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Everything posted by Norwing

  1. 1.Personal information Nickname: [WA-H]Matias Ingame Username: - Age: 15 English proficiency: 8 Nationality: Chilean Spoken Languages: Spanish & English & Portugues (Little) Roleplay skills: 8 Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked : -SAFP: -SAFP: I left it because I had an discuss with an HQ and gave me 2 warnings, -ICE : Im ex HQ in ICE and left for join CDC, -STF: Private reason : pm me, -FBI: Inactivty, -CDC: Kicked for assist a turf as a cop, Later invited and left for my bad reputation -BBMC: Problems with a member (pm me) -CripZ: 2 times 1r time kicked for avoid (no intentionally) and in the 2nd time left for inactvity. -OC: Left for join FBI Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: The first roles is Kidnaping, Hunting and kill the suspicious enemies. If someone gives to Wild~Angles money to kill someone we will do it So WA work Professionals to reach the top.Secondly, roles like selling Arms and drugs with high quality . Carjacking WA members are professionals in stealing cars without leaving It's the next generation of carjacking. Previous punishments/bans and reason: I was only banned 1 time and for 1 day due to being mute and talking to the players by (/give) Why you want to join Wild Angels?: Because I want to try something new for myself, I want to feel like I'm in the role of WA. Also, I am an experienced player and I want to help this gang to be more and better than now I also have a friend in WA. And I see a good future for WA and potential. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Well I'm an experienced player and I'm a good cracker and I know the rules. What does DeathMatch means: Killing a player for no reason or for revenge which is not allowed If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?: I must report it (/report) as revenge is not allowed. So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?: Just ignore it because if I kill him it's DM and it's not allowed. What does avoid arrest means: When I commit suicide or disconnect so the police don't arrest me and not is allowed. State 3 turf rules: That it is not allowed to kill a criminal or police officer who is not part of the war. Dont spawn in your houses / bussines only spawn in base or hospital Dont spawn cop/pizzaboy/medic for help ur gang It is totally forbidden to reconnect just to regenerate life. State 3 BR rules: Spawning as PizzaBoy or paramedic is strictly prohibited. Camping at the BR entrance is not permitted. Don't Marketkill Don't jump in the roof bank for avoids cops. State 3 GR rules: Don't GR alone Don't come as a medic to heal your gangmates. CLO/DE assistance is allowed No grenades to be at a gangrob at all. This includes using vehicles as explosives. 3-Additional Informations Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yes, Douglass What are your strengths: I'm a good driver and I'm good at shooting and I'm good at cracking and teamwork. What are your weaknesses: I'm impatient anxious also flying (shamals) Something else to add?: I know I have a bad reputation but I'll prove I'm interested in WA. If you want to know something about my pm me. Your Sincerely, Matias
  2. denied :c
  3. I come to propose to remove the avoid script and report back simply because there are abusive cops who arrest you with the script when you disconnect. (Fucking cops now 400 seconds)
  4. Back to my girlfriend :'v
  5. We end the year with a trolling @Blade Nice Song xD :joy: https://www.twitch.tv/joeneter/clip/OnerousAverageReindeerDancingBanana?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time
  6. Happy new year boiz! Good luck with STF
  7. Happy new year pendejoos! :grinning: ICE ICE BABYYY :laughing:
  8. Happy Birthday, sir
  9. Happy Birthday :D !
  10. Good Luck
  11. missclick
  12. Daily Activity Check 30-12-2018
  13. Good Luck
  14. Good luck
  15. +1 not is bad
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Szyc4KwrrF4&feature=youtu.be @Reggi 2:20 lagger .-.
  17. Good Luck!
  18. Bueno Nunca nos llevamos bien pero tampoco te deseo el mal. Espero que te mejores pronto!
  19. Welcome back, Amigo!
  20. Good luck
  21. Good Luck! @Spicey Comon bro apply xD
  22. Veri nice!
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