Hi, Unfortunately we don't take suggestions on an open forum about what rules groups should and should not have. If you have a complaint about a specific group around their rules or potential breach of their rules raise these privately to a Group Manager and they will be addressed. As noted by DROT, HLS have been allowed to attend BR's as part of a balancing act around the activity. Previously as stated in the announcement BR's were at around/over 90% success rate. HLS' attendance at these bank robberies was agreed to by the Gang Management team, Group Management team and SAES HQ. There was absolute 0 objections. We are continually monitoring the situation through player sentiment and statistics and we will revisit the decision to allow HLS to attend bank robberies at frequent intervals. I am closing off this topic as I mentioned above, suggestions around what rules groups should and should not have are not suitable for an open forum and it is somewhat misguided to think you can poll publicly what private groups can/cannot have as their rules. Much like you cannot publicy suggest what rules the mighty All Load Trucking have, the same applies for HLS. I know this isn't necessarily the answer you were looking for but it is the most accurate one as of now, but as I mentioned the situation is ongoing and we are constantly re-evaluating the group landscape - as shown by our recent group removals.