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Everything posted by Norwing

  1. Flight #2 SAIA Pilot Name @Meliodas SF Aircraft Name & Type Shamal & SF Number Of Passengers Flown Total Time Flying 1 hour Screenshots ::: :::
  2. Rest in peace brother Faker SAES will always remember you... <3 This isn't goodbye. See you soon...
  3. May Brother Faker SAES rest in peace, he will always remember you.... :(
  4. @tut-greco said in [REPORT] BUG: bugs are generally to be posted on bug tracker, requiring registration. link is found on bottom of the site Well Thanks Tut!.
  5. Name (Ingame and Username): Meliodas / prometeus Member of Which Groups?: ::: DZTG CEO ::: Please Explain Previous Flying Experience You Have: I have experience flying because before I was in a squad and then occupied the airplanes. What Homebase and Rank are you applying for?: Air Traffic Control: SF , ATC Manager Why do you want to join SAIA?: Because I find that it is a good is interesting and I think it has a future within SAES also I would like to come in to help with RP and as much as I can for this group day after day to strive and progress with levels technically I want to form a history with SAIA. Also on the other side SAIA has an interesting history. Redgars, Matias
  6. Hello to all the SAES community I come to show a bug of how to arrest in events / or kill in events. First of all I would like to thank especially @Licano who collaborated with me to report this bug. ~[Video]~(black,black,black): I and @Licano decided to record a video so that there are no abuses with the respective bug. https://youtu.be/eGZlAESapwA In case it's still unclear, the things I did are as follows. I must first warp the respective event. Once inside the event I have to open the /event panel after that I have to click where it says "leave event". After having clicked on "abandon event" I have 5 seconds with the weapons enabled thing that allows me to arrest or kill in the respective event after those 5 seconds I die. That would be all thanks to the administrators for taking the time to read this report. Greetings, Matias & Camilo
  7. Name (Ingame and Username): Meliodas / prometeus Member of Which Groups?: ::: DZTG CEO ::: Please Explain Previous Flying Experience You Have: I have experience flying because before I was in a squad and then occupied the airplanes. What Homebase and Rank are you applying for?: Air Traffic Control: SF , ATC Manager Why do you want to join SAIA?: Because I find that it is a good group I also see a good future within SAES and it is interesting.
  8. ~[Good Luck bois]~
  9. [Event Helped #53] Event Type: LMS CEO Helpers: @Staifi @Meliodas Event Hosted for and by: Hosted for CDC and by Douglass Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Personal Information - Name: Matias Nickname: Meliodas Age: 14 Gender: Male Nationality: Chilean Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): Hello my name is Matias I am 14 years old I live in Chile Santiago (the capital) I like basketball I also like video games I like to spend time with my friends and also my family and in the future I would like to study nursing. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? I've been playing SAES:RPG 2 months almost 3 Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?: Never banned from SAES because I maintain my discipline but had administrative jails the last one I had was for avoid also had by DM when I was a paramedic (cops tried to arrest me). Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: Please list your current group memberships on the server: ~[SAFP]~(blue,blue,blue) : It was my first squad I learned a lot about the police side there but I left it because of personal problems after that I wanted to return and an HQ invited me but the VL kicked me because I should have been on the blacklist. ~[ICE]~(cyan) I was also 2 times I was a good squadron at the first time I left it because I no longer felt comfortable due to the type of members that were being accepted. 2nd time: I was invited back but I left because it was when I said to start my criminal career at SAES with ~[CDC]~(#82173b). ~[CDC]~(#82173b,#82173b): It's a good gang I was also in 2 times in the 1st time: I was accepted and invited by Killer after that I got kicked because I attended a turf as a policeman (I want to clarify that I only wanted to make money with arrests) 2nd time: after that happened Killer invited me back but I left him because he didn't have a good reputation and there were complaints against me because he did a lot of DM to ~[CDC]~(#82173b,#82173b) members. What are your strengths? One of my skills is to shoot, drive and arrest. What are your weaknesses? My weaknesses are flying shamales and I get angry easily. Do you have discord & TS3? I prefer discord but no problem if I have to install TS3 and if I have a discord. Whats your average ping? 214-231 Do you have access to the PC spawns? No How many hours do you have in-game? 458 hours. How often do you visit the forums? Whenever I connect to the game I leave it open and check it constantly. Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): 8 Arresting (out of 10): 9 English (out of 10): 8 Driving (out of 10): 9 Combat (out of 10): 9 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? It is a good squadron and has proven to be active has good police and its members are friendly and respectful STF also has a good role. Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? No one recommended me apply. Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes sir In your own words, define roleplay: rp is roleplaying you chose a character and pretend your something your not could be a cop or criminal and then you try living up to your idear of the role your playing In your own words, define DM:death matching its killing other players without a valid reason its iligal against saes rules and damaging their cars is also dming In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork is a collaborative effort of one or more members to achieve a common goal or objective in the most efficient way possible Best Regards , Matias
  11. Good Luck!!
  12. ~[Good Luck bois]~
  13. Ingame name: 215|Meliodas Ingame username: prometeus Previous organizations and leaving causes: Squads: ~[SAFP]~(navy,navy,navy,blue,blue,blue,blue,blue,blue): it was my first squadron very comfortable and fun and I was in 2 times 1st time: I was accepted I was a while and after that I left because of personal problems 2nd time: I was invited by an HQ but the vicelider kicked me because I should have been on the blacklist because I left without having informed. ~[ICE]~(blue) : a "good" squadron I was also 2 times in the 1st time: I was accepted I was a while and left it because I didn't feel comfortable 2nd time: I was invited again but I left it because it was when I decided to start again my criminal career in SAES with ~[CDC]~(#91142b,#91142b,#91142b). Gang: ~[CDC]~(#91142b,#91142b) : it's a good gang very good very good I learned a lot there I was also in 2 times 1st time: I was accepted and I was invited but I was kicked by Killer because I went to a turf as a policeman I want to make it clear that my intention was to earn money not to help. 2nd time: I was invited by Killer after that but I quit because I had a bad reputation and there were also complaints against me because I did a lot of DM to the members. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is is an old-fashioned organization that never changed it's ways of doing things. Created in middle of the XIX century, Underground Empire has always been loyal to it's members and is considered one of the most respectable groups in San Andreas. It offers a variety of unique and special advantages that can only be obtained through criminal activities. Underground Empire owns pratically every casino in Las Venturas making it one of the most powerful organizations that has ever existed In addition, his jobs include arms trafficking, drug trafficking, drug dealing, buying police officers to turn a blind eye to money laundering, and contracts to kill He is also involved in the illegal trafficking of all types of drugs. What binds you with Underground Empire: I feel connected to Underground Empire by its massive influence on the server, not only its members/leaders are friendly and respectful to UE I really want to have a chance because UE makes every moment worthwhile and I feel that it could fit perfectly. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is when you perform an activity with members of the organization. An organization can only be good if they act together and are cleverly organized, the leaders have a huge influence regarding this part. Usually they operate in groups in order to achieve a specific goal, either money or territories. Working together makes the "job" a lot easier and more efficient because you understand your partners and you're able to easily communicate with them. Images of hang (I know it doesn't come with the original format.) ::: ~[(I was with him but I was arrested)]~ ::: Best Regards Matias
  14. Happy Birthday
  15. Type: Car Show Helper: N/A Date: 09-09-2018 LWS/G6/CEO @Spinkes @Spectre Prize: 700k 200k 100k Winner(s): @DaLi @ziad @Castiel Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. ~[Good Luck!]~
  17. Application Your Ingame nickname :Meliodas Your username :prometeus Your ingame hours : 428 hours. Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? :No, but I'll be right in. Your building skills ?/10 : 7 Your English skills ?/10 : 8 Your current G/S/C : N/A Your Current Group(s) : DZTG Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? : Because I will be a good member I will be faithful and I would like to form a story with CEO until CEO becomes official and I will improve my construction only by CEO I'm also an active player. Chicken Shooter ::: : ::: LMS ::: :::
  18. ~[Happy birthday]~
  19. Norwing


    yes scripter
  20. This topic is more than anything to see the times of the Players in cracking!
  21. Happy Birthday
  22. Players Forum Name (@Tag): @perlo Rate his in-game skills (0-10): 3 Rate his english skills (0-10): 4 Do you know this player in real life: No How long do you know this player in-game: More than a month ago I saw him on the server. Your Opinion about this player in-game:He is a bad player and bad person does not know how to respect or if he criticizes something or someone he does it in a bad way. Your Suggestion about this player in-game:To learn to say things with respect and to respect the rules of SAES. @Master-Chief
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