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Posts posted by TaJ

  1. Hey people... Well I am here to sort of defend the existence of groups like LWS. Having myself lead a group to success, I can surely say it would not be fine to just bring some substitute out of nowhere to threat the need of groups like LWS. I got a little better idea actually, and it is simply to have a new spawn, yes, but this one shall be all under "LWS" (or even G6, cuz sorry, I never understood a lot about G6 because who mostly helps us is lws, in a respective way..). That spawn can be "LWS Trainee", more like zip trainee (but as I don't really know a lot about zip trainee, so I would rather explain more on my idea).
    LWS Trainee spawn can be made with little lesser tools than that of a real LWS. It can get people added by LWS HQs only, mainly people like LWS Applicants, or long time helpers/hosters (like someone is eligible if he makes like 10 Events in a given time period). This spawn can have like 1-sentence advertisements (just to not get ads spammed by "non-trusted" people), and less objects in construction panel, and mainly they stay at same dimension. These people can host events like car shows, chicken shooters etc and can help real LWSes in hosting bigger type of events.
    How this would help is, first, it would have only non-retarded people who LWS HQs themselves trust in representing the group's name, secondly it won't have almost everyone spawning but like 5-6 people at a time, making it possible for LWS to recruit ready-with-knowledge people in future, and accessible for the community having more number of event organizers ready to help (even smaller events, but atleast they can keep stuff going on rather than keep asking about free LWS/G6).
    I hope you liked my idea, even if not, Goodluck getting on some solid conclusion. Thankya:wave:

  2. ^[alt text]

    ^[~[Oh right.. the high biker was driving ha! Don't take this chance again.]~(black,green,green,green,black)]

    ~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 262.

    ~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: [BBMC]DarkSideR ( @DarkSideR ) and many fellow members; TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ), TMH|Revonex.

    ~[R]~(green)P Scenario: BBMC, a famous name in the town which was now emerging to be one of the good Motorcycle clubs around is now a days always in the news for its dangerous yet "Fun" illegal activities and attitude. I was with Revonex, a fellow TMH technician, at our TMH HQ when a similar such BBMC High ranked member, who wasn't actually high, came with a person in the back seat which was fully high and the car was full on smoke. As per the approaching person, the car had met with an accident on the nearby highway where the back seat guy, who was actually a lot drunk and high, was driving. It was their fault to hand over the vehicle to such a biker who wasn't in full conscious and hence TaJ greeted em and after all this talk, got over to the car. The car had a lot of smoke coming out of the engine and hence TaJ first took care of external damage on the body work and finally fixed the engine unit with few quick fix techniques. It was now in a good position and hence after the Biker was done paying TaJ for his such a less-time-notice service, TaJ suggested him the doctor at BC Hospital to take the high person who also had gotten some injury and scars. The biker then thanked TaJ and Revonex who assisted TaJ in all the process and then got his way with fellow bikers to the place suggested.

    Special thanks to BBMC for participating!


  3. ^[~['New parts? Oh. What's better than our parts store my friend.']~(#bf1f54,#4b8a08)]

    Role Play Number: 258.

    Participants in The RP: [AA]Candy ( @Candy ); TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ).

    RP Scenario: TMH, the famous motor heads of the town aren't just limited to repairs or racing, or even teaching about all this. TMH is also a Automotive parts manufacturer and authorized dealer. The same parts that are famous for their solid build and cheapness. This was something that TMH's new friendly organization, AA's "Candy" knew. She was now an experienced Arms Assassin and hence knew about the agreement pact signed. She, recently met with a little accident that made her vehicle a little damaged which, she, as a woman who loved her stuff up-to-date, did not like. This was why just within the next few days after the unfortunate incident, and also knowing about the deal which would help her get the fixtures in best quality and more cheaper, from The Motor Heads, the best dealers themselves, Candy had come to our Automotive garage, where, I, the leader, was luckily present. Candy had brought her Infernus which as a vehicle looked quite kindly used keeping in mind it was of a woman, But. The big but was it's condition after the little accident where no human loss was occured, but the car did had a lot of loss. It's front fender and body work, along with tire alloys, was all now damaged badly. It was all available and in stock at our facility and hence after greeting her kindly, I showed her the stuff from the garage itself. She liked the quality having known a little about some metals and hence she approved the use of the parts in her intensively loved vehicle. I then sorted out the required parts and with her presence there, took the parts near the vehicle and with help of my tools replaced the torn out ones with these new ones. After this done, I also did a little paint finish on the parts to make the vehicle just look like new, just what the customer wanted and demanded. After the process was done and the vehicle was all ready, Candy expressed how much she loved our service and hence thanked me a lot about our service. As these parts had non-ignore-able costs involved, I could not just let her go without paying and hence upon her asking about the charge, I asked for just cost-to-cost amount which was something she paid even before I asked. She was now happy to see her vehicle back to basics and I was happy to see her happy. Candy then left the place and I got back on my work of accounting a bit.

    Screenshots: Click here for screenshots!

    To know more about The Motor Heads and Arms Assassins' RP Agreement, Click here.

    -Thanks Arms Assassins for participating.

  4. ^[alt text]

    ^[~[Aight.. All this work made me hungry eh!]~(black,green,green,green,black)]

    ~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 252.

    @Tapi said in Cluckin' Bell - Media Archive:

    alt text

    Participants: @TaJ from TMH

    Story: Was going around the hood like daily, got a call from TMH leader saying he needed some fried chicken and salad. Just rushed my way there to him and served him with some delicious cluckin bell products, Top quality.

    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/adLtTVs

  5. ^[~['Correct decision to head over here miss.']~(#bf1f54,#4b8a08)]

    Role Play Number: 250.

    Participants in The RP: [AA]Daglow ( @Daglow ); TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ) & TMH|Final|P ( @Final324 ).

    RP Scenario: The sunshine of the evening brought along with it a lot of work for TaJ and his technicians who had just gotten back at TMH's Los Santos garage after meeting his old AA friend and then completing some pending tasks at TMH Headquarters. He, now, was with Final. And old and loyal technician. Final was work on a long time project when TaJ just arrived who then lighted up a cigar and was just chilling. His chill time continued until another important task came on his way. This time the customer was from the very own new friends Arms Assassins. The person's name was "Daglow" and she had came representing the AA and getting some personal work done, as well as make some new friends. Daglow was there with her very own vehicle, which, after a little chase with local authorities of some county nearby, had gotten a little damaged even tho Daglow later pulled over and got convinced to be just in a hurry and not suspicious in any criminal action. After the cops let her go freely, she came straight to the new friendly automotive group TMH's garage as Daglow had been keeping an close eye on TMH from the past and hence knew our locations.
    After this little introduction, Final got on the vehicle's inspection and checking on what all was wrong with it. It was found that the car's tires had completely lost their vulnerability and hence it wasn't advisable for her to keep using the same tires. This then resulted in her asking to "make my car fully safe please". Along with this the engine compartment was checked and some fuel injectors were found guilty, which were then replaced. The new tires were also installed and hence the car was back to its original shape, with the bodywork also fixed to what it earlier was. TaJ then had a little chat with Daglow and when she asked about the payment, TaJ denied of taking any because it was the first time any Assassin had come to their garage herself and hence it could be more like a "Welcome gift" from the leader himself to not charge anything. Daglow was very happy with the services and asked to be counted in "one of the new permanent customers, but with a payment!". This then marked her saying "See you!" and leaving the place with the vehicle which was now as good as new.


    To know more about The Motor Heads and Arms Assassins' RP Agreement, Click here.

    -Thanks Arms Assassins for participating.

  6. ^[~['Oh hello friends, AA. Let's have a functional tour of the ship!' - Part 1.]~(#bf1f54,#4b8a08)]

    Role Play Number: 248.

    Participants in The RP: [AA*]Chemist ( @chemist ); TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ) & TMH-H|Griffin ( @Griffin ).

    RP Scenario: A lovely Saturday afternoon. When many people enjoy a day off, TMH Leader TaJ was yet again there on duty at TMH Head Quarters on the Big Ear hill. This was the moment when, the recently announced friendship or rather an "Agreement" signed, was starting to pay off. The caller was a member from Arms Assassins called "Chemist". The assassin was actually TaJ's old friend and hence he had just called normally to greet his old dear friend. TaJ then asked him if he knew about the pact signed which he did and hence TaJ asked him if it was possible for him to visit Arms Assassins' Headquarters because "he had already heard about it, but never experienced the Ship". Chemist loved the offer to reunite with an old member and so approved it. He also asked TaJ to bring a Technician along because "there was a vehicle which fell ill".



    TaJ then covered up the journey from 1 headquarters to the other historical one. He had brought a new helper Griffin who was a very talented technician who had just started the voluntary service and was free at the time. TaJ then asked him to get the tool box along and they both began the journey in TaJ's Murcilago. Upon their arrival outside the ship was Chemist who had been waiting since long to meet his old friend who was now one of the official friends of his own organization. This brotherly relation was something which both the men respected as they had been studying together in the university before going for different occupations of interest. Chemist then asked him to come inside the ship and park the vehicle at their storage.



    After making an entry inside, TaJ and Griffin were amazed to look at those many vehicles and the way that ship was designed. Soon after, Chemist greeted Griffin with a kind little "Hello" and asked him to work on the vehicle which "TaJ might have told you about". The vehicle Chemist showed was a '06 Cheetah. The prancing horse had "felt asleep" as per Chemist because the car had lost many of its bhp and hence had slowed down after all these couple of years. TaJ then asked Griffin to have a little inspection over the vehicle. The technician then soon enough found at that the car's twin turbo had some failures and hence it was a bigger problem then something treatable at the base itself. For this, TaJ gave a TMH Whetstone Garage Visiting card where the Manager-in-charge can fix up a time and look over the vehicle in a better and more efficient way "any time the new friends wish".



    After this, Chemist said "alright no issues we got many other rides for now. Will get that one checked as soon as I am a little free from here". This been said, Chemist showed us the way to upstairs where they had this big machine gun which, as per Chemist, was "fully functional, yet reserved for those special occasions". After this, they covered the distance to the ship's main desk where TaJ was completely mesmerized looking at that huge control unit. They greeted the captain and got to the ship's open deck where many more ariel as well as land vehicles were present. TaJ had gotten a look on a board which was lately been used as a shooting range by the AA members just for fun "as thats what they loved doing with it" in Chemist's own words. TaJ then asked his friend to borrow him a vehicle so as to try "my hand at aiming". After a little fun time there, TaJ had gotten an important call which had him moving back to the Headquarter for something important.



    While back at the parking area, TaJ told Chemist that there are often times when he is working at different garages as well and hence TaJ might be present at the Whetstone garage in some days. Therefore it would be nice if Chemist could give a call before heading in. This then marked TaJ's time to leave the prestigious dangerous ship. Chemist then accompanied them the way to the gate where TaJ and Griffin started their journey back home with a little "Cya".



    To know more about The Motor Heads and Arms Assassins' RP Agreement, Click here.

    -Thanks Arms Assassins for participating.

  7. ^[alt text]

    ^[~[Oh my cluck friend is rising. Gotta visit ha!]~(black,green,green,green,black)]

    ~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 247.

    ~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: [Cluck]Tapi<L> ( @Tapi ) and many fellow members; TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ).

    ~[R]~(green)P Scenario: A sweet little evening. TaJ was at TMH Headquarters at Bone county in the San Andreas when, while supervising a technician working on an important project, TaJ received a phone call. The number wasn't a familiar one and hence after hesitating for a while, TaJ picked it up. Surprisingly enough, It was his very own old friend. The person's name was Tapi and he was TaJ's class mate at the university. The person was very trained chef and had interest in cooking, he rarely had any interest in vehicles and therefore after their college life they hardly ever talked. Today, however, Tapi explained that he called after so many days as TaJ had helped him quite a lot at the university and hence he could "never repay" what TaJ owed him. This been said, Tapi told that he had recently started a new chicken specialized cooking group called @Cluckin-Bell and hence he would appreciate it if TaJ could make a visit at their very new LS-LV Central Highway restaurant which was still going through constructions but was ready for public visits. TaJ accepted the proposal and having some little time that same minute came towards the place. It was surely a new place and was built on a heavy budget. Tapi made TaJ meet all of his leading cooks and after a while of little talk, TaJ asked him to let him taste how their food was. At this point, Tapi offered him the menu and the food. Upon TaJ's placement of order, he was made to sit and feel comfortable until in the next 10 minutes lovely food was coming his way. As expected, the food had come on it's ETA and upon TaJ having it he realised that Cluckin Bell was surely going to touch the heights if it would continue it's this quality. TaJ then congratulated Tapi and rather thanked him for calling him. And TaJ offered Tapi to make a visit to TMH HQ or any other place at any time and experience flawless service. At this point of time, TaJ received a text from the TMH HQ demanding his presence as soon as possible. This then made him bidding a goodbye to Tapi and his men, and cover back the distance to TMH's prestigious base.

    Special thanks to Cluckin' Bell for participating!


  8. ^[alt text]

    ~[E]~(green)vent Number: 99.

    ~[E]~(green)vent Type: Jump into the hole (NRG-500 Edition).

    ~[L]~(green)WS/G6: @Zombie (also special thanks to him and @SWEMAN for building the event and letting me use).

    ~[D]~(green)ate: 15/11/18.

    ~[P]~(green)rize(s): $1,500,000 ($500,000 for each winner, having a total of 3 winners).

    ~[W]~(green)inner(s): Green, Dodoo and Resistence.

    ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Click here for screenshots sir!

  9. ^[alt text]

    ^[~[We're working on your ride, no worries.]~(black,green,green,green,black)]

    ~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 245.

    ~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: [BBMC]DarkSideR ( @DarkSideR ); TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ) and TMH|Blue|PP ( @Blu ). [With @Benny having a little appearance belonging to our group's allies CS].

    ~[R]~(green)P Scenario: The clock turned to around 2 'O clock when TMH Founder, TaJ, who was with a fellow Technician Blue, at their headquarters at the Big Ear hill in Bone county, welcomed a customer. The person had come on a freeway and had a partner along with him. He introduced himself to be from Blood Brothers Organization, which later told, as per Blue, was a Motorcycle Club and were trained in deadly criminal activities. Unknowing this fact TaJ welcomed him inside the compound and made him park his vehicle safely. Upon further little talk it was known that the person's crime world name was "DarkSideR" and he was BBMC's Prime Secretary. This, alarming TaJ of possible threats, made him be more careful and somewhat automatically guess what Blue already knew. Benny, a stunter from TMH's friendly alliance group Cunning Stunts came around at this point of time because he "had nothing else to do, so brought his sanchez for a little ride up the TMH mountain". TaJ welcomed the ally and the earlier been said, TaJ simply asked more about the vehicle and got known to the facts that it was giving a lot of problems when starting the ignition. This might include some engine dirt or a more serious problem and hence the biker directly brought it to TMH, rather than trying some experiment himself. TaJ then asked Blue to start working on and it and inspect it. Soon after joining Blue on the search, they found out that as expected it was some lose wiring and engine dirt which was causing this problem to arise. Another thing that TaJ found after a little advanced inspection was that the vehicle was having an old Engine oil which might have been the reasons to further exaggerate the problem. TaJ then, after taking necessary permissions, fixed the wiring and tightened the lose screws, and also asked Blue to install some new Engine oil. This then been done, the vehicle was yet again "as quick as lightning" in starting of ignition and hence the customer was extremely satisfied. He thanked TaJ for TMH's services and paid the amount asked, or rather than asked.

    Special thanks to BBMC for participating!

    Image from Gyazo
    Image from Gyazo
    Image from Gyazo
    Image from Gyazo
    Image from Gyazo
    Image from Gyazo
    Image from Gyazo
    Image from Gyazo

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