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Posts posted by TaJ

  1. Role Play Number: 193.

    Participants in The RP: TaJ, @Riley and @BlaZZey from TMH, while @Bozi and @Tefa from SAM.

    RP Scenario: A fun day it was, TMH Leader TaJ was at the Oil Quarry of Las Ventures with HQ Blazzey and sHQ Riley. They were having alot fun stunting there with their cars and bikes.



    This fun continued until suddenly TaJ couldn't control his bike during a air jump which resulted in him getting badly injured.



    Everyone was totally frightened on this incident and TaJ wasn't in any of his senses to be honest. Blazzey then called San Andreas Medics Ambulance unit and there came 2 Doctors from SAM.



    They helped TaJ get back on his feet all calmly and got him into the ambulance. TaJ was now a bit stable and they got on the way back to LV Hospital with the injured Motor Head.



    When reached, TaJ said that he can get into the hospital himself but still SAM doctors accompanied him and helped him get into the hospital. During all this Riley and Blazzey had already got TaJ's bike towed to TMH Headquarters by an TMH Technician.



    Click here in case screenshots are bugged.

    -Thanks everyone for participating.

  2. Role Play Number: 192.

    Participants in The RP: TaJ and Paradox.

    RP Scenario: A lovely cloudy morning, I was with my TMH mates at our LS Garage when we received a phone call. As all others were busy, I picked it up and answered, the caller was [NNB]Paradox<HQ>. He had called from the National Narcotics Bureau regarding the servicing and repairment of a Enforcer that was met with a little accident earlier this month. Due to busy schedule they couldn't contact any Mechanic earlier and now that they did, TMH Technicians seemed the best people. All they asked for was a Technician to report there as quickly as possible and hence I alone went there with my tool kit, I first examined the vehicle and therefore repaired it with new and durable yet cheap parts. The NNB Agent was surprised to know the bill amount I just quoted which was as little as $240. He quickly paid it and thanked me for reporting there at such a short time notice.


  3. ~[R]~(green)ole Play Number: 191.

    ~[THANKS FOR HAVING TMH, ICE.]~(green,lime)

    @clashgamer said in ICE|Immigration & Customs Enforcement Media Archive:
    Date: 9/8/2018
    Main characters: @TaJ @DRAHMEED @ME
    Story: It was a early morning, as the world knows, ICE is never off duty, and so wasn't TMH. The Mechanical group had really good Technicians that would solve all the automotive problems in count of minutes. And hence, We at ICE, called TMH leader and best technician TaJ to himself fix our Helicopters that we needed all good until dusk because of a secret mission. The wise technician came to our headquarters in his lovely towtruck, which, in our case was useless, but still. Myself and My Colleague DRAHMEED showed him the way to upstairs. There the 2 helicopters were resting. The technician got to his work of examining and then fixing the vehicles. The work he got indulged in was finished quite quickly and the vehicles were all fixed in matter of few minutes. We paid him the sum of $520 as he asked and showed him the way out. We highly appreciate the effort put in by The Motor Head.
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  4. ~[R]~(green,lime)ole Play Number: 190.


    @seth said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive:
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    RP#95 - Car repairance (TMH)
    Participants : OC|>Seth[T], OC|> @IceCold , OC|> @Hoodie , OC|> @MrThomas , TMH| @TaJ , TMH| @chemist , TMH| @Rowdy35

    It was early in the morning when Seth went out for delivering drugs with few Overdose Crime members while on the way few cops start chasing them which lead to a massive car chase, at the end Overdose Crime members blasted the cops car but Seth's new car also got badly damaged so Seth contracted his old friend TaJ who was a car mech, He asked Seth to take his car to the nearest The Motor Head's garage, Seth was in San Ferrio Highway so Seth drove the car to The Motor Head's Garage in Wheastone,


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    After reaching the garage Seth parked the car, TaJ said that the car will be fixed in few hours as it is badly damaged and they have to add new car body parts, The car was rare in San Andreas so its body parts were also rare but The Motor Head got everything, TaJ and his other assistance kept on working constantly for few hours, After around 2 hours Seth's got completely fixed. Seth took the car, gave money to Taj and thanked him and his assistance and went back to Overdose Crime's base.


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    ~[H]~(green)oster of the Training: TaJ.

    ~[N]~(green)ature of Training [Racing/Technical/Both]: Racing.


    • From TMH: TaJ, Chemist, Curvy, Pump and miKu(reket).

    • From The Public: DarkSider, Alliances and DollFace.

    ~[A]~(green)bout the Training [Little Story]: If beginning was with Technical, Did not mean there is no room for a Racing Training. And therefore today, on a clowdy day, TaJ, the TMH Leader, gathered people at the LS Automotive Showroom and took them to Los Santos Airport. Where the TMH Formula-SA Track was present. And hence the Racers were taken there. They were gathered in the Pit Wall Hanger and given some lessons.
    Today's training was all about :

    • Racing Rules.

    • Apex.

    They were told everything theoretically but to clear all their queries, Racer.TaJ|TMH took a vehicle and made em all observe him go into a corner. He did a whole lap and made them see how a "Apex" is supposed to be taken.
    Having known to rules such as :

    • No Corner Cutting.

    • Keep it clean and stay professional.

    • Don't take it stressful or else it would distract you.

    The racers were now setup to go against each other and TaJ. The race started with a flag drop by Chemist and signal shown by Riley. The race went clean for almost everyone except DollFace who met with a swere incident at the 2 lollipop turns. TaJ, with a sportman spirit, stopped by to get him and then finished the race in last, making Reket win it.


    • At LS Showroom :



    • On the way :



    • At TMH LS Track (LS Airport) :



    • After Race Celebrations :


    In case Screenshots are bugged, CLICK HERE!

    - We, at TMH, would like to thank everyone that joined our first ever Racers Training. We hope to see you guys at the many more upcoming trainings. Also a big thanks to @Groove for letting us host it nicely in the Second Dimension.

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    ~[H]~(green)oster of the Training: TaJ.

    ~[N]~(green)ature of Training [Racing/Technical/Both]: Technical.


    • From TMH: TaJ, Chemist, Curvy, Blazzey, Nord and Rowdy.

    • From The Public: DarkSider, Smoke, IceCold.

    ~[A]~(green)bout the Training [Little Story]: The first ever TMH Training. TaJ and other TMH Members were all excited. They thought of doing something technical and teaching the new as well as existing boys about the vehicles themselves before racing them. We gathered the people at TMH Automotive Showroom in LS where the air-conditioned room was better than directly calling at the garage. From there we began our trip towards the TMH LS Garage in East Los Santos. When reached, all the training students were lined up and divided into 2 teams, One lead by TaJ and other by Technical Division Vice Leader, Chemist. We then gave them the new vehicle "Jester" and they all began their work to fix the highly damaged chasis and engines. The technicians were given proper guidelines and taught the way they should work. The end product of both teams were fantastic vehicles in better-than-factory-condition. This made the technicians highly proud of their own skills and hence skill enhancement. Something for which we started Instructing.


    • At LS Showroom :



    • On the way :



    • At TMH LS Garage :



    • After work Celebrations :



    In case Screenshots are bugged, CLICK HERE!

    - We, at TMH, would like to thank everyone that joined our first ever Training. We hope to see you guys at the many more upcoming trainings.

  7. ~[An Unfortunate Incident, But Everything's Under-Control.]~(black,green,green,green,green,green,green,lime)

    Role Play Number: 187

    • @Marko said in SAFD Media archive :

    Roleplay type: Vehicle Accident
    Description of roleplay:
    Saturday, September 1, 2018. 13:55
    A new month just didn't start so well for an illegal racer who was having a bet with his 3 friends on a race from Las Venturas's cross to north Las Venturas. Eventually, One of the racers suddenly hit his mate causing him to be unbalanced and a huge smash into the bridge wall on the left side of the road. The second racer didn't just continue the race but he turned back to get some help, Vehicle was badly damaged and smoking and on fire. Racer fainted and bleeding all over the place. So his best move was to call 911 for help. Luckily, SAM & SAFD responded and got there as fast as possible to do their job. Cops were covering the area and others were in pursuit with the other racer who cause the accident. SAM Paramedic took the racer to Las Venturas Hospital and SAFD FireFighter took out the fire before it spread around.
    Location: Las Venturas
    Participants: ( @Tefa as SAM) ( @TaJ @Ramby @Curvy racers )
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/L5UJvZV

  8. Role Play Number: 186

    Participants in The RP: TMH - TaJ and Chemist ; Competitors - Curvy and Danger.

    RP Scenario: A clear evening after a stormy weather, TaJ who was earlier at TMH LS Automotive store now came to the Ex Base and currently serving Race Station. A fellow Motor Head Chemist asked him to race her and TaJ accepted the challenge. They got on the main highway and started racing. As soon as Chemist was going to beat TaJ, he regained the top position and won it. There came two "bad boys" as from the look of them. They were mocking TMH Racers. They said they got the potential to "send us back to our cave" but were we going to fear those clowns? the answer is No. and so after a little talk, TMH Leader TaJ and the the eldest of criminals "Curvy" lined up for a 1 vs 1 Drag Race. Chemist counted upto a 3 and there we began. At first the criminal was ahead, everyone wishing for TMH's success got their smile wiped off their faces, but TaJ had belief in his car. The same belief that made him beat so many people in the past and make them "go back to their caves". As believed, so happened. TaJ had won. Or instead..., TMH had won. As soon as this happened, a frustrated Curvy and his friend Danger pushed the accelerator of their respective cars Literally Hard and gone away, Maybe back to "their cave".


  9. Role Play Number: 185

    Participants in The RP: TMH - TaJ (Head Technician), DJO and Mephisto (as Technicians) ; flusha^ as the Police officer (the customer).

    RP Scenario: It was a stormy afternoon, everyone at TMH Automotive showroom was feeling a bit bored as there wasn't a chance that some customer would actually visit us in this weird horrific weather. The same moment came a Female Police Officer named Miss Flusha. She was extremely worried and the weather just acted as a plus point on that worry. We made her relax down and offered some water. After that we asked her what had happened which was a cause for her worry and she replied that it was a little accident. She had just met with a little accident which made her Police Dodge bit damaged and she was worrying to lose her job because she just joined the service the same month. While explaining she revealed that it wasn't even her fault, some trucker crashed into her while at Traffic Lights of Eastern LS Bay. Upon this, the Senior most TMH Technician, TaJ, started working on the car and also made 2 other Technicians work on it. According to them it wasn't such a big issue and they would just fix it in matter of minutes. As promised, we three were successful in bringing the car to it's best possible shape, making the customer extremely happy. She was surprised to know that the amount being charged by us was just $340 and "not in thousands". At last we greeted her with the best luck for her new Police career and she promised to become our regular customer and also refer us to her family and friends.


  10. Role Play Number : 183

    Participants in The RP : TaJ, @chemist , @Aspect and @Toreno.

    RP Scenario : It was indeed an Sunny Morning, when TMH Leader, TaJ, along with Technical Division Vice Leader Chemist and a Probationary Technician Aspect were waiting for customers to appear at TMH LS Garage. The same moment when Chemist said "What a boring day..." came Mr. Paul Martin from San Andreas Interceptors. The Officer then explained how his lovely Police Dodge had met with an slight accident while Chasing a Criminal on LS-LV Highway. That incident made the vehicle create weird sounds and hence became uncomfortable to drive. That moment, the worried Officer asked his Commissioner that what he should do and the Commissioner recommended the name of The Motor Heads and hence the officer had directly come there. We asked him to relax down because now his vehicle was in the safest hands possible. He wished to have some Coffee after that bizzare accident and hence TaJ took him upstairs to the canteen while other Technicians were working on the vehicle. TaJ made the coffee and served the public servant. When we came back downstairs, the Technicians were already done working on the vehicle and to the Officer's surprise, it was "as good as new". He requested to send the bill at SAI HQ and that request was accepted. The bill would now be transferred to the SAI HQ through the Internet.

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