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Posts posted by TaJ

  1. (Disclaimer : This is a new Media topic after the deletion of old one by a Sacked HQ team member. Apologies.)


    Hello and Welcome to The Motor Heads Media Archive. Here you shall be able to view our Activities, Roleplays and Events.

    Our Post Formats :

    Role Play Number:
    Participants in The RP:
    RP Scenario:


    Event Number:
    Event Type:


    Date and Time:
    Number of Members Online:
    ScreenShot(s)/If Any:

    alt text

    Hoster of the Training:
    Nature of Training [Racing/Technical/Both]:
    About the Training [Little Story]:


    alt text

    - TMH Racers Take On [Name your opponent here] -
    Winner & Prize:



    - TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working] -
    TMH Technicians Involved:
    Estimated Duration of Working:
    Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired:

    Thanks for viewing The Motor Heads' Media Archive topic. We hope you have a nice day ahead!

  2. Involved SAI members: Mark_Calaway (TaJ), John_Carrick (Flex)
    Other involved people: Klay_Johnson (Tefa) and Ramby.
    Date, time and duration of activity: 11/08/2018, 20 minutes.
    Activity type: State-wide patrol and Speedtrap at LS-LV Highway.
    Details: The patrol started at SAI HQ, moving to LV Central along with Sergent John Carrick and a Fellow Officer Klay_Johnson. After successfully roaming around for a long time, we went to LS-LV Highway where, with help of Mr.Carrick, a speedtrap was arranged and the traffic control was maintained.
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BkabZmc

  3. In-game name: TaJ (Commonly known as [NNB]TaJ<sHQ>).
    Username: taj125
    Age: 17 Years old (In existence since March 2001).
    Nationality: Indian (Punjabi to be specific).
    Previous bans/punishments: Yes, a Ban, Once, for being admin in a "copycat" server but later it turned out that there was not even a small copy of some sort, and hence I was unbanned in 2 hours.
    Why you think you would be suitable for the role: Well, Let me describe this in a few different parts, mentioning all the Merits of giving me a chance as a SAHA Agent;

    • Old and Experienced - I am familiar with the world of SAES since 2010 when my brother and neighbor were extremely active players while I was a type of observer, and also started playing as a newbie in 2012. That phase didn't last long so it won't be appropriate to mention it alot, therefore I will say that I am back to activity in September of 2015, since when I joined many different Official Gangs and Squads, currently serving the National Narcotics Bureau from the past 1.6 years at the rank of Sub HQ. Talking about my groups life, I am and have been a part of many groups in past including my Government stay as a DoT HQ, which gifted me alot of skills and management knowledge thanks to which I am able to lead a Semi-Official group called TMH since many months now, which is on it's way to success (hoping so).

    • Hardworking and Devotee nature - As the header explains, I feel myself to be Hardworking and Totally Devoting all my concentration to a particular job or task handed over to me. This does means that I will try my best to complete all the jobs of a SAHA Agent thrown at me, and not just be one for name's sake.

    • Loyal and Trust-worthy - My long stays at all the groups or the squad I am member of might notify you the sense of Loyalty I have in my own self. This would mean that I won't suddenly behave like a tard and leak the information of the agency, I will also try my best to do my job with all the secrecy that is required.

    • Good English/Communication Skills - Being a old member of this lovely community, I have fluent spoken English and a fast typing speed, which means that there won't be any delays in the communications done against me, thereby making the agency heads' as well as customers' job effective and efficient on my part.

    And now I would like to conclude my application for become a SAHA Agent, and also wish a Goodluck to all my fellow applicants.

  4. @riley said in NNB - National Narcotics Bureau:

    Section I: General Information

    In-game name: Riley
    Account name: rendor123
    Real name: Bence Horvth
    Title(Mr/Mrs): Mr.
    Date of birth: 22/12/2000
    Origin country: Serbia and Montenegro
    Country in residence: Serbia
    Timezone: GMT +2
    Spoken languages: Hungarian, English, Serbian, German ( a little bit)
    English proficiency on a scale of (1-10): Well, I would say 7/10.
    Do you have TeamSpeak 3/Discord/Whatsapp installed?: From these, I only use Discord.

    Section II: SAES Experiences

    How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: I started my carreer on SAES, like 2,5 years ago. But I would say my active period started in 2017.
    Previous organization(s): National Security Agency, San Andreas Police Academy, Federal Bureau of Investigations
    Why did you leave or why were you kicked? Briefly explain: NSA: Originally I left the NSA to join the police academy with the plan to get PC diploma. SAPA: I left the academy once I got PC, and now becouse of lack of cadets.. lack of job. FBI- I left the FBI when the squad became super inactive. I was the only active member.. but without squadmates you can't be happy there.
    Have you ever been punished by staff(s)? If yes, briefly explain: Yes, unfortunately I have. Once I was a newbie here I got adminjailed becouse of the reason: DeathMatching. It was a good lesson for me, and from then I never broke a rule.
    Do you have Professional Officer Certificate?: Yes, I have.
    If you had it before, how did you lose it? Briefly explain: N/A
    Are you a part of any group in SAES? If yes, state your position within the group: TMH-Technical Division member, ProCop

    Section III: Theoretical Knowledge

    Write a summary of your qualification(s): Well, in the SAPA I was a semi-instructor which means I was studying to be a full instructor. Becouse of that I could count my RolePlay knowledge, my driving, and also my communicating skills as my positive qualities. Also I'm a maximilist, which means if I get a job.. I want to do it perfectly.. and if I fail, I will try again.. with more effort.
    What is your greatest weakness?: Well, since I never been in any gangs my shooting skills aren't the best. As a SAPA officer, and as ProCop I'm not allowed to shoot anywhere. But this shooting skills doesn't matters. I could be really angry on those people who do nothing and they are trying to know everything better than somebody else.
    Why do you want to be part of the NNB?: I heard a lots of things about the NNB. About it's community, role, etc... . When I'm trying to find a squad for me, I only care about the community. While I was on my education in SAPA, 2-3 NNB agents helped me with the driving, and radio handling. I didn't know them, neither they me.. but they handled me as their friend. And that's a really big positive thing about the NNB members.
    Why would we choose you rather than the other applicant(s)?: It's a really hard question.. since every single person got a positive side. I think I would show great knowledge about the police RolePlaying, and driving. I'm a sociable person with high rate communicating skills thats why I think I could make friends easily.
    What is the role of NNB in SAES? Briefly explain: NNB (National Narcotics Bureau)'s role is to "make SA drug free". I would say their role is to detect drugs, find the source of the drugs, and stop the drug dealing all over San Andreas.
    How would you describe roleplaying? Briefly explain: Actually "RolePlaying" means acting in real life. Every single "spawns" got a role, how to act.. what's their job etc... ( f.e.x. If you are spawned as criminal, your role is to act like a real life criminal (illegal activity), and not to respond to wounded people)
    What does "Team Spirit" mean to you? Briefly explain: "Team Spirit" should mean that the members in the same organization (or people with the same role) could work as one team. They should make decisions which is good for everybody, they could make plans, and they could tell the others their problem.
    If someone kills you for no reason, what would be your first reaction? Briefly explain: Well, this rulebreak for me doesn't count as "instant report". I would ask the person what happened, and we could discuss it ingame. (If the suspect is new on the server I would explain him the "DeathMatching rule") But if it happens more usual with the same person, I will make a proper report to the "Community Staff team".
    How would you describe marker arrest?: If you are in any interior, and you use your tazer in the first seconds when a wanted person enters it, then it's marker arrest. Also this could be happen outside of the interior. The most useful practica is to wait them to make a couple steps and give them time to react. ( 2-3 seconds)
    How do you describe yourself to people? Briefly explain: Greetings. I'm Bence, and I'm 17 years old. In September I'll start my 4th year of secondary school. I'm interested in football, waterpolo, cycling and programming. I'm a goalkeeper in my city's football team since 6-7 years. I think I'm a polite person, with the ability to communicate with any kind of people. With my friends I usually hang out with a pizzeria where we are telling jokes and speaking about the terrible schoolyears. I'm not a "Non-stop studying" student, but since I'm a maximalist I'm trying to learn everything what I will need in the real life.. and what is a must.

    In addition; a screenshot of you, while doing an animation in front of NNB billboard. Post your screenshot inside of a spoiler



    Greetings @Riley.
    First of all, I'd like to thank you for showing interest in joining the Narcotics Bureau. Now coming upon your application, I'm delighted to inform you that due to the fact that you seem to have ticked all the brackets that are required to be a Narcotics Agent correctly, therefore you are now ~[Accepted]~(green,lime) on the theoretical applications stage. You should now meet a sHQ+ Member within the game itself (or after fixing a time through our discord) to receive your in-game tests. Congratulations and goodluck!


    On behalf of NNB HQ Team,
    Sub HQ,

  5. alt text

    -=(navy,gray,silver)'Keeping up the Stock.'=-

    @chemist said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive:

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    Roleplay With : NNB
    Participants : @Quiz @TaJ
    Story : I got a call from our HQ. We had a problem with a delivery we had made it before. One of the guns had a problem and we needed to change it to the new one. They were going to do training and they needed that gun immediately. For this reason, I took the gun and went away to NNB base. They met me at the door. They showed me where I had to park then I parked my car. We greeting. I tried to tell them that these kinds of problems might happen he cut off my words. They honestly said that they did not pay attention to instructions for use. That's why they had trouble. I said that it was not a problem and I would gladly give them a new one. I opened the trunk and I gave the gun. They said there were a few questions they wanted to ask me. I said of course and followed them. They told me that they had trouble while changing the ammunition clip. I showed them how to do it carefully. They thanked me and we went out. I got into my car and drove to the exit. It was a beautiful day and everyone was satisfied.
    Screens : https://imgur.com/a/oTxNu2I

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