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San Andreas Housing Agency
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Weppo last won the day on November 4

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About Weppo

  • Birthday November 17

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  1. Greetings, After almost 3 years of protecting SAES properties of Ukrainian residents, we have come to the conclusion that with the situation as it is on the ground, it is reasonable to end our policy of goodwill. Ukrainian residents listed on this topic will be treated as normal players with normal inactivity rules from 1st December 2024, meaning any inactive properties owned by Ukrainian residents can be requested from 1st January 2025. This gives those residents just over a month to log in and protect their houses on SAES. If you are personally affected by the war and listed on the topic, you may contact a SAHA member or create a ticket on SAES discord and we can transfer your property to an active player of your choice without you logging in, however, they will be subject to normal inactivity rules as well. This must be done before 1 January. Larger/valuable properties will be auctioned with the proceeds going to the account of the original owners. Thank you, SAHA’ @Glayd - (pasha656) @King - (theking01) @Duracell - (bamboodie) @Kawaii - (xavka2) @Matvey.g88 - (matveylol) @ClaR - (symiciti) @RiseAgain - (riseagain) @Shakespeare - (kovbaska) @Krasava - (mastervadim) @Cherry159 - (solik1234) @jordskjelv - (kemet) @charles - (masimpatron) @QieZZ - (pete2011) @Aristocrat - (ivanushakov)
  2. Activity Type: RC BR FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @ThunderWing @Wegz @Troones Date 3/11/2024 Screenshots:
  3. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @Crossma @Limits Date 3/11/2024 Screenshots:
  4. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @Russell @Crossma Date 3/11/2024 Screenshots:
  5. Activity Type: VIP FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @Russell @Crossma Date 3/11/2024 Screenshots:
  6. Activity Type: BC BR FBI Members Involved: @Weppo @Steven @Crossma Date 3/11/2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AQojvi8
  7. Address:the sherrifs house Account name:guilhaaz Last seen:3 oct 2024 Screenshots:
  8. The SAHA auction rules apply for this auction. Don't fake Bid, you will be fined 25% of the bids that you fail to provide. Increase the previous bid by at least 10% OR $1,000,000 Failure to claim property within 48 hours will lose your rights to the property and fines and punishments will be applied. To prevent bid sniping the auction will be extended by 12 hours and will keep on extending till no bids appear. The Auction will end after 5 days at the same hour or after 48 hours from last bid placed. Whichever comes first. Property Owner: FoxZilla Property Panel: Property Location: Property:
  9. The SAHA auction rules apply for this auction. Don't fake Bid, you will be fined 25% of the bids that you fail to provide. Increase the previous bid by at least 10% OR $1,000,000 Failure to claim property within 48 hours will lose your rights to the property and fines and punishments will be applied. To prevent bid sniping the auction will be extended by 12 hours and will keep on extending till no bids appear. The Auction will end after 5 days at the same hour or after 48 hours from last bid placed. Whichever comes first. Property Owner: FoxZilla Property Panel: Property Location: Property:
  10. The SAHA auction rules apply for this auction. Don't fake Bid, you will be fined 25% of the bids that you fail to provide. Increase the previous bid by at least 10% OR $1,000,000 Failure to claim property within 48 hours will lose your rights to the property and fines and punishments will be applied. To prevent bid sniping the auction will be extended by 12 hours and will keep on extending till no bids appear. The Auction will end after 5 days at the same hour or after 48 hours from last bid placed. Whichever comes first. Property Owner: FoxZilla Property Panel: Property Location: Property:
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