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Everything posted by Norwing

  1. Pico pal q lee
  2. username: alantrs last seen: 26 th august 2018 Screeshots
  3. About yourself. In-game nickname: Meliodas-666- In-game username: prometeus Your real name: Matias Age: 14 Nationality: Chilean Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?: Yes Shiryu Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: Honestly no one recommended me to apply to O is a good gang and that's why I decided to apply. What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit? My activity respects also contribute to Rps ideas and events I'm good driving and more than anything the TEAM WORK! Additional information about yourself: Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): I've been playing SAES:RPG for about 3-4 months. and I have a total of (512 hrs) What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): ~[SAFP]~(navy,navy) ~[ICE]~(cyan,cyan) ~[CDC]~(#802141,#802141) ~[STF]~(blue,blue) Why have you left the above?: ~[SAFP]~(navy,navy) It was my first very comfortable squadron but I quit because of personal problems after that I was invited back but the VL kicked me because I should have been on the blacklist. ~[ICE]~(cyan,cyan) It was a good squad I left to join the criminal side specifically to apply to ~[CDC]~(#802141,#802141). ~[CDC]~(#802141): It was my first gang I learned a lot about the criminal side to there I was in 2 times in the first time I was kicked because I attended a turf as a policeman (I didn't want to help just make money $ ) After that I was invited back but I left it up to date because of my bad reputation and complaints against me because I did a lot of DM to ~[CDC]~(#802141) members. ~[STF]~(blue,blue): Private reason (if you need to know PM me.) What server groups are you currently a part of?: ~[CEO]~(yellow) ~[DZTG]~(red,red) ~[SAIA]~(#b3d41e,#b3d41e) Previous server bans and reasons (include links): I was only banned from SAES 1 time and for 1 day for having been mute and still talking to the players with the command of (/give.) Best Wishes Matias
  4. Good luck guys I know it's not easy but you can Faker should be happy the lvl 1 let's go you can!
  5. ~[Happpy birthdaaaaaayyyyy]~
  6. Username faraleth Last Seen 1st July Screenshots ::: :::
  7. Username: choxa Last Seen 4th July Screenshots ::: :::
  8. ~[Good Luck girls!]~
  9. ~[this post is deleted]~(silver)
  10. ~[Happy birthday Geri]~
  11. Username dramon Last Seen 14th august Screenshots ::: :::
  12. Personal Information - Name: Matias Nickname: Meliodas-999- Age: 14 Gender: Male Nationality: Chilean Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): Hello my name is Matias I am 14 years old I live in Chile Santiago (the capital) I like basketball I also like video games I like to spend time with my friends and also my family and in the future I would like to study nursing. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? I've been playing SAES:RPG 2 months almost 3 Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?: Well I was banned from SAES about 1 week ago (for 1 day) because I was muted and kept talking to the players (which will not happen again) I also have adminjail of months ago for having attended a turf as a police when it was ~[CDC]~(#821d3b) (I didn't want to help anyone just make money with arrests) also for making DM to police being for paramedic (I wanted to arrest) Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: Please list your current group memberships on the server: ~[SAFP]~(navy) : It was my first squad I learned a lot about the police side there but I left it because of personal problems after that I wanted to return and an HQ invited me but the VL kicked me because I should have been on the blacklist. ~[ICE]~(cyan) I was also 2 times I was a good squadron at the first time I left it because I no longer felt comfortable due to the type of members that were being accepted. 2nd time: I was invited back but I left because it was when I said to start my criminal career at SAES with CDC. ~[CDC]~(#821d3b,#821d3b,#821d3b): It's a good gang I was also in 2 times in the 1st time: I was accepted and invited by Killer after that I got kicked because I attended a turf as a policeman (I want to clarify that I only wanted to make money with arrests) 2nd time: after that happened Killer invited me back but I left him because he didn't have a good reputation and there were complaints against me because he did a lot of DM to CDC members. Please list your current group memberships on the server: DZTG CEO SAIA What are your strengths? One of my skills is to shoot, drive and arrest. What are your weaknesses? My weaknesses are flying shamales and I get angry easily. Do you have discord & TS3? I prefer discord but no problem if I have to install TS3 and if I have a discord. Whats your average ping? 214-231 Do you have access to the PC spawns? No How many hours do you have in-game? 497 hours. How often do you visit the forums? Whenever I connect to the game I leave it open and check it constantly. Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10): 8 Arresting (out of 10): 9 English (out of 10): 8 Driving (out of 10): 9 Combat (out of 10): 9 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? STF has proven to be a good squadron and also speaking with sincerity in this time that I have been with the members of STF there is a lot of fun and they are respectful when you have doubts or questions listen to you and that's why I would like to enter STF. Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? No one recommended me apply. In your own words, define Roleplay: When your are doing a roleplay you'll have to act like someone in your function (job) does in real life, So an example: A criminal drives a way above the speed limit you need to pull him over and ask him for his papers/ why he was breaking that law. Then you can choose if you will let him go or not. In your own words, define DM: Deathmatching, is when you kill a player without reason or shooting them, shooting cars, destroying its wheels or destroying it, hit another cop with the police's stick. This is not allowed ****In your own words, define Teamwork: Teamwork is the collaborative effort of a team to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way Best Regards Matias Police Officer
  13. [Event Helped #69] Event Type: LMS CEO Helpers: @Meliodas @Douglass Event Hosted for and by: @Crazzy - ~[CDC]~(#82154b) - @Meliodas - ~[SAIA]~(yellow,yellow) Screenshots ::: :::
  14. Event #2 Event Type: LMS Prize Money: 1m Winner: SAIA Members Involved: @Meliodas LWS/CEO/G6: @Meliodas Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. [Event Helped #68] Event Type: Chicken Shooter. CEO Helpers: @Meliodas Event Hosted for and by: @Blu ScreenShots ::: :::
  16. Flight #6 SAIA Pilot Name: @Meliodas Aircraft Name & Type: Shamal & Las Venturas to San Fierro Number of Passengers Flown: 2 Total Time Flying: 15 Minuts Screenshots: ::: ::: ~[Here, To Get You There ~ San Andreas International Airlines]~
  17. Flight #5 SAIA Pilot Name: @Meliodas Aircraft Name & Type: Shamal & Los Santos to Las Venturas Number of Passengers Flown: 2 Total Time Flying: 15 Minuts Screenshots: ::: ::: ~[Here, To Get You There ~ San Andreas International Airlines]~
  18. I agree with @Lincoln CEO really works hard to be official and may not have a warp like LWS/G6 But it has something that they already left behind which is the activity as mentioned @James most entan is squads/gangs and it's hard to find a free one. Also in my personal opinion I believe that SAES should give an opportunity to new groups like BES/TMH/CEO to let these groups have an opportunity on the server because of their work and it is and leave the old behind.
  19. Its members especially its VL is not able to lead its VL arrests policemen.
  20. Flight #4 SAIA Pilot Name: @Meliodas Aircraft Name & Type: Shamal & San Fierro to Los Santos Number of Passengers Flown: 2 Total Time Flying: 20 Minuts Screenshots: ::: ::: ~[Here, To Get You There ~ San Andreas International Airlines]~
  21. Flight #:3 SAIA Pilot Name: @Meliodas Aircraft Name & Type: Shamal & Los Santos to San Fierro Number of Passengers Flown: 2 Total Time Flying: 15 Minuts Screenshot: ::: ::: ~[Here, To Get You There ~ San Andreas International Airlines]~
  22. RP # 3 SAIA Members Involved: @Meliodas Other Groups and Players Involved: ~[Wilds Angels]~(purple) - @Staifi - Story: I was quietly at SF airport when my phone started ringing it was a call I was a customer who needed transportation to LS after that we agreed the price and I was waiting for him at SF airport. After that while I was arriving at the airport I made sure that the plane had fuel for the trip and after 15 minutes the client arrived then I turned on the plane and I put it on the runway and the passenger went up and said that started the trip. At the end of the trip we arrived at LS Airport where a taxi was waiting for him to take him to his business in LS. The End..... ~[Here, To Get You There]~ ~ ~[San Andreas International Airlines]~
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