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Posts posted by TaJ

  1. ^[alt text]

    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[THC-H : Jordskjelv ]
    ^[TMH : @TaJ ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[21st of November's noon wasn't so amusing for a stranger fellow who drove to a chilling TaJ in a cafe parking lot. The fellow gestured TaJ to head out and talk. The duo had a talk and he challenged TaJ to a 1v1 noticing the TMH Logo on TaJ's tshirt. The race was mutually agreed upon and hence both the racers lined up right outside as soon as TaJ finished his doughnut. The guy in a very promising Super GT initiated a verbal countdown upon which both of them raced to the destination of Las Venturas national Bank. Following different routes upon beginning, TaJ was first person to reach the destination by quite a huge time gap. The guy called "jords" did however come to the finishing line and appreciated the friendly competition and congratulated TaJ on being the winner of the quick competition. ]


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  2. ^[alt text]

    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[HS : @Lorch ]
    ^[TMH : @TaJ ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[Monday afternoon of 16th November was quite unusual for TMH head TaJ who received a call from a friend who had some fluid leakage issues on his sports vehicle all of a sudden. The guy, Lorch, couldn't drive to Bone county due to that issue and it being of such important cause, TaJ thought of reliving past times and set up TMH Portable Garage at the TMH Ex Base property in Lorch's current city Las Venturas. With this set, TaJ confirmed Lorch and asked him to somehow bring the vehicle there after texting him the address. TaJ then left TMH HQ as well and reached the property. With the vehicle parked in that lovely little space, TaJ used his mechanical expertise to deal with the urgent issue. He first reviewed the vehicle after a quick chat with lorch that clarified what the issue was. It was a pothole that might have caused breakage of a bottom pipe through which the Engine oil started to leak. TaJ then searched the Ex Base and luckily found a spare set. He replaced it as soon as possible and refilled the oil as well. Lorch was then asked to ignite it and test if everything was good which fortunately was the case. Lorch then thanked TaJ for his efforts and paid the due amount along with a very generous tip. He then bid TaJ a goodbye who also got back into his G63 en route back to HQ.]


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  3. ^[alt text]

    -TMH Racers Take On Villain -
    Type: 1v1
    Participants: TaJ and Villain
    Location: Whetstone Racetrack
    Winner & Prize: TaJ; no prize.
    Screenshots: Click here!

    ^[alt text]

    -TMH Racers Take On Villain -
    Type: 1v1
    Participants: TaJ and Villain
    Location: Whetstone Racetrack
    Winner & Prize: TaJ; no prize.
    Screenshots: Click here!

    ^[alt text]

    -TMH Racers Take On Villain -
    Type: 1v1
    Participants: TaJ and Villain
    Location: Whetstone Racetrack
    Winner & Prize: TaJ; no prize.
    Screenshots: Click here!

  4. ^[alt text]

    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[HS : @Lorch ]
    ^[TMH : @TaJ ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[Around 2 hours after having visited The Motor Heads base, the HS member Lorch rang up TaJ's private cellphone asking him for another favour. His club required some bike engines which they look forward to install themselves but he wanted TaJ to deliver some quality engines to the HS Base as soon as possible. TaJ was already in the warehouse area so he quickly checked whether they have them in stock or not after the recent Z deal, and fortunately they did. TaJ then assured Lorch and asked him to text him the address. TaJ then loaded the engines into his SUV and began the drive to Los Santos for the deal. Upon arrival, Lorch was seen outside waving at TaJ and they then greeted one another before quickly getting to the delivery. Lorch approved of the order and then helped TaJ pick them up and drop them at a desired place inside the base. TaJ then discussed billing which lorch asked to be mailed right at the address along with bank details. TaJ trusted him so the deal was accepted and then left the base.]


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