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Everything posted by Norwing

  1. Happy birthday Mr.Ban
  2. Congrulations!!! Level 2!! :duck:
  3. Players Forum Name (@Tag): @Villain-R Rate his in-game skills (0-10):10 Rate his english skills (0-10):10 Do you know this player in real life: no How long do you know this player in-game: 1 month Your Opinion about this player in-game: He's a good player and he's friendly and helps you when you need something. Your Suggestion about this player in-game: May you continue to improve day by day and good luck at LWS.
  4. Players Forum Name (@Tag): @Douglass Rate his in-game skills (0-10): 8 Rate his english skills (0-10): 8 Do you know this player in real life: Nop How long do you know this player in-game: 1 month Your Opinion about this player in-game: He is a good player and respects the rules and is active. Your Suggestion about this player in-game: Stay away from him or he'll give you LAG. XD
  5. ~[-Part 1-Personal information:]~(red,red,red,red,red,red,red) -Nickname: Meliodas-Z -AccountName: prometeus -Real Name: Matias Ignacio -Age: 14 -Nationality: Chilean -Primary Language: Spanish -Your english skills:/10 8 ~[-Part 2-Your playtime in MTA|SAES:]~(red,red,red) -How long have you been playing MTA: 3 years -How long have you been playing on SAES: 2-3 months -How many hours do you play in day: I play between 4-8 hours per day. -Previous gang/squads?: ~[SAFP]~(blue,blue,blue,blue) / ~[ICE]~(cyan,cyan,cyan) / ~[CDC]~(#82154a,#82154a,#82154a) -currently gang/squads?: N/A -previous gang/squad/groups: Groups : ~[TMH]~(lime,lime) - ~[SA-RS]~(yellow,yellow) Gang: ~[CDC]~(#82154a,#82154a,#82154a) Squads: ~[SAFP]~(blue,blue,blue) / ~[ICE]~(cyan,cyan)
  6. Players Forum Name (@Tag): @Zodiac Rate his in-game skills (0-10):9 Rate his english skills (0-10): 9 Do you know this player in real life: no How long do you know this player in-game: too long over 2 months. Your Opinion about this player in-game: He's a good man who respects the rules and is friendly! Your Suggestion about this player in-game: He's got to learn how to arrest. xd
  7. Hp SAFP Nice squad! :dog:
  8. @kybali0n said in PUBG Wins!!: @Meliodas tu poto huele a estiercol No te aburres :v
  9. Application Your Ingame nickname : Meliodas/Z Your username : prometeus Your ingame hours : 386 hrs. Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? : yes and yes Your building skills ?/10 : 7 Your English skills ?/10 :8 Your current G/S/C : N/a Your Current Group(s) : ~[TMH]~(lime,lime,lime,lime) Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? :Because I would like to form a story with CEO and help CEO become an official! I also believe that I should be accepted because I am active and I like to build and I will be loyal.
  10. @rabygon said in PUBG Wins!!: my mom died xd lmao
  11. Good Luck mate
  12. @nav said in PUBG Wins!!: Fortnite is better nah xd
  13. @pular said in PUBG Wins!!: What about pubg mobile yes xd pubg mobile yes
  14. @revonex said in PUBG Wins!!: Real PUBG or SAES? Real PUBG
  15. Good Luck :)
  16. post your victories here! the more deaths the more respect! xd I don't have victories, I'm a Nub. xd
  17. SAFP Application Format GG.
  18. Ingame name: 215|Meliodas Ingame username: prometeus Previous organizations and leaving causes: ~[SAFP]~(navy,navy): It was my first squad a good squad I got out because of personal problems after a while I told the HQ about the problems and he invited me back but the next day he kicked me the ViceLider because I should be on the blacklist. ~[ICE]~(cyan,cyan,cyan,cyan,cyan) : It's a good squad good active members but I decided to get out to join the ~[UE]~(maroon) and start my criminal career in SAES. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is is an old-fashioned organization that never changed it's ways of doing things. Created in middle of the XIX century, Underground Empire has always been loyal to it's members and is considered one of the most respectable groups in San Andreas. It offers a variety of unique and special advantages that can only be obtained through criminal activities. Underground Empire owns pratically every casino in Las Venturas making it one of the most powerful organizations that has ever existed In addition, his jobs include arms trafficking, drug trafficking, drug dealing, buying police officers to turn a blind eye to money laundering, and contracts to kill. What binds you with Underground Empire: I feel connected with Underground Empire because it is a good gang that is well respected and its members are active and friendly and respect the rules and this gang is well worth it What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is when I do some activity with the members of the organization and it will go well when a gang is organized and for this you must have good communication with the members and most of all work as a TEAM. Warm Greetings Matias UE Applicant.
  19. Roleplay #Number : 4 Rented Car Name: Alpha Participants @Meliodas @PerroLoco Story: I was quietly working through the catalog of vehicles and motorcycles to rent until I got a call on the phone. He was a businessman who needed to rent a car to talk business in another city. After all the conversation we had over the phone I told him we had the rental services in San Fierro. He told me that he was still alive and then 45 minutes later he arrived. He told me he was in a hurry and wanted a fast sports car that was late. So he decided on the Alpha. He signed the papers and told me that he wanted delivery so I told him that he would be home in 20 minutes and he called a taxi and left. Then I checked the car, the brakes, the engine, the gas and all that. I put that on, it was all good, so I went to leave the car at your place. So I rushed over and went to his house. When he arrived, I waited for him and he arrived 3 minutes later he transferred the money to me and I gave him the money and he left for his meeting. After that I called a cab and went back to work. ~[Rent Service San Andreas.]~(cyan,yellow,orange,red,green,yellow,lime,lime)
  20. Happy birthday ThC NICEE GANG!! <3
  21. Event #376 Event Name: Rhino Shooter Lws/G6: @Licano Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(s): @EcosKorpion Screenshosts: https://imgur.com/a/ACDwk06
  22. ~[this post is deleted]~(silver)
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