Dear citizens of San Andreas, As 2020 has drawn to a close and we begin a new year, I thought we could take some time to reflect on the past year, particularly in the area of Bank Robberies! We've conducted a thorough review of illicit activities in and around the many banking institutions of San Andreas and have found the following startling data. In the year 2020 there were 3694 instances of bank robberies across the six major San Andreas banking institutes. Of these 3694 attempted robberies, 2917 of them proved entirely succesful. (78.97%) This, of course, means that 777 robberies were prevented by the brave men and women of the San Andreas policing community. (21.03%) Please see below for a full breakdown of those responsible for these robberies and attempted robberies in the previous calendar year. ::: ::: As you can see from the above, the most dangerous and active criminal organisation by a significant distance is @The_Outfit with 596 attempted robberies (266 MORE than second) and also achieving the highest success rate at 92.62% The runners up, all with over 300 attempted robberies to their name, are @Arms-Assassins , @Organization-Zero and @Tuga-Thugs . With the latter of the three, TT, having the second most impressive success rate overall - a massive 92.12% There are some organisations which fell more frequently to the valiant efforts of law enforcement. Looking only at organisations with at least 20 attempted robberies, the most defeated organisations still active are; @Los-Inkas have been stopped a record 47 times out of 69 attempts. (68%) @Medelln-Cartel have been stopped 55 times out of 94 attempts. (41.5%) @Generation-X have been stopped 71 times out of 214 attempts. (33.18%) Honourable mention to BloodZ, who despite some.. assistance from outside sources, managed to fail 53% of their attempted bank robberies. Moving on to the hot spots! For a full breakdown see below! ::: ::: As expected the most hit bank was Las Venturas, where nearly 22% of all bank robbery attempts occurred. (806) Las Venturas was also the bank with the highest success rate of these attempts, with nearly 89% of all robbery attempts proving completely succesful. As expected, again, the least his bank was Bone County, likely due to its close proximity to the nearby hospital! Only 402 robberies were attempted here, accounting for just under 11% of all attempted robberies. Interestingly despite being the lowest hit, by some distance, it was not the least succesful target for criminal organisations. This crown goes to Red County! 30% of all attempted bank robberies in Red County resulted in failure. Tierra Robada comes very close at 29.42% Overall 43% of attempted bank robberies ocurred in either San Fierro or Las Venturas. These are criminal hotspots and have been for some time, and as such Homeland Security will continue to focus its efforts and forces in these regions. Finally we will look at Detterrence. A large part of the fight against crime is the active policing of the Law Enforcement of San Andreas, this can be reflected by when robberies primarily have ocurred in 2020. ::: ::: As you can see from the above, we had a massive spike of crime back in the first half of the year, with over 30% of all attempted robberies happening from March until May! We'll never figure out why that is.. Law Enforcement have maintained efforts in recent months and reached a record low occurrence of Bank Robberies in November, with only 198 attempts throughout the month! This is a situation which will be continually monitored by the Department of Homeland Security going into 2021. All the best, stay safe and a happy new year!