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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. @Donator back me up here bro
  2. @Velona said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: If you have hair on your armpits you're probably an ape And if you shave your armpits, you'll have more dense and strong hair there eventually as the time passes so shave your armpits so you can later have denser hair to then shave>??????? what????????? fucking ODD.
  3. @Terry said in Very important Question/Poll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Real men shave armpits because otherwise it's fucking disgusting. VOTE YES SO @Kain SHAVES THEM AWAY TOO ! super weird to be honest men dont shave their armpits
  4. shaving your armpits is weird bro wtf you're not a woman??????
  5. out of all my dogs you are my favourite 3id miled sa3id @Scorpyo
  6. 2m given 2 black Police LV placed at FBI base
  7. black police lv placed at FBI base locked to midot19 $1m rewarded
  8. Yeah I think if you change your suggestion from something very nonspecific - ie. "BRING BACK HR, HR IS SO GOOD" To - "I think we need better locations and structures for SR's" It becomes a lot easier to action, SR markers are literally just a coord which then creates the circle around it. The mappings from what I can tell are added in seperately, so we can literlaly just change the mapping on the server and then add that coord as a new SR point. Now the question becomes - do you want to change every SR to a new mapping, mix up the mappings of SR's, remove the mappings completely? The path to changing SR's is a bit more nuanced than asking for wholesale change - because there's a lot of directions it can go.
  9. General Activity: ^[] Activity Type: VIP FBI Members Involved: @JojoDb @TheRealSteven @nvidia @Daryl Date: 28th of June Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. ^[] Activity Type: Public Bank Rob FBI Members Involved: @TheRealSteven @Daryl @Luke @nvidia @midot19 @KrugeR @NORI999 @JojoDb Date: 28th Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation Office of the Executive San Andreas, 700-004 28/06/2020 We are pleased to announce that in the Gang Management month of May 28th to June 28th, not inclusive of June 28th, the @Federal-Bureau-of-Investigation has posted a total of 172 valid activities. Thanks everyone for all their hard work. Here's to 200 next month. FBI HQ
  12. ^[] Activity Type: Turf Raid FBI Members Involved: @TheRealSteven @KrugeR @JojoDb @Zeno @nvidia @VernoX @Daryl @Diesel Date: 27th of June 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Literally all 3 of those points are just talking about the structure and the location. You can change the location with current SR's. So basically all you're asking for is SR's without the building they spawn on? If that's literally the only thing I'm not saying if it's better or worse - but it's incredible how passionate you feel about that, as if it's a make or break change.
  14. No, you dont get to choose where, we'll give you a free spot. Someone moved the shamal in the first picture, i've respawned it now, it's fixed. It's a public airport and you don't get to dictate where your plane goes. Also the user is not inactive for the area you requested.
  15. Car moved from 1st property to the second, locked to ryadmahsoudi interior 4 added to 21 biff street
  16. Pretty terrible attempt at filling out the info we need. You have not specified your username or what wrap you want or what vehicle you want the wrap on. Please specify the wrap and vehicle, I found your username. Huntley and Glendale deleted, Burrito added, wrap to be added
  17. Hey Forehead Combines placed, thanks to @JojoDb and @Honer112 for the assist locked to sapience Use this topic going forward as evidence of your donation, the old site being up is unreliable
  18. Archiving
  19. Archiving, unfortunately it appears SAES HQ don't have the ability to correctly archive topics @NanoBob
  20. Bugle and shamal removed Added both shamals LS and LV airport, use the icon to find where they are - locked to matizz didnt add nitro to them because wow what a fucking stupid thing to ask THANKS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT!!! :))))
  21. Police LV locked to mctouch added to SAFP underground parking
  22. Archiving per above ^
  23. Money given to a firefighter with 80 hours Thanks for your donation
  24. Interior 3 added, money rewarded and vortex placed upgrades can be done at any mod shop Thanks for your donation
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