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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Hey all, As promised 1 week on from the jail being re-introduced we are polling the vent. Please vote your preference. The goal is to get a two-thirds majority for a decision, if that's not achieved we'll discuss it internally. You cannot update your vote, so vote when you know what you want.
  2. Reward change re-added, some absolute IDIOT never saved it @Honer112
  3. Alright, Having reviewed all the suggestions we've added the following 2 changes to make racing slightly better. All staff will now be able to restart the racing resource, meaning you wont necessarily need a clan member. We're also looking at implementing doing this remotely in the future. The raceflag is now no longer visible to police, this is to deter camping starting positions. My recommendation here is that if you do take 5-10 minutes to start a race, they will find you and that's part of the job of illegal racing. We've given you the ability to be more stealthy about it now. We're not looking to implement any of the other suggestions at this time, but we are constantly monitoring the health of racing as an activity.
  4. If anyone needs help be sure to ask in #help-and-support People who havent played since the last recruitment will be sure to answer your question at least 4 times in the most complex way possible! Best of luck!!! ps. I hear @Honer112 is susceptible to being bribed
  5. Your suggestion has reached the required amount of votes and % of yes votes. Moving to in-review
  6. Moving to in-review, should have a response soon.
  7. In consultation with SAES HQ, this suggestion has been rejected. The added benefit would be outweighed by the potential issues caused and complaints as a result.
  8. Quick announcement just to say the old jail, as requested, is back. The changes aren't widescale, it's mainly remapping old objects into ones with better hitboxes to match the model. You'll also notice everything looks cleaner now with shaders. This is all down to mainly @Steven who put a lot of work into shadering and mapping to get the jail ready. @Scorpyo 's assistance on the other end of editing resources etc. is also a big part in why the jail is back. You will also notice there's a new addition of a vent. Before anyone loses their mind, this is purely there as a test to see how it would impact the balance. We believe it will enable criminals to better camp the long corridor and hold out longer against large numbers of cops, as it increases how many defenders can hold both corridors. With this in mind we're also very aware everyone, including myself, voted for the old jail and were not consulted necessarily on this addition. As such, in 1 week, we will poll the vent. If the community votes to keep it, it stays. If they voted to remove it, it will be removed. Just use it with an open mind and enjoy the new (old) jail.
  9. A lot to take in here. I'll discuss with HQ in terms of what we can do with giving rT HQ restart access. Can't promise anything but we'll see if it's viable. In terms of starting a flag instantly, I don't think so. The quota is there for a reason and we don't want people missing out who are en-route. Street racing is an illegal activity, it makes sense for you to get wanted stars for it. This is unlikely to change. See point 1 That's insane. We're not going to make a rule that cops cant shoot wanted players. Tactically camping a flag again isn't going to be forbidden. This is answered from your first question. One thing you didn't suggest which is probably something we can and should look at, is visibility of raceflags. Currently all classes and teams can see raceflags. There is really no necessity for this and nothing else works this way, even SR's are delayed etc. Not giving visibility in itself could help. Either way I do hear the suggestions and feedback and I'll see what can be done.
  10. Dividing a jail population on a sever with 100 players? That's just going to make 2 basically empty jails. I think everyone was relatively clear in that we just want the old jail to return without caveat. Also the vast majority of people end up with 42 stars without even killing someone as there is no star cap on things like SR's etc. So basically everyone would be sent to the 'new' jail. Thanks but no thanks. Just accept defeat?
  11. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10621/readme-how-to-use-this-section In order to ensure your suggestion is reviewed it's highly recommended you add a poll so the communities opinion can be taken into account.
  12. Moving to in-review Discussion internally went well, will be looking to implement.
  13. Started a discussion within the clan on this. Idea seems good, has been approved, @Brophy even volunteered to implement it. Moving to in-review.
  14. Polled/started a discussion internally. The prevailing opinion is that this isn't something we're looking to implement for a variety of reasons. Appreciate the suggestion!
  15. @bodo420 said in [QoL] [CHANGE] Include the normal "Police" class in the 10 minimal count of official squads.: Actually it would be better if you count all squad members whatever is their spawn for example : if there are 8 official squads spawned and 4 are spawned as other class , the net result would be 12 as those 8 can inform the others about the bankrob . @Daryl I suggested this 3 times and yet here we are :)
  16. Alright you mean procop spawns then, as to spawn as any of those you need to be a procop. The exception is state trooper which anyone can spawn as.
  17. Change tag is fine. Can you clarify what you mean by police class as there is no class called police? Do you mean Police Officer/Sheriff for procops or do you mean the Police team?
  18. Moving to creative. Either way we had these skins, people voted overwhelmingly for the current and it looks like by your poll you're not going to get a siginifcant majority.
  19. @jojodb said in Jail - Community Feedback: Seeing that barely anyone really seems to give an answer to WHY the old jail seems better.. An assumption as to why I think people liked the old jail more.. Feel free to agree or correct me! The old jail was a good way for people to have a long period of killing/arresting each other. Even though we are an RPG server, people still enjoy the simplicity of killing one another. My assumption is that the aspect of breaking out of jail was not really the core of jailbreaks, but that criminals went to jailbreaks to have a controlled environment where they could kill cops and where cops could have some fun arresting/killing criminals without long chases. Do you guys agree with this or do you think there are other reasons? Obviously Balance isn't always fun, with the old jail it was totally imbalanced in a fun way. It was very difficult for criminals to fully escape so it was unbalanced in that way It was also exceptionally hard for cops to take control of the jail so it was unbalanced in that way The unbalance balanced out. Balance. Stalemates are fun, new jail is too clean and well made, hence BORING. OLD JAIL PLEASE I've already seen how good the old jail looks with the improvements and shadering, it's just night and day better than what is there now and what was there before
  20. @marso said in Bank Robbery Stats - July Edition!: O still doing BRs at 3am ? Out of 25 BR's Outfit completed 0 bank robs between 12am and 12pm the following day. The least of any gang.
  21. Dear Citizens, As another month has come to an end we must yet again reflect on the crime rate in San Andreas, specifically in the area of Bank Robberies. Over the course of July there were a total of 198 incidents at Banks across San Andreas. The Intelligence Unit of Homeland Security has been hard at work identifying the major players in these incidents and have discovered that the most likely culprit is @CripZ with 28 instances throughout July being attributed to this organisation. The most succesful crime organisation throughout the month of July was @The_Outfit with 25 attempts with all 25 succeeding. The organisation with the most amount of failed attempted Bank Robberies was @CripZ with the lowest % chance of success going to a join effort of @Underground-Empire and @Royal-Flush Due to the efforts of Law Enforcement the criminal organisations @Arms-Assassins , @Hell-Raisers-MC and @Niggaz-wit-Attitudes attempted 0 Bank Robberies throughout the entire month of July. For a full breakdown by organization please see below; ::: ::: We have also been able to determine the impact on each individual branch. We can say with certainty that the most commonly attacked bank is the branch located in Roca Escalante, Las Venturas. This branch was attacked a total of 56 times in July with 51 of those attacks resulting in no suspects apprehended. Law Enforcement's luck turned up most in Fort Carson, Bone County where we managed to apprehend suspects participating in 10 out of the 17 recorded incidents in July. Overall the success rate of these incidents has increased by 27% compared to May. It is now 79.29% likely on average that a bank robbery attempt will succeed. For a full breakdown please see below; These ongoing incidents are continually being monitored and all possible actions are being put in place to ensure the safety of the Citizens of San Andreas. We will continue to update you on any developments.
  22. @crash said in [CHANGE] OLD JAIL BACK (KINGS HOME): @daryl said in [CHANGE] OLD JAIL BACK (KINGS HOME): I have also consistently asked for feedback in relation to the old mapping and a month passed and I got none, so I looked into bringing this back. Just because you think everyone downed tools and didn't care doesn't make that the case. saying noone gave a any feedback shows u aint even reading the topic since me and i belive law did give suggestions on what to add to the old mapping just a few posts above I think you've failed to read what you quoted. I said a MONTH ago. This is in relation to the old mapping that was originally put in place instead of the old jail.
  23. @garcia said in [CHANGE] OLD JAIL BACK (KINGS HOME): may i ask, are you guys looking into bringing back the old original jail or the old jail that you guys also fucked? because we already know that you added some changes such as stairs,new prison warden spawn..etc and none of it was suggested by either cops or crims. The discussions have only been about the interior, nothing else. Nothing is set in stone and if adjustments need to be made once it's live they'll be made, it's in the interest of everyone that the jail is an enjoyable experience. Don't be under the impression that if/when a change is made that it's permanent. Only people who argue from a dishonest position are pretending cops like the new jail. This isn't a cops vs crims matter. People wanted a new jail, it was done, it didn't work so lets revert it. It's really not that deep or personal.
  24. @spetnazz said in [CHANGE] OLD JAIL BACK (KINGS HOME): It's quite entertaining to see, how willing the people in charge are to get the old jail back now that the server is dying. What happened to 'YOU VOTED FOR IT, IT'S HERE TO STAY. NO WE WON'T IMPLEMENT WHAT YOU'RE SUGGESTING'. The desperation to get more people to actively play on the server is 10/10 to watch from the sidelines. Maybe reduce the overall jailtime, reduce the price for donation vehicles by 90 % and give cops jetpacks next. Or consider the 'people in charge' don't all have the same opinion. I never said "you voted for it deal with it" - I already said yes to this topic and have tried to make this happen. I arranged the old files to be given to a mapper who is still in the middle of adding shaders and removing minor mapping bugs, and removing random floating objects that were not visible on the mapping but increased lag and the size of the file. I have also consistently asked for feedback in relation to the old mapping and a month passed and I got none, so I looked into bringing this back. Just because you think everyone downed tools and didn't care doesn't make that the case. Hopefully it'll be done soon and we'll see how it goes, people making comments here and on other suggestions being annoyed things aren't being done immediately when you all know we only have one active developer in Scorpyo can be pretty disheartening for him I imagine.
  25. Anyone is welcome to create a group, it is up to Group Managers whether they become official - not a forum poll. Create a group if you want, nobody will stop you.
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