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@Razak Not a bad application, however you have 12 hours to edit it as you didn't specify why you left/got kicked from the previous organizations you were in. Edit it, do not make another post.

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why you left/got kicked from the previous organizations you were in:OC:I got kicked Because i got adminjailed.
FBI: Kicked Because i was inactive tho Into the Discord.


^[@Razak aka @Adam_Didi ]

^[You both were too annoying and constantly asked me for checking out your application. I am sorry but, if you're still interested reapply in 3 days, have fun.]

^[Consider yourself: ~[DENIED]~(maroon,red)]


alt text
Application Format

Ingame name: MR-j@ker.

Real name: mahdi.

Age: I'm 16 years old.

Gender: Male.

Nationality: I am Tunisian.

Languages spoken: I do speak English, Arabic and a bit Frensh.

Previous G/S/C (Why did you leave/get kicked):

RKMC= Closed.
The Oddboyz= Closed.
ICE= i leave cuz it's inactive and only i'm posting
TST= I left cuz, it's in active and i left for i can join FBI.
FBI= Bored from cop side i want to try crim.

Explain what is our role in your own words: Hell Raisers Motorcycle Club Role Is organise roadtrips around San Andreas.

What does MC stand for: MC means Motorcycle Club which is specialized in driving classic bikes like freeway and Makes a huge road trips around San Andreas

What does an 1%er MC mean: The gang is outlaw and that we're criminals.

Who is the founder of HRMC: HRMC|Franklin|Prez

Why would you like to join HRMC: i love being and behave like a real biker. I'm really interested to join such a cool MC Club like HRMC. That would help me to improve my skills and i want to help others out with my abilities.

Why should we accept you: I am activity and i have good skills like driving RP and shooting and i respect members of HRMC, And so i think i can help you and make HRMC reach level 5.

Did anyone recommend you to make an application for HRMC: Yes, HRMC|Franklin|Prez, To make application.

Post a picture of an motorcycle bike aka chopper down below:


Application Format

Ingame name:Luna

Real name:Rayen raies




Languages spoken:turkish , english , arabic

Previous G/S/C (Why did you leave/get kicked):
FBI Left inactive
SAFP aint cop life
ICE i left because bored from cop life again
Rebel left because hrmc is way better

Explain what is our role in your own words:Hell Raisers MC sell one of the best quality of weapons around San Andreas and have shop to make weapon and sell it Hell Raisers MC are beside all of the other roles Mechanics too .

What does MC stand for:MC mean driving in SA with Freeway

What does an 1%er MC mean:The gang is criminals

Who is the founder of HRMC:Franklin

Why would you like to join HRMC:Because good and mature and i would like to say i want give our best . to became good and good in future .

Why should we accept you:'m active , and mature , and beautifull people and i can help with event and roleplay an more jobs .

Did anyone recommend you to make an application for HRMC:Franlikin

Post a picture of an motorcycle bike aka chopper down below:



^[@MR-joker ]
^[First of all thanks for taking your time to make an application for us, we really appreciate it. You've been hanging with us for a little bit and you've proven that you are worth a chance. Find a HQ+ for your test.]

^[Consider yourself: ~[ACCEPTED.]~(green)]

^[@Luna ]

^[First of all I wanna thank you for taking your time to make an application for Hell Raisers MC, we appreciate it a lot. I've known you for a few years now and I know I can trust you even tho others might think you're a hopper. Dear Luna fuck off.]

^[Consider yourself: ~[ACCEPTED.]~(green)]



You have 5 hours to edit your application otherwise it goes denied, you copied almost everything from MR Joker's and Luna's application and you haven't even answered all the questions


~~@Franklin said in Hell Raisers Motorcycle Club:


You have 5 hours to edit your application otherwise it goes denied, you copied almost everything from MR Joker's and Luna's application and you haven't even answered all the questions~~

^[Consider yourself: ~[DENIED]~(maroon)]


@Kamal you're using the wrong application format, please go to the first page of the forums and you'll see an application format there.. please use that one. You have 24 hours to edit it otherwise it goes denied.


Application Format

Ingame name:kamal

Real name:kamal




Languages spoken:english and arabic

Previous G/S/C (Why did you leave/get kicked):none

Explain what is our role in your own words:HRMC have a good shope and good best quality of weapons and HRMC sell guns too and the are Mechanics thay can fix any thing in all SA and thay dont do any wrong and thay have arms dealing shop and HRMC love drive bike freeway and thay not good much in drive cars

What does MC stand for:Motorcycle

What does an 1%er MC mean:mean HRMC soon or it lvl 1

Who is the founder of HRMC:franklin

Why would you like to join HRMC:HRMC nice and good Gang and soon will be bester gang and HRMC is active and mature and my passion is in the MCs and there is nothing better then a motorcycle brothers and it have good members and i love driving bike freeway and i will help it with all my skills and i hope join HRMC

Why should we accept you:i am activity and i have good skills like driving RP and shooting and i respect members of HRMC and i love HRMC and i like driving freeway and i hope join HRMC

Did anyone recommend you to make an application for HRMC:noone

Post a picture of an motorcycle bike aka chopper down below:https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmaisto.files.wordpress.com%2F2010%2F08%2Fmaisto_bike_03.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmaisto.wordpress.com%2Ftag%2F60-freeway%2F&docid=sFkku7NCmAi-qM&tbnid=PmdX3gyVj_nr1M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjplorr1pjgAhXvgM4BHdt2BLMQMwiYAShRMFE..i&w=513&h=340&bih=657&biw=1024&q=motorcycle%20FREEWAY&ved=0ahUKEwjplorr1pjgAhXvgM4BHdt2BLMQMwiYAShRMFE&iact=mrc&uact=8

^[@Kamal ]

^[First of all I'd like to thank you for taking your time to make an application for our club. Your application is not bad, and you also edit it as I said. Some answers are wrong like.. What does an 1%er club mean.. it's not that we'll get level 1 but that we're outlaws and that the club do criminal activities. No matter that u answered it wrong the apply is still not that bad.. find a HQ+ ingame for ur test and good luck.]

^[Consider yourself: ~[PENDING]~(orange)]

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