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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Based on votes and a dev agreeing this is worth doing, leaving suggestion in a pending state until it's picked up.
  2. Post links to your discord if it needs updating/adding tyvm
  3. Clan voted heavily in favour of keeping the current timeline of 30 days
  4. Created a poll on the private forums, will try and get some traction and get a response to this topic.
  5. i was told inviting everyone to SAC and having lots of old members log on to afk was the only important thing??? SWAFK
  6. still my favourite dog 3id miled sa3id @Scorpyo
  7. @terry
  8. Going to archive it, the poll is super close but ultimately it would come down to a decision from @SAES-Gang-Managers If you want to pursue it further I suggest a new topic so people can vote again as this has been going on for nearly a year, or more likely the best way to have a conversation is to engage with GM's on the GM discord in your gangs channel, or the group channel.
  9. I'm archiving it without much of a response because honestly most of the things you suggested are no longer relevant, or have already been suggested and rejected, or have since been implemented. Storing ammo in your car and choosing your 'favourite' car are actually not bad, but this topic is too much of a mess to have any real discussion or for a dev to follow along. I suggest breaking down suggestions into individual topics with polls.
  10. 2 minutes in jail simply will not happen, jail time has been drastically reduced over the years and is unlikely to be reduced any further. Surrender if you don't want to spend time in jail, using /sur has a MASSIVE decrease on time spent in jail.
  11. While your idea is not the best you are thinking of how to solve a very real issue. People advertise in main chat because /ad is fucking shit We do need a section where you can post ad's by doing /ads or /advertisement Anyone can open it and see all the current ad's and when you are submitting an ad you can pay for how long you want it to be visible Then these ad's are rotated through the top bar and will appear for at least 5 seconds and will not be pushed away by countdowns etc. Your ad will continue to be visible in the list at all times when someone does /advertisement or /ads
  12. Suggestion is good but the way you present it is overcomplicated. I'm marking it as unsolved and adding a poll as a TL:DR "Make it so that you can store any weapons you do not spawn with, when you take them out as an official gang/squad"
  14. Noice, I hope when this is over we can get individual data as well to see who were the top cops during the month for arrests/vip/sr's
  15. Invalid request, no username provided and a wrap name needs to be provided.
  16. Super GT and Stratum added to 2 donut road, use /dvm to upgrade/change them and to add new people. Did not add a wrap as you have 3 vehicles now and only 30 in donations
  17. Shamal added to LV airport, locked to GamerZ450 Donation icon also added
  18. Turismo moved to new DIA base at the drive-in cinema in FC
  19. Please fill out the request properly. You did not list a location for each of the new vehicles.
  20. @rampage said in SwindoX Reward change: @Swindox99 is this reward change still active? Answer or we'll close it in 1 - 2 days. ^ 7 days later but archiving.
  21. @kain said in Reward Change: Please fill out the form properly ^ Archiving.
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