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Posts posted by TaJ

  1. ^[]

    Event number : 1.

    Event's name and type: Special Type of Blind LMS on Account of My 1 Year Completion in NNB.

    LWS Hoster: Dufabo.

    Date of event: 14th January 2018.




  2. ^[]




    ^[Welcome to TaJ's LWS Events Profile.]
    ^[Supposedly, this is the place where you should and would be able to view all the events that TaJ has ever organized.]
    ^[This topic should be enough for you to judge his potential when it comes to LWS related activity.]
    ^[So without any further ado, Let's begin.]


    ^[~[Events' Format to be used.]~(green,olive,yellow)]


    ^[****Event number :****]

    ^[****Event's name and type:****]

    ^[****LWS Hoster:****]

    ^[****Date of event:****]


    ^[Thanks for viewing. Hope you liked the topic and the hard-work invested. Have a great day and year ahead!]

  3. alt text

    ~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 224.

    ~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: [SAFP]Saint ( @Saint21 ), Lucifer ( @Lucifer ), TMH|Chemist|MoS ( @chemist ) and TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ).

    ~[R]~(green)P Scenario: The Motor Heads leader, along with Manager of Staff Chemist was at TMH LV Race Station going through some paper work when there came a new guy in the town, "Lucifer". TaJ greeted him and to his surprise the guy was there in an angry mood. As he was new in the town, he noticed TMH's advertisements all around the city. Also he heard many people talking about TMH in the markets. This guy with a new car was very surprised and angry to know that how famous we were at what we do. He felt like challenging us for no reason, just to "show us where we belong". TaJ then accepted the challenge as always and asked him to bring his toy. They then linedup at LV Highway's one end for a "end of road" Drag Race. TaJ was accompanied by Chemist while the other guy was all alone with his own ego. They than began on a countdown and as soon as they crossed the corner which was the end of their race, TaJ was declared victorious. It was known that how and why TMH was actually best and deserved all of that Fame we have earned over the years. Just as they crossed and with the enertia of the vehicles, they kept going for a long with a little lowered yet high speed when a cop from San Andreas Federal police spotted them. He then got in atalk with TaJ and the guy who acted all innocent, becuase he was all new to this. TaJ, being leader of an legalized professional racing group, was all calm and showed the officer papers of TMH's existence. The officer was well satisfied and decided to let TaJ go. The challenging young man seemed happy to know this, unless the officer told him that he wasn't legal to do this, not even close to racing. TaJ then wished the guy goodluck and left with Chemist, while the officer handcuffed the person and took him for a ride. A ride to SAFP HQ, in Northern Las Ventures.


  4. ^[]

    ^[Today (22/10) was indeed an active day as far as The Motor Heads are concerned.]
    ^[Looking at wide presence of the members and helpers, Leader TaJ planned an Road trip across BC, LV and LS.]
    ^[The roadtrip was to start at TMH Headquarters and end at TMH LS Garage. The motoring heads surely did have fun!

    ^[TMH RT - 22/10 AFTERNOON (1/2).]
    ^[TMH RT - 22/10 AFTERNOON (2/2)]

    ^[Thanks for viewing. Have a nice day!]

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    ~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 222.

    ~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: [NNB]Final ( @Final324 ), [NNB]Paradox ( @Paradox ), Officer.Tapi ( @Tapi ) and TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ).

    ~[R]~(green)P Scenario: TMH Leader TaJ was at TMH LS Garage when he got a call from the Blueberry Garage's managers who were asking him to transport some particular parts that they later sent a list of a in shape of a mobile text. TaJ agreed upon this and started loading the demanded parts into his vehicle. Once done he started his journey up to Blueberry. While going through the LS Beach side Highway, He heard a vehicle with police siren coming his way. TaJ slowed down and when he carefully saw it was NNB who were coming. As being innocent, TaJ pulled over on the side of the road as they asked and then started a talk with a new police officer accompanied by the NNB Agents. The officer told that they had got a lead from their "trusted sources" that I was actually transporting narcotic elements to another state in my car. They tried to make excuses of me "illegally" racing with that vehicle but upon knowing that TMH avoids illegal anything, they straight on came on the point. Upon this TaJ simply gave his License ID and allowed the officer to check the vehicle and clear all of his doubts. The officer, along with NNB Agents keeping an attentive eye on his actions, checked the vehicle and as expected, did not find anything special than automotive parts. He then apologized for the harassment and delay of transport caused and returned the documents and greeted TaJ with a good-luck about his growing group.


  6. @tapi said in NNB - National Narcotics Bureau:

    Section I: General Information

    In-game name: Tapi
    Account name: hunterex
    Real name: Maaz
    Title(Mr/Mrs): Mr
    Date of birth: 31/07/2002
    Origin country: India
    Country in residence: Kuwait
    Timezone: GMT+3
    Spoken languages: hindi/urdu, Arabic, English, Telugu,
    English proficiency on a scale of (1-10): 8-10
    Do you have TeamSpeak 3/Discord/Whatsapp installed?: I do not have TeamSpeak3, But i got Discord and Whatsapp

    Section II: SAES Experiences

    How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: 3 Years
    Previous organization(s): SAFP, SAPA, STF, NNB.
    Why did you leave or why were you kicked? Briefly explain: safp i left because i did not like it there, sapa i left because i got punished even though it was not my fault. stf, The member didn't like me so i did not wanted to stay there so i left. NNB umm i think i was kicked or not sure because i got ban then.
    Have you ever been punished by staff(s)? If yes, briefly explain: Back in the day 3 years back, i got ban due to advertising a server link in main chat.
    Do you have Professional Officer Certificate?: Not yet.
    If you had it before, how did you lose it? Briefly explain: N/A
    Are you a part of any group in SAES? If yes, state your position within the group: Cluckin' Bell (Leader), And ALT(Mechanic, not sure what rank)

    Section III: Theoretical Knowledge

    Write a summary of your qualification(s): Well i am good at editing i have interest in making videos and stuff on yt but just paused that for a while, I am not really qualified in pretty much anything i think, But i am cool at most of the things.
    What is your greatest weakness?: People, I don't like humans(strangers)
    Why do you want to be part of the NNB?: I like it hear, I got couple of friends. Also this is my Ex squad so yeah would be cool to be back.
    Why would we choose you rather than the other applicant(s)? Because, I am humble, Polite, And friendly. Also i always be alert and try to be professional.
    What is the role of NNB in SAES? Briefly explain: It's about Narcotics, We deal with drugs and stuff which our not really good for the man kind, Also We they have rapid response team which goes around SR or br.
    How would you describe roleplaying? Briefly explain: Well i would say it's like acting a character, Acting as if this is the same thing as in real life.
    What does "Team Spirit" mean to you? Briefly explain: I'd say like 1 hand can't clap, Team work makes thing easy. Also we can reach goals which one man can not, Team work is always appreciated in most of the things.
    If someone kills you for no reason, what would be your first reaction? Briefly explain: I would warn him, if he continues I'll report him, simple.
    How would you describe marker arrest?: When someone is standing on marker and you arrest him, Like in bank or any marker.
    How do you describe yourself to people? Briefly explain: Well, As a family friendly guy, Also a nice person who gets angry rarely that too on people with bad attitude ofc. Well. that's pretty much.

    Greetings applicant @Tapi. This is to inform that we at NNB Executive team first of all thank you for your interest into joining National Narcotics Bureau. Secondly, coming onto the point, I will let you know that the above application isn't the best but not bad either. It is of NNB's standards and hence we would like to see you back into our lovely community. That being said, I am excited to let you know that your application's status has been set to ~[Accepted]~(green,lime) ! Meet an sHQ+ Member in-game to receive your Tests. Congratulations and good-luck for the next stage.


    NNB Sub HQ.

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