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Posts posted by TaJ

  1. ^[alt text]

    ^[~[P]~(green)articipants in The RP:]

    ^[TMH: @TaJ ; @Final324 ; @killerask ; @GranD ; @Lou-2 ; @Villain ]

    ^[RF: @Nevs ; @Thamond ; @Kalviin ; @Elgen ; @SnailBob ]

    ^[~[R]~(green)P Scenario:]

    ^[The Saturday noon was pretty usual for TMH members chilling at base doing their routine tasks until the moment Villain received a phone call by his very good friends from "RF". Nevs from RF rang up Villain to ask for some TMH Services. Its a newly setup organization with quite some vehicles at their headquarters. The vehicles were bought recently, painted in organization colors but didn't really have an inspection or maintenance check ran through them. Nevs wanted to make sure the vehicles were reliable when their "secret activities" are going on. Villain had previously mentioned TMH's reliable work when it came to vehicle maintenance and so Nevs was wondering if The Motor Heads could arrange a quick meet with some of its finest technicians and executives to visit the newly setup NF Base in San Fierro and give all their vehicles a quick check. Villain immediately checked on with TaJ who was fortunately free for the evening and asked the boys to buckle up for the trip. It was then all set.]

    ^[At around 13:00, TaJ and his members gathered up and got into two vans and headed to the client location in South San Fierro just close to the prestigious ZIP Constructions Base. The TMH members reached it pretty soon and got out of the vehicles to lined up when TaJ asked for the leader on which occasion Nevs walked forward thanking them first of all to get there on such short notice and then explained the deal with the vehicles. The vehicles were bought on quite a cheap deal although there were all less than 5 years old. So nothing bad should have been wrong with them but still a routine check is always good. TaJ assured him quality work and told his members to get on the vehicles in teams of two each. The 6 TMH members checked every vehicle quickly. TaJ ended up replacing just a rusty battery cover for one, and a wire circuit cap for the v10 Cheetah. These preventive measures were also performed by rest of the crew and such future problematic faults were all fixed.]

    ^[TaJ then walked to Nevs and said "Let's get to the billing?" at which point Nevs walked him to the building gate where TaJ calculated the expenses on a piece of paper that amounted upto 200$ for the expenses of spares installed and around 100$ for traveling and service charges. Nevs paid TaJ $350 quite generously with great remarks about the instant and cheap service. TaJ then reached his pocket to get a card for Nevs and advised him to ring him up directly if any further TMH services are required. After a quick handshake TaJ walked back to the van and hopped in with the rest of the crew to get en route back to the TMH Headquarters.]


    ^[Click here!]

  2. ^[alt text]

    TMH Racers Take On Raceflag -
    Type: RF
    Participants: TaJ, Dizzy, Veneno, GranD
    Location: Flint County fly-over.
    Winner & Prize: 1st - Dizzy, 2nd - GranD, 3rd - TaJ.



    ^[alt text]

    TMH Racers Take On Raceflag -
    Type: RF
    Participants: TaJ, Axestos, Villain, Rubbialbort
    Location: South San Fierro.
    Winner & Prize: 1st - Axestos, 2nd - Rubbialbort, 3rd - TaJ.



    ^[alt text]

    TMH Racers Take On Raceflag -
    Type: RF
    Participants: TaJ, Haze, Gyuala, Jccx.
    Location: South Los Santos.
    Winner & Prize: 1st - Jccx, 2nd - Gyuala, 3rd - TaJ.




  3. ^[]

    @franklin said in Hell Raisers MC | Media Archive:

    108th Roleplay
    Spare Wheels

    Short Scenario: I have decided to give our new Prospect a task since I am his mentor, we were running out of spare wheels for our Freeways so I decided to order him to do that, our official seller was out of town, so we decided to drive with our boxville to The Motorheads HQ and get some of the wheels there. Everything else is included in screenshots.
    Participants: HRMC|Franklin|Vice, HRMC|Polyamide|P, @TaJ
    Organisations: ~[Hell Raisers MC]~(33033f) & ~[The Motorheads]~(green)

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  4. ^[alt text]

    ~[H]~(green)oster of the Training: TMH|TaJ|L.

    ~[N]~(green)ature of Training [Racing/Technical/Both]: Racing (around Whetstone Racetrack).

    ~[P]~(green)articipants: Several TMH Members and @Ozz

    ~[A]~(green)bout the Training [Little Story]: Yet another evening of several activities came to end with the great idea of heading to the racetrack towards the south and lineup for a few races. With different winners in different vehicles each time, the 4-5 rounds of racing were incredibly fun.

    ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Click here!

    *I would like to thank everyone for joining!

  5. ^[]

    @rocoso said in SAI - Contributions & Activity log:

    alt text

    Involved SAI members: [Boblee Swagger]

    Divisions involved: SAM

    Other involved people: @TaJ

    Date, time and duration of activity: 19/01/2021 15 Minuts

    Activity type: Roleplay

    Activity Details: I stopped a guy who was coming at high speed and proceeded to do the routine procedure when a speeding car arrived and crashed so we had to call an ambulance which never arrived, the guy who had stopped helped me to get into his vehicle and go to the hospital where I received the proper medical procedure for my recovery and healing of my wounds

    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/gallery/idUmWWW

  6. ^[alt text]

    ~[H]~(green)oster of the Training: TMH|TaJ|L.

    ~[N]~(green)ature of Training [Racing/Technical/Both]: Racing (around Whetstone Racetrack).

    ~[P]~(green)articipants: TMH|Togna; TMH|Cena; TMH|Tomaz and TMH|Aveyro^.

    ~[A]~(green)bout the Training [Little Story]: Today after a long time of continuous activities streak, TaJ and team (a few left) still weren't totally satisfied with the day and wanted more. TaJ suggested to head to the Whetstone Racetrack once again this week and do some quick spins around the track with a little incentive on the table. TaJ arranged around 4 races of all the 4 gentlemen with same or different rides each round and the winner was supposed to get a shiny $100,000. First three rounds TaJ simply ruled the track but a experimental car change from Cheetah to Alpha cost him the last round where Aveyro was able to bag $100,000 for himself.

    ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Click here!

    *I would like to thank everyone for joining!

  7. ^[alt text]

    ~[H]~(green)oster of the Training: TMH|TaJ|L.

    ~[N]~(green)ature of Training [Racing/Technical/Both]: Racing (around Whetstone Racetrack).

    ~[P]~(green)articipants: TMH|Togna; TMH|Veneno-x; TMH|Prada; TMH|Franklin; TMH|Villain; TMH|Ares; TMH|Tomaz and @Nova and @juanes12 as racers!

    ~[A]~(green)bout the Training [Little Story]: Well, after a long day of casual sitting by and driving around, several gathered TMH petrolheads were guided to the Racetrack after particular permissions by TMH Leader TaJ who arranged a fun racing evening. The racers lined up for many races with different vehicles and setups. The evening couldn't have been spent any better.

    ~[S]~(green)creenShot(s): Click here!

    *I would like to thank everyone for joining!

  8. Your ingame username: taj125
    Your ingame alias: TaJ
    Your year of birth: March 2001
    Your gender: Male

    Nationality: Indian
    Country of residence: Canada

    How long you have been playing SAES: First time I started playing must be around 2011, but I was too young to clearly understand the concept so went long inactive and finally back in around 2016.
    Qualities you can offer: Well, I'm a really old player who is totally aware with the game's concept and believes to totally understand both sides of the tale, the players as well as the management. I've been quite active over the past few years and always tried my best to help a new player not because I'm interested in this specific position, but because I like to do that. I've tried to never break a major rule and always stay in my boundaries while also keeping my point when something doesn't seem right. Moreover my English fluency is quite decent and my experience of leading a group to success despite many obstacles caused by the surroundings deliberately or not gives me the confidence of being able to have what it takes to be in this position. One more thing I'd like to add is my Canadian Timezone that allows me to be ingame at a time not many admins can and to monitor and control situations at that time.
    Your weaknesses: I may have a few which I don't think I can list all, but at least try. To start with, I'm not very flawless with gaming situations of combat or flying, but those don't seem very relative to this position. However, generally I'm very open about what I feel and this might look like a weakness to some but its actually more of a strength to me.

    Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do.

    Reason for application: There are so many reasons behind my presence here such as the fact that I've been able to witness and observe evolution of so many fellow or younger players and always felt that I'm also capable of that. Secondly, I believe that this position might give me a little benefit in terms of helping new players which I love and still always try to do. Also, many times when I stumble upon a big argument between a staff and a player in game or at forums, I usually tend to have many opinions and suggestions of my own but keep them to myself because "those might not make a difference anyway", however this might change and I could help to resolve conflicts and also suggest new ideas when my position as a player is sorta promoted.

    Server Memberships:

    • CripZ (Gang) - Level 3 member.

    • The Motor Heads - Leader and founder.

    • Cuban Cars - Impounder.

    Additional information: I would like to add a little introduction about myself in real life. My real nickname is Taj as well, I'm 19 years old and originally from Nothern India but recently arrived to Canada as a student. I usually work to earn myself a comfortable living but those are pretty much hampered due to COVID-19 lockdowns currently, hence I have a lot of free time to play the game for now. I don't expect this to change by a lot even once my routine is back on track because I'm always around for my group and helping everyone reaching out as much as I can

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: No (valid) adminjail ever. However a few little duration mutes.
    Previous (legitimate) bans: Once, a long time ago back in 2017 I believe when a SAES HQ believed that I was an admin in my real life friend's "copycat" server which a lead SAES Developer himself came and inspected and declared to not have any copied resources running. The server was very soon closed and I've never really been associated with any other MTA:SA Community ever after.

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