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Everything posted by Norwing

  1. Congratulations!! :laughing:
  2. Congratulations Boys, I wish you all the best!
  3. ~[Happy Birthday mate]~
  4. ~[Happy Halloween pendejoos!]~
  5. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 179 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- The hard day -=(black,red)Story:=- I was at the BBMC base with my brothers when Douglass arrived and we started to talk I needed my help a large quantity of merchandise then we loaded the car and went to the LV airport where my brother waited for us with the helicopter we loaded the helicopter and took us to the LS airport where another helicopter waited for us to take us to the CDC base once we loaded the helicopter with the merchandise I said goodbye to my brother and we went to the CDC base once we lowered the load they paid me and finished the job. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/NvAJCw5
  6. @zodiac said in Kill/SR/BR/Deliveries/Race Scoreboard: nub cracker
  7. Happy Birthday sir
  8. Username fuerzas Last Seen 26th August SS
  9. Username: dramon Last seen 14th august Screenshots
  10. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 176 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- The intervention -=(black,red)Story:=- I was in our base with one of my brothers when I received a call to my phone I was an old friend and buyer then I quoted him to the base to negotiate because he wanted merchandise then we talked about it we negotiated and reached an agreement when we were loading the merchandise suddenly the police arrived and left us with no way out then we took advantage of Douglass was on the ground and escaped after that Douglass was on his way to LS to the prison then with my brother Dark we decided to help him we intercepted the police officer we pointed to Douglass we took Douglass and closed the deal. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/W1ziuzf -=(black,red)Blood Brothers MC=- - -=(black,red)If you dont use a gun, you will die as none=-
  11. https://nightly.mtasa.com/?mtasa-1.5.6-full_rc-latest @JoGe @Shiryu
  12. I made a topic in the MTA forum asking for help because I have the same problem if there is an answer I warn you for which I have the same error.
  13. There are 3 of us ...
  14. 2nd Mortal Kombat X or Dark Souls
  15. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 175 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- The unexpected visit -=(black,red)Story:=- I was in the bar when a gangbanger arrives and starts talking to me he told me he needed a job to deliver it to his bosses then we negotiated and we started the job we loaded the car with the goods and left our base to LS after that we got to the base and there we were paid and finished the job. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/WzQNNeO
  16. E~[vent]~(#a60d1c,#a60d1c) ~[Num]~(maroon,maroon)****~[ber]~(red) 64 E~[ven]~(#a60d1c,#a60d1c)~[t Ty]~(maroon,maroon)~[pe]~(red) Chicken Shooter E~[ven]~(#a60d1c,#a60d1c)~[t Pri]~(maroon,maroon,maroon)~[ze]~(red,red) 1.000.000 G~[6/LW]~(#a60d1c,#a60d1c)~[S/CEO]~(red,red,red) @Prometheus S~[cre]~(maroon)~[enshoot]~(red,red)s ::: :::
  17. [Event Helped #90] Event Type: Chicken Shooter CEO Helpers @Douglass Event Hosted for and by: @Douglass ~[CDC]~(#821f31) - @Prometheus B~[B]~(maroon,maroon)~[MC]~(red) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/08Ep593
  18. [Event Helped #88] Event Type: LMS CEO Helpers: @Douglass Event Hosted for and by: Hosted by @Douglass For CDC Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. ~[Role]~(maroon,maroon)~[play]~(red) ( N~[um]~(#a60d1c,#a60d1c)~[ber]~(red,red) ) 173 R~[olep]~(#a60d1c,#a60d1c)~[lay]~(maroon,maroon) ~[Title]~(red,red): The Order S~[to]~(#a60d1c,#a60d1c)~[ry]~(red,red): I was on the base when I got a call was the CDC leader wanted drugs after that we went to his base and we talked and we negotiated after that we went to our base to deliver the drugs we agreed the price we negotiated and the drugs were his. S~[cree]~(#a60d1c,#a60d1c,#a60d1c)~[nsh]~(maroon,maroon)~[oots]~(red,red): https://imgur.com/a/F5QtXt6
  20. E~[ve]~(maroon)~[nt]~(red) ( ~[Num]~(maroon)~[ber]~(red,red) ) 61 E~[ven]~(maroon,maroon)~[t T]~(maroon,maroon)~[ype]~(red,red): Box all vs all E~[ven]~(maroon,maroon)~[t Prize]~(red): 1.000.000 G~[6/L]~(maroon,maroon,maroon)~[WS]~(red,red,red,red): [AA]Zombie S~[cre]~(maroon,maroon,maroon)~[enshoot(s)]~(red,red): https://imgur.com/a/dEFYu4r
  21. ~[First Part]~(red,red,red,red) Nickname: Sup22|Prometheus Account Name: prometeus Gender: Masculine Age: 14 Nationality: Chilean Primary Language: Spanish Secondry Language(s): English For how long have you been playing SAES? : 3-4 months How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB): 517 hrs Which G/S/C have you been in? : ~[SAFP]~(blue) ~[ICE]~(cyan,cyan) ~[CDC]~(#87102a,#87102a) ~[STF]~(navy,navy) Why did you leave (or were you kicked from) your previous G/S/C? : ~[SAFP]~(blue,blue) : It was my first very comfortable squadron but I quit because of personal problems after that I was invited back but the VL kicked me because I should have been on the blacklist. ~[ICE]~(cyan,cyan) It was a good squad I left to join the criminal side specifically to apply to ~[CDC.]~(#87102a,#87102a,#87102a) ~[CDC]~(#87102a,#87102a,#87102a): It was my first gang I learned a lot about the criminal side to there I was in 2 times in the first time I was kicked because I attended a turf as a policeman (I didn't want to help just make money $ ) After that I was invited back but I left it up to date because of my bad reputation and complaints against me because I did a lot of DM to ~[CDC]~(#87102a,#87102a) members. ~[STF:]~(navy,navy) Private reason (if you need to know PM me.) Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? : I was only banned from SAES 1 time and for 1 day for having been mute and still talking to the players with the command of (/give.) ~[Second Part]~(red) What does roleplay mean? : RP is roleplaying you chose a character and pretend your something your not could be a cop or criminal and then you try living up to your idear of the role your playing What does deathmatching mean?(explain with an example) : death matching its killing other players without a valid reason its iligal against saes rules and damaging their cars is also dming (If I kill a player for no reason, it's DM.) What is the difference between PBR and BR ?: The PBR is a robbery of a public bank all crack and in the BR is a specific gang where only the gang that is robbing the bank is cracking. Tell us 2 BR rules : 1 It is totally forbidden to reconnect just to regenerate life. 2 It is strictly forbidden to start a BR Solo with 1 gang member. Tell us 2 Turf war rules: 1: That it is not allowed to kill a criminal or police officer who is not part of the war. 2 It is totally forbidden to do paramedic Spawn simply to help your gang or to do police spawn to arrest your rivals and thus help your gang. What is avoid arrest ?: It's when I disconnect or kill myself so the cop won't arrest me. ~[Third Part]~(red,red,red) What is your motivation to join BBMC? : I am motivated to progress in SAES and BBMC as I move up in rank and contribute. What can you bring to the gang? : My activity, ideas, rps, events and my support in the good and bad moments of BBMC. Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who : yes SoulFly Post your favorite bike in a spoiler to be considered(spoiler): ::: :::
  22. ~[Congratulations]~
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