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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. This doesn't need to be a discussion, it's a @SAES-Gang-Manager rule and they have been made aware about the issue, I'll lock this until there's a response from one of them (or HQ)
  2. We had this and removed it in favour of SAHA - archiving.
  3. Rejected by Gang Management.
  4. Moving to creative, think this falls under their remit more.
  5. @brophy said in [CHANGE] OLD JAIL BACK (KINGS HOME): Going off-topic guys. Basically, you've told us to bring back the old jail "with a few changes", but have not explained what these changes are, so do you mind indulging us with this information? @Daryl is the only one that's given us a response in what changes he wanted with the old jail and it was just a texture/shader change. @Outbreak-Organization We're actively looking at bringing back the old jail with minor changes. Now is your time for suggestions if you have any
  6. @m7mod said in [QoL] Replace unclimbable boxing ring with a climbable one: I dont think its possible because its a custom gta map unless the whole interior is changed Having spoke to devs and mappers this is the outcome. While a stairs could be added, you still couldnt use the ring properly and the ring cannot be lowered because it is part of the interior and not a unique object within it - apparently. Unless someone from the community can do it, this wont be done now.
  7. Any further feedback - is this still an issue? Spoke to some people and polled rT members and this doesn't seem to be as bad as it once was.
  8. Asked for limit to be removed, Lord @Scorpyo will have it for the next patch for a trial basis. Couldn't find any logic to capping party size but if somethings comes up we'll revert to 30 as the cap.
  9. Spoke to @Steven for the mapping and @Scorpyo for the implementation. This should now be live thanks to the above gentlemen. If there's any missing feel free to flag in a PM.
  10. Spoke to @Steven for the mapping and @Scorpyo for the implementation. This should now be live thanks to the above gentlemen. If there's any missing feel free to flag in a PM.
  11. Suggestion already rejected by @SAES-HQ https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15108/bring-spacebar-back-when-getting-tasered Archiving this topic as a result, if their stance has changed they'll un-archive the topic.
  12. I'd be a fan of the old jail returning with some minor changes. Don't change the layout or anything, that's what makes it fun and an actual event but change the mapping to update it to be more moden looking, use shaders and not weird objects with invisible hit boxes. Old layout that looks better would be ideal.
  13. Already reported and picked up by a dev 13 days ago - https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues/290 Will archive, keep an eye on the git issue.
  14. Added the other casino suggestions to your main post to keep them all in one place
  15. Added a poll to give an understanding on how many people are interested in this feature (ie. would it be worth the time to implement)
  16. I've updated the title to more accurately reflect the suggestion. Completely unsure how this descended into anything about donators or donation vehicles. This is simple a change to stop people being able to avoid arrest, as an example sitting in the back of an ambulance at a hospital. Amulances blow up and kill the occupant etc. Crash's suggestion of being able to taze people out seems like a good out, but not all vehicles have access to the passenger. SWAT tank for example.
  17. https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues/404 Created issue, can someone confirm if this still happens?
  18. Archiving in favour of the original suggestion; https://saesrpg.uk/topic/18966/removing-vehicle-collision-for-few-seconds-after-spawning
  19. Already reported and picked up by a dev 13 days ago - https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues/290 Will archive, keep an eye on the git issue.
  20. Already reported and picked up by a dev 13 days ago - https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues/290 Will archive, keep an eye on the git issue.
  21. Created git issue: https://github.com/saesrpg/saesrpg/issues/403 If the issue has since been fixed respond here and I'll close/archive.
  22. Based on the suggested change and it being linked to the bases of official organisations it would be up to @SAES-Gang-Manager 's to decide for Gangs/Squads. For groups it is a no, RadioSA are the exception for obvious reasons. I'll leave this open pending a response from a Gang Manager.
  23. @mrsolrac said in Custom Chat Filtering: @Ramzi https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23279/managing-your-ig-chat Archiving. As above, already a suggestion for this.
  24. Archiving, already a pending suggestion for this idea; https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25043/second-hand-vehicle-garage
  25. Discussed with Jay and Scorpyo. Will look to get this implemented
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