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Everything posted by Norwing

  1. Deleted
  2. Roleplay #Number: 2 Rented Bike Name: Sanchez Participants:@mrquique Story: I was working as usual and someone called me on the phone was a customer who wanted to rent a car told me that he saw the ad on the internet I gave him the address and arrived 30 minutes later. We started talking and he told me that he was looking to rent a car at a good price and he didn't really know what he was looking for if he wanted a motorcycle or a car Then I told him the details of the cars and motorcycles. After that I took him to see the vehicles available for rent and he called the attention of the Convertible but told me that he would be in the field so he wanted a motorcycle Then we go up to the next floor of the motorcycles. After that we decided on Sanchez because she adapted to any terrain so we went down to do the paperwork and the signature that the motorcycle was rented for 1 day. After that he made me deposit the money on the internet and I gave him the keys of the motorcycle and I solved a couple of doubts about the contract. After that we said goodbye and minutes later he left with the motorcycle.
  3. Roleplay #Number: 1 Rented Car Name: Cheetah Participants: @Rayder Story: I was working normally looking at the cars that were rented and the cars that were available for rent mostly doing inventory when a mechanic walked through the door. He told me he wanted to go on vacation to the beach with his girlfriend and wanted to rent a car for 3 days and told me he was undecided whether to rent a motorcycle or a sports car. I took him to see the models available for cars and motorcycles on the way to see them and he told me he wanted something comfortable to impress his girlfriend He liked the Cheetah but still told me he wanted to see the bikes so I took him to the third floor where the motorcycles were. He liked the FreeWay and it was time to decide and told me that the car he liked the most and that he would like to go is the Cheetah Then I escorted him downstairs to pay and we did the paperwork and I gave him the keys, signed the documents and left the car outside. I showed him the engine and the suitcase and everything put that and the signed papers I left it down and gave him the vehicle we asked for the location and he said he went to the beach in Santa Monica. And then we said goodbye and he left. Happier Customer.
  4. Personal Information Section Name in the game: Meliodas User: Meliodas Account name: prometeus Age:14 Gender: male Nationality: Chilean Languages: English and English Game Experience Section Duration of the SAES/RPG game: 2 months MTA game duration: 2 years Daily play time: 7 - 10 hours How many hours of play do you have: 182 hours The name of your current squad/panel/company: I am at ICE The name of your current groups: No Group In-Game Skills Section English skills (1-10): 9 RP Skills (1-10): 8 Driving skills (1-10): 8 Community Skills (1-10):8 Business skills (1-10):9 Theoretical Section Explain in your own words what our role play is: SA-RS] is a company that is dedicated to renting cars, planes, boats, bicycles to customers. Explain what you mean by Rental Service: Where I pay to get something for a certain "rented" time. Not forever. Explain 2 staff rules: That you must always respect the higher ranks or HQs. Explain the 3 Client rules: You always have to do a role-playing game with the person who rented something. Why do you want to join us: Because of all the groups this one stands out to my preference and I also see the future of this group in the server. Why should we accept you? Because I'm a good member and I'm sure that if I go in I'll do everything to the letter and I won't give any trouble. San Andreas Renting Services Section Do you have at least 3 vehicles on our list of offers? :yes Do you have at least 2 motorcycles on our list of offers?: Yes Payments are per rank and only members will be paid on Mondays ALWAYS when the member posts a PR activity or event. If a customer wants to rent a car, what should he ask? Always ask a customer if he wants to pick up the car or deliver the car How many vehicles do you have in our offer (Minimum 3)? I only have 3 How many bikes do you have in our offer (Minimum 3)? If only 3 Tell us the names and tuning of your vehicles? Alpha ( v8 nitro white ) Cheetah ( v8 nitro orange) Club (Nitro) Tell us the names of your motorcycle. Snchez NGR-500 FreeWay, FCR-900
  5. Good LUCK! :O
  6. ~[this post is deleted]~(white,silver,silver,silver,silver,silver,silver,silver,silver,silver,silver,silver,silver,silver,silver,silver,silver)
  7. -game information-- NickName:Night Username:prometeus Nationality and age: Chilean 14 years old How long have you been playing at SAES: 2 months Your current groups:None Your current G/S/C:None Why you want to study at San Andreas: why I want to increase my skills. Which division you need Flight School English skills :9 Post a picture For a Teacher to be considered :
  8. I want to make it clear I had nothing to do with this gang, I just helped a friend with the post and the media archive
  9. @rayder Dear applicant your application is ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime,lime,lime) contact an HQ lvl 3+ for your tests I wish you good luck.
  10. @moenesmjaid Thanks
  11. @blazzey Thanks men!
  12. Hurting others made us feel invincible, like nothing is against you. If you have sadness inside you, it makes you happy. The Gang knows your weak spot. They understand you. They hear you. When they find your weakness, they go all the way in , We use violence to send a message, to make it known that we were in control, to tell you not to step on our turf. We know when people who worked in the vineyards or farms will get their paychecks and we go after their cash. They usually got paid on a Friday, and we are really good at sticking a knife in their back or pointing a gun if they were in their car at a stop sign. If there was a party going on somewhere, we would crash it. We would bring our machetes, sometimes guns and take everyones money. It was always about getting the money. But wed also take their food, their drinks. And if anyone ever looked at us the wrong way, wed beat them up. If people owed us money, 20 to 30 guys would go to their house and we would break down their door , Wed go in and whoever was at home would take a beating. If the person in question wasnt there we would beat up their family. It didnt matter if they had children. We would beat them too. The Gang has their own detectives, so if you dont co-operate, they will find and kill your family in Los Santos, or San fierro or any other place. Or they will rape your daughters, girlfriends, sisters. if an The ballas member was interested in a girl he saw, he would rape her and claim her as property. We had a very closely knit gang of about (50*) guys. We treated each other as men, and we would walk together for protection. We functioned like a tight paramilitary organisation. If any one of us ever felt that we were in danger from another gang , help was only a phone call away. It was a great feeling to be so protected. ~[Drug Trafficking]~(purple) The Ballas generates most of its income through drug trafficking and extortion. Originally formed to protect its members and associates from La~Ballas is now focused on controlling drug trafficking within the prison system and in neighborhoods dominated by Ballas affiliated gangs. Ballas and Nortefios members distribute illegal drugs including 'or personal expenses as weil as topurchase firearms, ammunition, pagers, automobiles, and other items for the gang. According to CDC debriefmgs of!,;'F and Ballas inmates, usmg stolen or rented vehicles. Nuestra FaInilia and Norteiios members also distribute drugs that are produced locally. To avoid arrest for illicit drug production B and The Ballas members icallve exican nationals to produce whiCh gang members then distribute. Gang Founder & Leader: Night Gang ViceLeader or HQs: N/A Gang Panel: The_Ballas Gang Money: Soon to be specified. Gang Level: 0 Gang Alliance: N/A Media Archive: ::: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1430/the-ballas-media-archive ::: Gang tags: B| & B-H| for Supporters Gang Motto: Blood State Ballas In Our Streets there is no such thing as pity Date of Creation: 15/07/2018 Read and follow all the server rules (F1). Always obey the admins of the server. Respect and listen to the High ranked members Any fail following the orders may cause a warn or a kick. If Leader or VL is not online, your HQ is your leader. Stick speaking English on main chat/cc. Don't never DM or revenge someone, Simply "ScreenShot" that and report. You need to know every rule about Store robs, Bank robs and Turfing... Every rulebreaking inside gang must be reported to HeadQuarter. Don't ask for the promotion. Watch your words, Our reputation is in your hands, so be cool. Be mature, act mature, and behave nicely with the community players and even during roleplays. lack of understanding any rule is not an excuse to break it, con. Total Members: 1 The Leader (L) / Level 5: -matiasxd1 The Vice Leader (vL) / Level 4,5: N/A The Sub Leader (sL) / Level 4,5: N/A Headquarters (HQ) / Level 4: N/A Veteran (V) / Level 3: N / A Captain (Ct) / Level 3: N / A Drug Captain (DC) / Level 2: N / A Enforcer (E) / Level 2: N / A Member (M) / Level 1: N / A Prospect (P) / Level 0: Nickname: Username in the game: Age: Fluent in English: Languages spoken: Role-playing skills: Tell us 2 Turf war rules: What is avoid arrest ?: Previous organizations he joined: What server groups are you currently a part of?: Write a paragraph explaining our Paper: Previous punishments/previous prohibitions and reasons: What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) : What is the difference about PBR and BR ?: Why do you want to join us? Anything else to add? Why should we accept it?:
  13. ~[ Blood State Ballas ]~(purple,purple) Roleplay Number: Story: Screenshoots: Event Number: Name of the event: Winner of the event: G6/LWS: Screenshot: Activity Number: Date: Screenshoot:
  14. Good Luck!
  16. Morning activity check -=(blueviolet,magenta,olive,red,lime,yellow,yellow,yellow,yellow,cyan,cyan,cyan,red,red)To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  17. Participants: @Licano @Villain I was Patrolling Quietly when I saw a possible suspect getting into a car with a large load I started to follow him about 21 meters away at that moment the Driver of the Vehicle ran a red light and then decided to control him. When they got out of the truck 2 guys got out who had a suspicious and nervous attitude At that moment I asked the driver for the documents of the truck and his driver's license I asked the driver his date of birth and the driver told me that he was born on 08/31/1889 Corroborate the information with the head office and was incorrect I told him that I would take him to the barracks to interrogate him was at that moment that his companion escaped. After that I told the headquarters of a suspect who had escaped and was armed, and after that the driver of the truck went into interrogation because the truck driver asked him and told me that he had been hired by a gang called Arms Assasins and that he had to take them to LS Airport. So I did the Trucker's paperwork to find a transport and transfer him to LS prison. While the transport was arriving, I wrote down your info. The suspect was arrested and taken to prison hours later for illegal arms trafficking and had other charges brought by several judges from LV. -=(red,yellow,cyan,blue,green)To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.=- -=(red,lime,cyan,yellow)-San Andreas Federal Police-=-
  18. Evening Activity To protect with courage, to serve with compassion. -San Andreas Federal Police-
  19. Participants: @Wizax @XpookS We were on a normal day with my partner and received a report of a code 10-17 reporting the description of an apparently armed suspect entering a store. When we get to the store we see an armed guy robbing the store stealing money. He heard the sirens and the guy wanted to pull out so we went in and arrested him. After That the Subject surrendered and was taken under arrest he was taken to interrogation. On the way to the Interrogation my partner asked the suspect a couple of questions and simply remained silent and did not want to answer anything he just insulted us for taking him into custody. Upon arrival at Headquarters, the Subject got out of the car without problems and was escorted by a Federal Agent to the Interrogation headquarters. The Subject was questioned answered questions from the Federal Agent and mentioned that it was a deal he had with a gang called Wild Angels. They'd give him $1,500 Cash for that Assault. After that, the information was taken from the suspect and the data from the gang. And to End the Subject decided to call his lawyer. He remained in prison while the investigation lasted and more information about the gang was known.
  20. I - BASIC INFORMATION Real Name: Ignacio In-game Name: Meliodas Account: prometeus Age: 14 Primary Language: Spanish Other Languages: english II - GAME INFORMATION How long have you being playing MTA? 2010 How long have you being playing SAES? 7 days ago Are you PC (ProCop)? no Past squad/gang/companies (State if you left or were kicked and why): I created my squad 1 month ago but it did not work I was alone so I erased it Current and past groups (State the reason if left or kicked): I have not been in any other group What is RP? (Explain using 15 words or more): rp is roleplaying you chose a character and pretend your something your not could be a cop or criminal and then you try living up to your idear of the role your playing What is DM? (Explain using 15 words or more): death matching its killing other players without a valid reason its iligal against saes rules and damaging their cars is also dming What is Park-Killing? (Explain using 15 words or more): its grabbing a car and hit others with it and then park your car ontop of that person intill he dies also against the rules III - RULES KNOWLEDGE Did you read and agree with all F1 rules? yes Did you read and agree with all SAFP rules? yes What is the minimum wanted level for arrest? 5 Are you allowed to arrest or kill other police officers? no Are you allowed to arrest/kill in hospitals? only if they run to it but not the people who spawned there Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events? no Is marker-arresting allowed? no its not Explain SAFP's rule 3: you have to provide a roleplay when someone asked you to before a arrest instead of just arresting anyone cause its annoying behaviour and its alot of fun to roleplay it gives safp a even better name aswell Explain SAFP's rule 4: your not aloud to arrest people under 5 stars Explain SAFP's rule 8: alt are our allies and we cant touch them and offer bribe to help them out (who breaks the rules will be punsihed) IV - MISC. INFORMATION Your strengths: wanting to help others driving (i went from 70 to 250+ arrests in 2 weeks) Your weaknesses: getting angry and i would say shooting Have you received any bans from the server? If yes, why? yes in the past 2010 for being offencive towards a admin Why did you decide to join our squad? (Use 15 words or more): Because I like and I draw much attention to comply with the law to the letter also I think it's time to raise the police level Explain why we should accept you (Use 15 words or more): Because I like being a policeman and I am sure that if I enter I will be a good member and I will fulfill everything to the letter and most importantly I will be faithful to SAFP Who recommended you applying for SAFP? Kellerman told me that I am good at police and that I will try to appeal to SAFP and here I am and that is why this appeal comes because I like being a policeman.
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