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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Archiving as it's an invalid request. I've been very specific here; https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11951/example-donation-brophy-amount-50-00-gbp/2 about requesting placement of vehicles. Create a change request, correctly, and it will be done.
  2. Archiving as it's an invalid request. I've been very specific here; https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11951/example-donation-brophy-amount-50-00-gbp/2 about requesting placement of vehicles. Create a change request, correctly, and it will be done.
  3. This request is invalid, you have not defined a location. Please define a location within 24 hours or this will be archived.
  4. Money awarded. When a wrap is live please create a change request for this to be implemented. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/543/reward-change-request-t-c-s Archiving.
  5. No rewards requested, please refer back to this topic when creating a change request for your rewards. Archiving
  6. No rewards requested, please refer back to this topic when creating a change request for your rewards. Archiving
  7. No valid rewards requested, please refer back to this topic when creating a change request for your rewards. Archiving
  8. No rewards requested, please refer back to this topic when creating a change request for your rewards. Archiving
  9. No rewards requested, please refer back to this topic when creating a change request for your rewards. Archiving
  10. For what it's worth I know it's about 10~ days late. I have no excuse other than I really did not have the motivation to make the post.
  11. Hey all, As discussed in this topic back in January we would be starting monthly giveaways to both Nitro Boosters over on our discord and also one random lucky player of the month. The way this was run is that every player was given 1 entry to the raffle for every 1 second they played, with players with less than 48 hours played disqualified. The winner of the large BC Base, was @voli who played a total of 186 hours last month, and came within the top 75 players on the server. Congratulations! There will be another giveaway for people based on playtime during March. To be entered just ensure you spend at least 48 hours logged into SAES, and then every second extra gives you 1 more entry. More time online = better chance to win. In our Nitro Booster giveaway, the lucky winner chosen at random by the discord bot was @Orten1 who is now the proud owner of the Russian Mansion in LS. There will be another Nitro Booster giveaway this month, if not two! To enter head over to our Discord and boost the server. Then enter the giveaways in the #boosters-giveaway channel. Most people with Discord Nitro already have TWO boosts they can use and do not realise this. Even if you boost another server, you may have one spare so it's worth checking! You can stop reading here if you only care about free shit. Just because we went through the hassle of pulling the stats for playtime for EVERYONE I thought people might be interested in some random figures. In January we had over 3300 unique players on the server. Out of these players they spent a collective 220,395,792 seconds on the server - or around 61,221 hours! For the SECOND month in a row the most active player last month was @Dor with a playtime of 1,913,119 seconds - or about 531 hours! If you're interested in the top 10 active players last month, look no further than here. Hopefully those figures were of some interest to you. Best of luck in the March giveaway!
  12. Dear Citizens, As another month has come to an end we must yet again reflect on the crime rate in San Andreas, specifically in the area of Bank Robberies. Over the course of January there were a total of 393 incidents at Banks across San Andreas. This is a 32.77% increase in the same incidents from January 2021. With this massive increase in incidents in the shorter month of February compared to January, all Law Enforcement must remain on high alert for the coming month of March. The Intelligence Unit of Homeland Security has been hard at work identifying the major players in these incidents and have discovered that the most likely culprit is @Underground-Empire for a second month running, with 51 recorded incidents. This is however not the biggest threat to face the banking industry across San Andreas. Whilst the Law Enforcement agencies of San Andreas were unable to stop any Bank Robberies attributed to the organisations @Tuga-Thugs and Black Bullets, we are happy to report that even their attempts combined together only total 17. The second most succesful organisation with a higher rate of incident was @Organization-Zero with 97.5% of their attempts being succesful followed by @The_Outfit with 26 succesful robberies, however the brave men and women of Law Enforcement succesfully scuppered 1 of their attempts respectively. The organisation with the most amount of failed attempted Bank Robberies was @Medelln-Cartel with the lowest % chance of success going to @Los-Lunas thanks to the incredible work of Law Enforcement. This month the Intelligence Division also delved into the time of these robberies. We have found that generally attempts in later intervals yield a worse police response, resulting in consistent succesful attacks. 21.12% of all attempted robberies took place in the AM, from 00:00 -> 12:00. There are 5 organisations listed below which bring this % up heavily and should be closely monitored in the AM hours. Robberies during this period are exceptionally likely to succeed leading to these organizations targeting these times. For a full breakdown of the findings of the Intelligence Division please see below; ::: ::: We have also been able to determine the impact on each individual branch. We can say with certainty that the most commonly attacked bank is the branch located in Roca Escalante, Las Venturas for a second month running. This branch was attacked a total of 74 times in February with 70 of those attacks resulting in no suspects apprehended. This is a 20% increase in success from the month of January. The likelihood of stopping an ongoing incident by Law Enforcement in Las Venturas is only 5.41%. Law Enforcement's luck turned up more in Palamino Creek, Red County where we managed to apprehend suspects participating in 15of the 59 incidents in February. This is still a marked increase in overall success compared to the month of January. Overall the success rate of these incidents has increased by 13% compared to January. It is now 85.75% likely on average that a bank robbery attempt will succeed. For a full breakdown please see below; ::: ::: These ongoing incidents are continually being monitored and all possible actions are being put in place to ensure the safety of the Citizens of San Andreas. We will continue to update you on any developments.
  13. Rejected, the rule is that inactive properties can be claimed on the same date the following month. As there is no February 30th we would work on the same Calendar day. This would be January 30th = March 2nd and January 31st = March 3rd. This property can be claimed tomorrow at 00:00
  14. @rikki said in [SAHA] Garage Of Ghosttown: 53,5 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/373/usage-of-this-forum/2 You have been warned. Increase the previous bid by at least 10% OR $1,000,000 - whichever is the lower figure. This bid does not count.
  15. Property name and picture updated.
  16. The SAHA auction rules apply for this auction. Don't fake Bid, you will be fined 25% of the bids that you fail to provide. Failure to claim property within 48 hours will lose your rights to the property and fines and punishments will be applied. You can only win one SAHA auction per calendar week. To prevent bid sniping the auction will be extended by 12 hours and will keep on extending till no bids appear. The Auction will end after 5 days at the same hour or after 48 hours from last bid placed. Whichever comes first. ::: :::
  17. @law said in Remove NanoBob's additions or bring back the old prison: First I knew I will never get anything from my topic, but I did it for my family in server. 2: when you talk about gangs Team work with our unity vs cops make me thought cops have team work. Sad but I never see any team work from cops in any activity like when I go SR 2 swat with a lot of cops from mit safp fbi and 1 from swat say SR control by SWAT even in br. between squads no teamwork no respect no nothing that is why I never see IC or any tactics from squads than rush with HLS armor and right click. Make cops side more easy will not rise numbers of cops side but rise RPS and make cops side more hard with good hqs learn all members in squads they are all one team one big family vs gangs will make all want play in cops side not being afk in base or adding markers in banks or add new things in jail for make it more easy for cops. You are killing entertainment in server with that work. Maybe I'm wrong or right but All I want it's only make server Best place for all have fun in it. [00:47] UE|Law: Good night,All family! in saesrpg Law why did you lie about good night I thought we were family??? Why lie to family?????
  18. The SAHA auction rules apply for this auction. Don't fake Bid, you will be fined 25% of the bids that you fail to provide. Failure to claim property within 48 hours will lose your rights to the property and fines and punishments will be applied. You can only win one SAHA auction per calendar week. To prevent bid sniping the auction will be extended by 12 hours and will keep on extending till no bids appear. The Auction will end after 5 days at the same hour or after 48 hours from last bid placed. Whichever comes first.
  19. The SAHA auction rules apply for this auction. Don't fake Bid, you will be fined 25% of the bids that you fail to provide. Failure to claim property within 48 hours will lose your rights to the property and fines and punishments will be applied. You can only win one SAHA auction per calendar week. To prevent bid sniping the auction will be extended by 12 hours and will keep on extending till no bids appear. The Auction will end after 5 days at the same hour or after 48 hours from last bid placed. Whichever comes first.
  20. Request denied. "MMC Base" is not specific, particularly as its not an official gang. Provide a screenshot in your next request.
  21. Archived
  22. Sorted
  23. @terry said in Official Quote Wall: EVOLUTION
  24. The theory is fine but as there is no cooldown for spawning a car it would be a very easy way to quickly avoid arrest. A better idea would be to limit this only to hospitals and only apply to players who have hospital immunity anyway. You couldn't implement this for all disks because the ability to become instantly immune to damage is far too strong.
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