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Posts posted by TaJ

  1. alt text

    ~[I]~(green)nstructors Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH ( @TaJ ).

    ~[N]~(green)ature of Instructions Provided [Racing/Technical/Both]: Technical.

    ~[T]~(green)MH Members/Helpers Present: TMH|Dodoo|TP ( @Dodoo ).

    ~[P]~(green)articipants/Customers: [BES]Adrian ( @Adriano ) and [BES]NRG ( @NRG ).

    ~[C]~(green)ourses Provided [along with Total Fee]: Technical - Car's body work and air conditioning fixture; $1000.

    ~[D]~(green)etails: TMH, widely known for it's new Institute branch lately is now quite famous for the new service they offer. And hence today, when on a lame sunny afternoon, TaJ, TMH Leader, received a call from a famous Security providing group's high ranked member "Adrian", it wasn't such a surprise. TaJ was at TMH Blueberry Garage, when, as told above, Adrian called him. As per Adrian, an old BES Admiral was rotting in the garage with a little bad paint and totally bad air-conditioning system. So he was wondering if he can come to a TMH garage with a fellow colleague and also learn and make his fellow learn to do such easy stuff their-selves with some little tools in the future. So TaJ asked them to come at his current location, the TMH Blueberry Garage.



    Soon enough, while TaJ, with Dodoo, a training petrolhead technician was waiting for them to arrive, they arrived. As told, it was indeed a Admiral in a bad condition. That normally looking black beauty was acting and looking like a rotten tomato. And hence TaJ showed them the direction to the garage's fixture place where Adrian then parked the vehicle and later came out for a talk with TaJ.



    Upon talking, it came under TaJ's knowledge that the vehicle wasn't used so frequently as it had met with an accident during a security mission few years back after which it was so called repaired by a local mechanic but it is giving more troubles now. After a little inspection, TaJ got to know that it's Air conditioner had a lot of dirt sitting inside the filter due to which it was rahter giving hot air than cold one. Upon further inspection it was known that the local mechanic BES had then contacted installed a really low quality front fender and bumper. So BES requested to get it repaired and alongside teach them how to fix new such parts too.



    TaJ and his fellow Dodoo then began working on the product. Dodoo brought some new parts that were to be replaced from the garage's storage area and they began replacing and installing them. Adrian and his partner NRG kept an attentive look on the functioning of the TMH Technicians and once the installing was done, TaJ asked Adrian to illustrate him how the method was followed. Upon correctly telling the case, TaJ handed over the vehicle's keys and assured the security providers to bring the vehicle back if any problem exists, or try to fix themselves with their newly grasped knowledge. Adrian felt thankful to TMH Institute for it's unique yet useful services and paid the amount asked.




    Click here in case screenshots are bugged.

    -Thanks BES for participating.

  2. ^[alt text]

    ^[-=(navy,gray,silver)A bullet saved you once, but doesn't assure that ''I won't be back'', So stay aware.=-]

    @xtream said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive:

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    Role Play Number:219

    Participants in The RP: @Eusebio @TaJ

    RP Scenario: National Narctoics Bureau Agent was chasing a suspect which was from The OddBoyz. The suspects car was full of drugs as the agent gathered intel about their activity. It was a pursuit around San Fierro where they drove through China Town and around the San Fierro Bank. The suspect succesfuly shot the Agent's car which made him crash at a store. The Agent's car was brought to our Whetstone garage by one of our mechanics. There one of the car experts , fixed the engine and replaced every damaged part. Also he added a bullet proof glass so it would be more helpful for other situations. After the car getting fixed they went to agree on a fee of 2000 dollars and then he got his car and went back to NNB Headquarters.


  3. alt text

    ~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 218.

    ~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP: @TaJ, @SlapBobs and @BlaZZey.

    ~[R]~(green)P Scenario: TaJ, working at TMH Race station and sorting some paper work noticed someone arriving at the building's door. TaJ went ahead to check who it actually was. To his surprise it wasn't someone known to him as yet. And upon asking it was clear that the guy was from "CDC" gang which was known for it's brutal murders and drug deals. He was here to get his car repaired as someone told him that this place used to fix vehicles. But TaJ told him that it was no longer an Headquarter and hence all the fixing stuff was now limited to the Garages or the Headquarter, unless it's some racing issue in the mechanical part of the vehicles which could be treated at this particular property. The criminal seemed not to be amused by this denial of services and hence said that "You guys can't race for shit anyways so what's need for a Race Station. Just call a mechanic and get my vehicle repaired on the outer damages quickly. Sticking to the rules and being angry to the rude words, TaJ challenged him for a Race and both the men lined up with TaJ having a co passenger in the shape of Blazzey, another Racer at the group. They then did a lap around LV where first the criminal was on the lead until TaJ's mechanical magic showed it's magic and TaJ gained the pole. The race ended with TaJ being victorious against the egoistic criminal. After the race, the criminal came to TaJ and in an embarrassed yet sportsmanship gesture greeted him and agreed to the fact that TMH's both racers and technicians are great at their respective job. TaJ then suggested him to check out any of the garages to get his vehicle back or even better than it's original shape.

    ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Click here for the screenshots.

  4. alt text

    ~[I]~(green)nstructors Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH ( @TaJ ).

    ~[N]~(green)ature of Instructions Provided [Racing/Technical/Both]: Technical.

    ~[T]~(green)MH Members/Helpers Present: N/A

    ~[P]~(green)articipants/Customers: [SAFP]Bean|PC ( @Bean ).

    ~[C]~(green)ourses Provided [along with Total Fee]: Technical - Cars Interior and Infotainment system illustrations; $1000.

    ~[D]~(green)etails: TaJ was waiting at TMH Ex-Base and currently serving Race Station when he received a Phone Call by someone called Bean, from LV Police Department who had called for TMH Institute's services as he required them urgently due to the fact that he had to leave for a meeting at LVPD at the evening and had some trouble understanding and operating the Police Dodge's Interior and Infotainment system.



    TaJ then reached his place and after a little discussion, it was known that even TaJ had to travel to Los Santos where he had to go for a little inspection at the TMH LS Garage and Automotive Showrooms. Due to this TaJ asked the officer if he could reach LSPD along with him and later get a bus to his primary locations. TaJ also asked for this becuase teaching the Infotainment system and it's uses would be more handy on a big journey and not just a small ride.



    Both the men then agreed on this and they sat in the car to start the journey. As expected, the TMH Instructor TaJ started teaching about little bits of the Infotainment system and car's other interior's functioning and it's special police oriented features. Due to this they also stopped a few times in way when the officer himself tried to operate what he had just learnt. Thanks to this the officer was now confident that he now knows on the functioning.



    And hence they continued their journey to Los Santos Police Department. During this the officer also told TaJ that how the department was now shifting to new technology as far as the vehicles are concerned which acts as a trouble for old officers such as him to adapt to that technology improvements. At this point of time special teaching services such as TMH Institute come to their aid. During this talk they just reached at the destination and hence the Officer greeted and paid TaJ before dropping him at the LSPD Bus Stop and going his own way, towards the meeting hall which was nearby.



    Click here in case screenshots are bugged.

    -Thanks [SAFP]Bean|PC for participating.

  5. alt text

    ~[I]~(green)nstructors Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH ( @TaJ ).

    ~[N]~(green)ature of Instructions Provided [Racing/Technical/Both]: Technical.

    ~[T]~(green)MH Members/Helpers Present: N/A

    ~[P]~(green)articipants/Customers: [SAFP]Bean|SFC ( @Bean ).

    ~[C]~(green)ourses Provided [along with Total Fee]: Technical - Cars Quick Fix illustrations ; $1000.

    ~[D]~(green)etails: TaJ was waiting at TMH HQ in Bone county for some new order when a SAFP Officer just called his cell with a little requestive demand for TaJ's presence at the SAFP Headquarters as soon as possible. What was shown as a criminal offensive was later found out to be a work related request where they wanted TaJ to quickly fix a issue with their car and also show and teach one of the loyal officers. TaJ then arrived at SAFP HQ when he had a little time in the busy schedule.


    After a little greeting, the officer showed TaJ the car which was giving the most troubles. TaJ then got on the little inspection period upon which it was clarified that what was the problematic part was the car's radiator which had, somehow, got many leaves and dirt inside it. The reason to this, as per TaJ, was a bad Air Filter which was unable to do it's job and hence was useless. Luckily TaJ had a spare air filter in his bagpack and so it was replaced.



    What was still something pending was the fact that the car's radiator was still very dirty. Therefore TaJ took it out and with help of the officer on duty, got some water with which he cleaned it out and made it ready to work temporarily. This trick was something used worldwide by mechanics when there was inability of replacing a particular part with such a trouble.



    During all this process, TaJ made sure that the SAFP Officer was having an attentive eye on the process and upon little asking the officer told that he had got the concept and was thankful to TMH Institute for being so handy and kind for a little price of money which he then paid TaJ before finally greeting him.



    Click here in case screenshots are bugged.

    -Thanks [SAFP]Bean|SFC for participating.

  6. ^[alt text]

    ^[-=(navy,gray,silver)'You can not run away from me, Druggy Burger Lover.'=-]

    Participant : [NNB]TaJ<sHQ> ( @TaJ ) and [UE]Curvy ( @Curvy ).

    Story : A day to remember for NNB Agent TaJ. When it was his off duty time, and he thought of making a visit to the Central LV Burger Shot, which was just near his weekend residence. While his Lamborghini parked outside, and himself having some tasty food inside, a Suspicious guy entered. He surely wasn't someone not worth doubting because of his talking style with the restaurant staff. TaJ then went near him, and in a normal way tried to know who he actually was. According to what he explained, he was just a civilian who used to work at a nearby Gas Station. But soon he received a call, a call from UE Gang's boss.. Which made TaJ known that he surely wasn't "just a civilian". And hence TaJ kept a further eye on him. During his talk it got known that he just received a Drug delivery from nearby drug dealer's residence, and now his next stop was UE Base. TaJ then got up and while witnessing this, the criminal ran outside. There he took his car and started running away, TaJ followed him to the parking lot and sat in his lambo, to start the chase. After a little chase, near about LV Cross, TaJ was successful in taking him down. TaJ then asked him to come out of the vehicle, handcuffed him and made him sit in his Lamborghini, while he himself called a local Impounding team to get the Criminal's Infernus Impounded. They then began their way towards the NNB Head Quarters in Los Santos. When reached, TaJ took the handcuffed bad man inside, where after a set of formalities being completed, He was made to rot inside jail, with all other information on NNB Notebooks, and the drugs later reaching NNB Storage Facility to be examined.

    ScreenShots : Click here for screenshots bish.

  7. alt text

    ~[I]~(green)nstructors Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH ( @TaJ ).

    ~[N]~(green)ature of Instructions Provided [Racing/Technical/Both]: Technical.

    ~[T]~(green)MH Members/Helpers Present: N/A

    ~[P]~(green)articipants/Customers: [ALT]Bozi ( @Bozi ).

    ~[C]~(green)ourses Provided [along with Total Fee]: Technical - Cars Quick Fix illustrations ; $1000.

    ~[D]~(green)etails: TaJ was waiting at TMH HQ in Bone county for some new order when an ALT member named "Bozi" called him. Bozi had called to get a little quick fix illustrations and knowledge from TMH Institute because ALT Mechanics were busy lately and he was a relatively new member who wanted to learn and improve quick. So TaJ fixed a time with him and went to ALT Base.


    They then met each other when TaJ parked his towtruck at side and came towards the trucker. Bozi then explained that how 1 of their ALT vehicles, a Hunter, often gets troubles within the way itself and all they have to do is wait long long for towtrucks to come and get it tow-ed. So TaJ asked him to take him on a little ride to see if and what sorts of troubles the car makes.



    After a certain way covered, the car really stopped within the way. Then bozi pulled it to the right when taj asked him to work on it. After a little working taj found out that the trouble was actually a leaking pipe which often leaked some engine oil and that made the engine to make noises and work irregularly.



    After fixing the issue TaJ asked him to re-ignite the vehicle and then sat with him. Then TaJ persued him to drive a little and it woked flawless as the pipe was all fixed now. Then while they were on a little ride around the town, TaJ started saying some quick fix tips to him like checking un-tight screws, checking all proper fittings etc. After a certain time Bozi got called at ALT Base and so TaJ asked him to drop him nearby there where TaJ's friend used to live so he could easily stay there for a little. Bozi then paid TaJ outside the vehicle and bidded a final Bye.



    Click here in case screenshots are bugged.

    -Thanks [ALT]Bozi for participating.

  8. alt text

    ~[I]~(green)nstructors Involved: Tech.TaJ|TMH ( @TaJ ).

    ~[N]~(green)ature of Instructions Provided [Racing/Technical/Both]: Technical.

    ~[T]~(green)MH Members/Helpers Present: N/A

    ~[P]~(green)articipants/Customers: SEAL|Alliances[vL] ( @Alliances ).

    ~[C]~(green)ourses Provided [along with Total Fee]: Technical - Police land vehicle engine department knowledge, as requested at the Institute topic; $1000.

    ~[D]~(green)etails: TaJ, at TMH Blueberry Garage, was waiting for a customer, or a student as we may call him who had booked an TMH Institute related appointment from TaJ earlier the day. While waiting, The guy arrives. He, as he mentioned, was a new Police Officer working in Las Ventures Police Department. He was wondering how he could learn more on his department's most powerful car's Engine in order to quickly fix it while any troubles that may get caused.



    TaJ then greeted him and after a little talk, TaJ then asked him to open the boot. It was a 500 horses under the hood on that Motor. It was extremely powerful, and the fact that the vehicle had a very aerodynamical body, it might make it more quick and handle able in those high intensity police chases. After a little inspection himself, TaJ starts teaching the officer.



    Part by part, Screw by screw, TaJ first explained him their workings. After this, every major part was thoroughly explained. This included the air filter, the belt, air conditioning and all other internals. After this the car electronics were thoroughly explained. Major quick fixes in case the vehicle gets down were also told by the Instructor.



    After all the explanation. TaJ asked Alliances to briefly explain what all he learned in the lesson. After a satisfactory response from the officer on his "something new" experience, He and TaJ both seemed truly satisfied. Shortly then Alliances received a call from his seniors at the PD, who were calling for his presence there within next few minutes. Therefore Alliances paid the officer all his dues and finally the officer got back on way, this time with a lot of knowledge and inspiration.



    Click here in case screenshots are bugged.

    -Thanks SEAL|Alliances[vL] for participating.

  9. Involved SAI members: Mark_Calaway (TaJ).
    Other involved people: Chemist ( @chemist ).
    Date, time and duration of activity: 30/09/2018, 25 minutes.
    Activity type: State-wide patrol and Pullover chase.
    Details: The patrol started at SAI HQ, where SAI Trooper Mark Calaway (me) got on his Police Bike and started on a patrol around Las Ventures. After a particular time when he was crossing the LV Cross, he finds a biker going on the highway with a bike sounding more than a subwoofer. The Trooper then went around the person with a slight high speed and asked him to pull over. Upon pull over it got known to him that the person was a member of a MC group, which supposedly was all "legal". After looking over him and his bike, the trooper didn't find anything suspicious. Even the paper check did not find enough evidences to doubt the wise biker. Therefore Mark returned all the papers, and greeted the wise person upon which Mark got on his bike and returned to SAI HQ.
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OFvDfL5

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