did handed me over the already made list, but also said that he would "prefer" to carry them all himself in his Patriot because those were to be delivered at "several different places". Agreeing to this, I asked him to wait on the couch and make himself comfortable as I went upstairs to get the weapons handpicked and sorted into large bulky crates. As I tried to drag them all down, I realised that it would be a lot difficult for TaJ himself to take all these weapons and unload etcetera, therefore I insisted that I may accompany him to the destination and help with unloading, then come back using public transport.]


    ^[Though TaJ tried to decline but eventually agreed and after loading them to the vehicle, we got going. TaJ's busy schedule was all visible with numerous calls on the way as we just came to the TMH Headquarters, Bone County.]


    ^[Upon reaching, as planned, I helped him unload and then we cleared the dues just after which he sent one of his technician to drop me to a bus station and a happy handshake marked my exit from the headquarters.]


    ^[Thanks for reading!]

  5. alt text

    ~[H]~(green)oster of the Training: TMH|TaJ|L.

    ~[N]~(green)ature of Training [Racing/Technical/Both]: Racing.

    ~[P]~(green)articipants: @Harb @MarksMan @Kim @Hassanson @TaJ

    ~[A]~(green)bout the Training [Little Story]: TMH Leader TaJ initiated a Racing oriented training this evening at the LS Racetrack. Several professional racers from around the globe were called and placed against each other for a neck to neck battle with their lovely machines. One which Harb from TMH eventually won.

    ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Click here!

  6. I do not want to get into this, but 1 group is dead for more than a year and it is having all that which other group is having with 1k posts.. all I said was actually "multiple spawns", "scripts" and such which we have been rejected for quite a few times in past. Anyways, got it and our "monthly report" would be most pleasing that's all i can assure

  7. Actually if I think about this, yes every month can be quite hectic specially when its just to prove you are active and not get anything in return, I'd agree with tut on this or else give chance to normal groups to become more special with their good activity in return too

  8. ^[alt text]

    ~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:

    • From TMH : @TaJ and @PewD

    • From TMH-H : @Kim

    • From rTech : @IceCold

    • From OC : @MetalHead

    ~[R]~(green)P Scenario: A lovely sunny evening of May the 15th, 2019. TMH Technician TaJ was at TMH HQ doing his casual skill enhancing practicing due to less customers work when he received a call from an acquitance called "Kim" who was a new learning mechanic in Bone County. Kim told that how today when he was doing a county wide patrol in his Towtruck, he saw a TMH Racer known as "PewD" together with his friend from rTech, "IceCold" racing together against a stranger from "Overdose Crime" called MetalHead who had just challenged them and their skills and vehicle. This race did not end very well for the favoured boys as their vehicle crashed after it went out of control and had a collision with a tree. The damage was "pretty bad" and all the black smoke coming out of it was "hella crazy". TaJ asked them to come his way as he would work on the vehicle and provide the injured gents with due medication. After this, Kim towed their vehicle and brought it to the destination safely, racers meanwhile were inside it in quite a swere position. As they reached TMH HQ, TaJ helped Kim place the vehicle on the ramp and helped the racers out of it as he made them lie down on the mat and gave some ice bag to help deal with swelling and wounds. A doctor was called as well to treat them in a better way. Moving further, TaJ started working on the vehicle and part-by-part tried to fix it and turn it into a revamped model. The car was soon back to its old position with new glass and exteriors. By this time, PewD and the other racer IceCold were back to their senses and were amazed to see the vehicle's new avatar. This been said, TaJ now worked on its interior and cleared the splitted glass patels and everything injurious. The vehicle was soon totally revived just as the doctor arrived. PewD greeted TaJ and hugged him as he went to the chamber for medical inspection.

    ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Please click here!

  9. ^[alt text]

    ~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: @Glayd and @TaJ.

    ~[R]~(green)P Scenario: TMH Executive team member TaJ was just visiting the TMH LV Race Station when he got reminded of the fact that he should be going for an urgent meet with an alliance group member at the headquarter. He quickly wraped up the work at Race station and went his way to the location. Just as he was taking the first designated turn came a horror scene for every racer/driver. A SAFP Police Officer was standing right there trying to chase down suspectous people. As TaJ crossed him, the officer also followed him and quite soon pulled him over. TaJ stopped the vehicle at once and came outside to meet the officer. As per the officer it was any police agency's right to pull anyone oever whenever they want and thus TaJ simply asked if there was something wrong. For that the officer borrowed TaJ's ID Card and checked it on the digital database platform. The shocking verdict of the officer's quick check was that TaJ had a pending ticket from "around 2 months back" and the payment of $25 was due to be paid. TaJ agreed to his fault of forgetting to pay and without any delay paid the due amount to the officer who then handed him over a Ticket which TaJ thanked the officer for and promised to not let this happen again. With a little wave by each made TaJ way into his car and left the location.

    ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Please click here!

  10. ^[alt text]

    ~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: @Tapi and @TaJ.

    ~[R]~(green)P Scenario: An hardworking evening for TMH Tech TaJ who has been working hard whole day attending to home calls calling for mechanic assistance. This day couldn't go any worse then just as he thought that he got free, he got a call from an old client who could not simply be denied. That client told TaJ that his vehicle was making "weird noises" and that he needed TaJ's urgent help fixing the vehicle before a meeting the next day. TaJ, respecting his old customer, did not decline and thus promised to "be there in a hour". As TaJ was moving to the rich client's house in Bone Street, he saw a new food franchise group Cluckin' Bell's new outlet just near their new headquarters in Las Venturas West. TaJ, as hungry as he was, planned to stop by the outlet and have some food before his next dreadening task. This been thought, he went the outlet's way and parked the vehicle. After making sure that it was fully lock, he went inside and there coincidently, he made Cluckin' Bell's manager Tapi. They had met before at another outlet and so these familiar faces greeted each other as TaJ placed his order and went to get some sprite from the dispancer. As his food was ready, he took the plate and went to the last most bench to enjoy the meal. The food sure helped him recover from all that hardwork and get back on track to continue doing so. TaJ then said a happy bye to the manager and went his way to the car and eventually, his job.

    ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Please click here!

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