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Posts posted by TaJ

  1. ^[]
    Hello everybody.
    This is to announce that we are making a tiny change in terms of our recruitment standards. Currently you could join by either making posts here or by applying and still opting to make posts to increase your chance of joining.
    But now we are changing this.

    Now, either applications will be open or Helper archive will.
    And currently we have applications open so you can very simply apply and post your activities below your own application to increase your chance.

    The formats should be copied from Helper Archive itself. I may soon add formats to the "Join us" topic too

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    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[Immigrante Cuban : @Blue ]
    ^[The Motor Heads : @TaJ ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[On 11th of October, TMH Leader TaJ was chilling at the base alone and quite free when he received a call from an old member and a good friend called Blue. He had rung TaJ to inform him that he was now trying to work for the bad guys of SA and needed TaJ's help. Blue had an assignment to assassinate a person and only way possible is by gaining that guy's trust and killing him in his car. For this purpose Blue wanted TaJ's expertise to fix a C4 in the vehicle and attach it to the ignition so whenever the target gets in the vehicle and tries to drive it away, it explodes and hence sacrifices him. This plan was quite good but TaJ obviously at first refused to be part of any such horrific activity. However after a very generous offer, the two came to an agreement and hence later that evening Blue drove to TMH Base with the vehicle and making sure that nobody was around or paying attention, TaJ showed him direction to the storage unit of the headquarters where he got the C4 out of the trunk and fixed it below the chassis. TaJ also taught blue the method of activating it and everything else he needed to know. Blue then quickly paid and thanked TaJ and got underway from the premises.]


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    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[X : @IVI7 ]
    ^[TMH : @TaJ ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[TMH Leader TaJ was present at base along with a really experienced member Villain. The two were quite free and just sorting the new supplies when they heard someone honking at the gate. They arrived there and saw a new client in a really goodlooking vehicle. TaJ waved at the clienta nd showed him the way to the TMH Garage. The client very carefully yet precisely drove the car up the ramp and came down to talk to TaJ. Mr.IVI7 was here to get his vehicle checked because he has been hearing some sounds from the engine. Also he wanted to get the tires changed since they had wore out quite a lot. TaJ offered him free cola and asked him to make himself comfortable. The two technicians then got around the vehicle and fixed the lose wire which was the cause of sounds, while also replaced the tires with a new pairs of Michelin. TaJ went to the client who was smoking and checking out TMH vehicles and told him to come and check his car which was now ready. The client checked it as Villain drove it off the ramp and appreciated the services quite a lot. Soon then the payment was done and was pretty reasonable so the client thanked TaJ and Villain and left the premises with his car.]


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    @ALIJR007 said in Ali's Cuban Cars Activities:

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    Activity #37

    Activity Type: Roleplay
    Date: 09/10/2020
    Story: It was late at night, and I wanted to go home and eat a yummy piece of steak that I had kept in the morning for my dinner. I started to pack up and close the shop when I heard the loud sound of a V8 Engine coming my way. I stepped out of the garage to see the car, but to my surprise, the driver drove right into my garage.

    The car was a Ferrari, a pretty damaged one. I tried to explain to the driver that I wanted to go home, but she stopped me and told me that her name was Taj and that she was from the famous and prestigious illegal street racing club called ''The Motor Heads''. She told me that their base had just been raided by the police due to their illegal racing and that she was one of the few racers that escaped. She requested me to assist her in repairing her car, as it got pretty damaged during the raid. As a fan of that racing club, I just couldn't say no to her.

    She asked me if there was a place that she could lay low for a while. I opened the shop and told her to make herself comfortable in the lounge upstairs.

    I went downstairs and into the garage and inspected the car. The beautiful Ferrari had a lot of damage to it; the engine was damaged, a rear-wheel was losing air, and the side doors and the bumpers were damaged and scratched up badly.

    I started with the engine. Upon closer inspection, I saw that the smoke was coming from the gasket getting punctured and the exhaust manifold was damaged. I immediately replaced the two parts, and soon enough, the smoke started to disappear.

    I then moved on to the rear wheel, and fortunately, there was no rim damage, which meant that I just had to replace the tire and the tube inside it, which I completed quickly.

    For the scratches on the door, I just had to polish them out to make it disappear, and indeed, it looked better after the polish.

    The front bumper was not very damaged, and a few hits of a hammer got it back to normal. But the rear bumper was completely bent. So I removed it with the wrench I had and placed a new one.

    While working on the rear bumper, Mrs. Taj stepped out of the shop and told me that she wanted to leave as soon as possible. I quickly wrapped up and told her what repairs I did to the car. She was happy with the work I had done, and she threw $700 my way, which was more than what the repairs actually cost.

    She quickly jumped into her car and sped off.

    Participants: @TaJ @ALIJR007
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JjltUl7

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    ~[H]~(green)oster of the Training: TMH|TaJ|L - @TaJ

    ~[N]~(green)ature of Training [Racing/Technical/Both]: Racing around SA Racetrack

    ~[P]~(green)articipants: Too many (check ss)

    ~[A]~(green)bout the Training [Little Story]: Well, after a real long time, TaJ planned a thorough yet fun training. It was to be held at the new SA Racetrack down at Whetstone and hence the TMH racers as well as invited racers came down there dressed in their racing suits to compete in 2 awesome rounds. First race was just a 1 lap, more of a practice. It ended with Jokerulty with a few TMH members filling up the following podium spots. The final race consisted of 2 laps and was won by TMH Helper Veneno followed by member Hero and leader TaJ in the third place.

    ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Click here!

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    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[Los Lunas : @VeX ]
    ^[The Motor Heads : @TaJ ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[A breezy evening with TaJ chilling at an abandoned area in Las Venturas when an equally damaged vehicle pulls by and the guy gets out, gesturing TaJ to get out of vehicle. After a brief introduction where his identity was found out to be from the new cartel Los Lunas, TaJ recalled someone telling him that a few of their members believed to be better at racing than "some motor heads". TaJ wasted no further time in challenging the guy for a quick 1v1 from the same location down to Los Santos Jail. The challenge was accepted and soon got underway. The race began as expected and surprisingly the Lunas was dominating a rather careful TaJ at beginning but through the LS-LV Expressway, TaJ regained the lead and continued it until the virtual finish line. The lunas member came shortly after and appreciated the fun little battle.]


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    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[HS : @Lorch ]
    ^[TMH : @TaJ ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[Evening of Sunday isn't always very boring but this one was for TaJ who was at the TMH base without any urgent job. Just as he was wondering to close up and go home early when he received a phone call from an old customer Lorch. Lorch's one of many vehicles had suddenly "stopped" working and so TaJ hopped in his Towtruck and went to the location near Old HS base in Las Venturas. As he arrived, the two greeted one another and then focused on the vehicle. TaJ went for a quick inspection which lead to the conclusions that the vehicle's battery was out of charge due to being unused for a long while. TaJ assured lorch that it will be better soon, so used his Towtruck's battery to charge it using the traditional wires method. The method did work as usual and within just 10 minutes the car's battery was back to its great condition. Lorch then hopped in it to try it out and after providing some further tips such as keeping the ignition ON in the mornings and more, TaJ dealt with the charges and the two waved one other a happy goodbye.]


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    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[AA:p : @Riley ; AA-H: Exordium ]
    ^[HS : @Lorch ]
    ^[TMH : @TaJ ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[An interesting turn of events on Saturday evening where Arms Assasins' new associate Riley was just en route to a client from Hell Soldiers for a weaponry consignment delivery. Just when he was close to the HS Base, a criminal shot some rounds at his vehicle and made it really damaged. Riley couldn't figure out who or what that was and so managed to make it to his destination somehow. When he arrvied at the HS Base, first thing he did is call up his old friend who works or rather leads a growing automotive group and is a great mechanic, TaJ. TaJ was fortunately around in the town that moment and came up immediately to look after the car and repair it so Riley's new superiors do not get angry. While Riley and Lorch, the HS member, completed their deal. TaJ tried not to pay attention towards it and continued the repairing until it was eventually done. A few liquid containers and a new radiator later, the vehicle was back to its previous mint condition. Riley had just completed the deal and then both friends left together to a nearby bar for a while.]


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    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[ThC: @Ali ]
    ^[B~B: @Filippo ]
    ^[TMH: @TaJ ; @Medo12 ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[TMH Leader and pretty new member Cena were present at the headquarters when 2 clients came.. together. The two ladies drove an orange Super GT which was supposedly "making sounds". TaJ assured them best service as he got talking more about the car and made his junior go and inspect the vehicle. The car was all good except one tiny detail which TaJ himself found while assisting Cena in the inspection. He noticed that the radiator wire was torn up by wear and the radiator was pretty much ruined as well. TaJ ordered Cena to go and bring a wire set along with a new radiator and then helped him replace them in the vehicle. The ladies then gave it a try and were really appreciated the services. The two parties then figured out the billing and the ladies gave TaJ an extra tip. They then left with the vehicle and big smiles, with TaJ leaving with money and a number..]


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    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[CripZ: @Veneno-x ]
    ^[TMH: @TaJ ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[Another interesting late evening where bored TaJ was just chilling around at the TMH HQ down at Bone county when his long time friend Veneno called asking for a quick little favour. The guy who now is a part of the famous crew called CripZ called in for TaJ's help in getting their long time damaged Go-kart fixed as he wanted to go for a fun lap around. Usually TaJ wouldn't travel so far for such a reason but here it was like family. So TaJ got in his Merc and got en route to the famous beachview CripZ Base in Los Santos. Once arrived he called up Veneno who then arrived up to the base gates to receive him and sat inside the vehicle to escort him down to the actual place where TaJ's assistance was required. Both got out of the vehicle and walked up to the go-kart which was there all ruined. TaJ took his toolbox along and inspected it just before leaning in and making the necessary fixtures with Veneno assisting him by holding components and more when required. The fixture didnt take more than 15minutes but was being delayed from months now. Veneno thanked TaJ alot for his kind gesture and no service charge as this was a "fun time-pass" trip. TaJ then left the premises back for The motor heads headquarters.]


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    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[San Andreas Interceptors: @Rocoso ]
    ^[The Motor Heads: @TaJ ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[Thursday midnight of 1st October 2020 was indeed very tiring as usual for TMH leader TaJ who was heading back to the old HQ to stay the night and be ready for a meet early tomorrow morning. During this little trip from Bone county to Las venturas, he got followed and eventually pulled over by a San Andreas Interceptors Sergeant. The serg asked him to pull over to the side of the road and stay inside, as he walked up to the window and asked for his documents once he notified TaJ that it was a regular pullover made out of general suspicion at such a late time. TaJ generously agreed and handed over the documents. The agent asked permission and eventually went back to his vehicle to use the radio and communicate with his dispatcher to check the validity and past record of the suspect. As the record was all well, the sergeant came back and handed over the documents as he wanted to make one last check, i.e. of the vehicle in order to make sure it did not have any illegal substances since what is more suspicious than a luxurious modded pimped-up classic that was of TaJ. The vehicle check came back negative as well as the sergeant let TaJ leave.]


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    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[NavM @Orten ]
    ^[TMH: @TaJ ]
    ^[TMH-H: @FoxZilla ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[Having just satisfied a client at the base with some rather complicated repairing, TaJ was exhausted and decided to go for a spin in his convertible Comet. The mighty ride wasn't really quickest, but a best in class convertible available in his inventory. He then joined a friend FoxZilla and went to LV where they chilled at a market enjoying some cold coffees and donuts. At this very moment, an old acquitance joined them who has forever been proud of his own technical knowledge and self-modified vehicles. That someone was Orten, and he came with a rather goodlooking Cheetah. The revvs' assured TaJ that it was no competition for his Comet, but still Orten's challenge to go for a 1v1 from the Central LV marketplace to the LV Cross was accepted in a blink. The race then begun and ended quite quickly with Orten being the obvious winner. TaJ then walked to his ride and appreciated both of them. It was a little fun challenge with obvious outcome but the thrill is what we dig, not the win.]


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    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[Lunas: @VeX ]
    ^[TMH: @TaJ ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[The friday evening of 25th September was a casual fall afternoon for TMH Leader TaJ who was just chilling at the motor heads' base when he received a call for an "urgent repair" request. The guy supposedly met with an accident during last night's real bad weather conditions and so required instant assistance getting his vehicle back to a good condition. Since nobody else was available, TaJ himself approved his visit and changed into the technician outfit waiting for the guy to arrive, meanwhile checking some paperwork on the computer. As soon as the person arrived at the gates, he called TaJ who immediately walked downstairs and welcomed the client. TaJ then showed him the garage and asked to carefully drive up the ramp. The car was having numerous exterior damages and even a gunshot but TaJ did not mention about it to the dangerous looking mafia-type-dressed customer. He simply discussed the costly repairs required to the chassis which were then approved by the wealthy client. The repairs then got underway with TaJ walking around the garage and vehicle to fix the dents and paint them with the next-gen portable painting machine. Not long after, the car was back to its great form. The client then hopped in to give it a test and everything was OK internally as supposed. The client was extremely happy with the service and immediately paid TaJ for the services. He then showed him the way out after handing over a visiting card and assurance to contact anytime for further problems.]


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