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Hell Raisers MC - Level 1


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-Application Format-

Ingame name: grondiz

Real name: mohamed ali

Account name: mohamedali1



Languages Spoken:engilsh , arabe , france

Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): sons18 not good gang

Current server groups: N/A

Your strenghts:gun / driver car/biker

Your weaknesses: sniper / bamb

How long have you been playing on SAES: 18h

How long have you been playing on MTA:1 year

Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: no

Rate your English skills from 1/10: 5.5

Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 7

Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 8

Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10:9

What is the meaning of DeathMatch: Deathmatch To Kill Without Reason.

What is the meaning of RolePlay:Roleplay To Participate or act The Roleplay

What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: kill , speed

Why do you want to join HRMC: i love gang biker

Why should we accept you: i play 18h i won 7 event me good player

Do you have any friends in HRMC:HRMC|Crippin

Tell us something more about yourself:im mohamed ali i live in hammem sousse i play handball i love game in computer.

Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: HRMC|Franklin / HRMC|Crippin

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@grondiz Well I told you to reapply in 2 days if you want and you did, so I must say, this application was a bit better, atleast you didn't copy 70% of it like last time. We're still not sure if we should take the risk and give you a chance in letting you join our club. We will discuss it more with the HQ's and we'll let you know, for now consider yourself ~[UNDER-REVIEW]~(silver).


btw I didn't recommend you to apply just sayin.


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~~@Franks said in Hell Raisers Motorcycle Club:

@grondiz Well I told you to reapply in 2 days if you want and you did, so I must say, this application was a bit better, atleast you didn't copy 70% of it like last time. We're still not sure if we should take the risk and give you a chance in letting you join our club. We will discuss it more with the HQ's and we'll let you know, for now consider yourself ~[UNDER-REVIEW]~(silver).


btw I didn't recommend you to apply just sayin.


Nevermind I guess you can't wait 1 day for your answer, kept being annoying and asking for answer, ~[DENIED]~(red,maroon), you're free to reapply in 2019.

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We've got another applicant, but again, for some reason he couldn't post the application here, so it's down in the spoiler. @Incorrect, you're Accepted, meet me in game for an invite.
Ingame name: Incorrect

Real name: Dima

Account name: Incorrect

Age: 15

Nationality: Estonian

Languages Spoken: Russian, English, Estonian.

Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): None

Current server groups: None

Your strenghts: Driving, shooting, wheelies

Your weaknesses: None

How long have you been playing on SAES: 1 day

How long have you been playing on MTA: 1 year

Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: No

Rate your English skills from 1/10: 6/10

Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 7/10

Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 8/10

Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 7/10

What is the meaning of DeathMatch: Killing someone without a proper reason.

What is the meaning of RolePlay: Acting like in real life.

What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: Killing yourself or leaving the game to avoid being arrested.

Why do you want to join HRMC: I am new in this server and I am looking for a gang and my friend said this is a good gang so I would like to join.

Why should we accept you: I'm a loyal, skilled and active person.

Do you have any friends in HRMC: Reket

Tell us something more about yourself: My favorite hobby is playing video games.

Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: Reket

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Ingame name: nikisadaka

Real name: Nikolay Georgiev

Account name: nikisadaka

Age: 21

Nationality: Bulgarian

Languages Spoken: English , Bulgarian and little Russian

Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): Cosa Nostra (CN) ive leaved because the leader is small boy who dont know anything about game.

Current server groups:

Your strenghts: Im playing that game from a little boy . Can drive everything , can shoot with all weap's , and know every place on the MAP .

Your weaknesses: My weaknesses are to be in a good criminal gang and have a fun time together.

How long have you been playing on SAES: arround 4 years i went in for the first time . But over these 4 years I was two of them offline because studying Higher Education in capital of Bulgaria.

How long have you been playing on MTA: on MTA from a young boy , my first server was FTA - FULL THEFT AUTO , and my second is SAES.

Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: NEVER

Rate your English skills from 1/10: 8/10

Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 9/10

Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 10/10

Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 9/10

What is the meaning of DeathMatch: Player vs Player

What is the meaning of RolePlay: act like real life

What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: running or suicide ( self - destruction )

Why do you want to join HRMC: My passion is such gangs as yours . Want to be respected by the other gangs .Old clubs are classic, the new ones have nothing more to create, and they just copy you.

Why should we accept you:I'm a communicative personality, I suppose I'll like the other members. I like to play as a criminal and I will be useful to the whole group

Do you have any friends in HRMC: POLENTA

Tell us something more about yourself:I'm a 21 year old boy, I'm studying a higher figure. this is the last year of my education. I play games from a little during my free time. I train a few sports. Since I stopped playing the game for two years, I've lost inventory and property.

Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: POLENTA

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@nikisadaka Thanks for taking your time to write an application for us. We will give you ~[PENDING]~(orange) for now, because we don't know you yet. You should hang with us ingame and wear HRMC-H| tags until someone from the HQ team decides to test you.

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@Franks said in Hell Raisers Motorcycle Club:

@nikisadaka Thanks for taking your time to write an application for us. We will give you ~[PENDING]~(orange) for now, because we don't know you yet. You should hang with us ingame and wear HRMC-H| tags until someone from the HQ team decides to test you.

Welcome aboard - ~[ACCEPTED]~(green)

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Ingame name: YankaTa

Real name: Ilian

Account name: iani582094

Age: 14

Nationality: Bulgarian

Languages Spoken: Bulgarian

Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): ICE, BBMC, Rebels

I left ICE because its very boring here and i have nothing to do. Left BBMC because it all the server hate it and i won't bad experience and because it's deleted. Left rebels because they are not active.

Current server groups: SANC, TdSA, ZK

Your strenghts: Shooting,driving,teamworking

Your weaknesses: Flying

How long have you been playing on SAES: 2 years

How long have you been playing on MTA: 2 years

Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: I was banned for multi-account

Rate your English skills from 1/10: 9/10

Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 8/10

Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 9/10

Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 9/10

What is the meaning of DeathMatch: Deatmatch means when u killing or shooting players vechicles without a reason

What is the meaning of RolePlay: actin like a real life

What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: When u suicide to escape from arrest.

Why do you want to join HRMC: Because there are many good and active players in.

Why should we accept you: Because im good,active,skilled player and i want to help the gang with everything i can.

Do you have any friends in HRMC: Polenta

Tell us something more about yourself: Hello, my name is Ilian Georgiev im from Bulgaria and im 14 years old. I love playing in SAES in my free time and riding scooter outside with my brothers.

Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: No

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@iani said in Hell Raisers Motorcycle Club:

Ingame name: YankaTa

Real name: Ilian

Account name: iani582094

Age: 14

Nationality: Bulgarian

Languages Spoken: Bulgarian

Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): ICE, BBMC, Rebels

I left ICE because its very boring here and i have nothing to do. Left BBMC because it all the server hate it and i won't bad experience and because it's deleted. Left rebels because they are not active.

Current server groups: SANC, TdSA, ZK

Your strenghts: Shooting,driving,teamworking

Your weaknesses: Flying

How long have you been playing on SAES: 2 years

How long have you been playing on MTA: 2 years

Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: I was banned for multi-account

Rate your English skills from 1/10: 9/10

Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 8/10

Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 9/10

Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 9/10

What is the meaning of DeathMatch: Deatmatch means when u killing or shooting players vechicles without a reason

What is the meaning of RolePlay: actin like a real life

What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: When u suicide to escape from arrest.

Why do you want to join HRMC: Because there are many good and active players in.

Why should we accept you: Because im good,active,skilled player and i want to help the gang with everything i can.

Do you have any friends in HRMC: Polenta

Tell us something more about yourself: Hello, my name is Ilian Georgiev im from Bulgaria and im 14 years old. I love playing in SAES in my free time and riding scooter outside with my brothers.

Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: No

On behalf of the HQ team, your application is ~[PENDING]~(yellow), meet me or any other HQ ingame for your test.

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Ingame name: Sajjad

Real name: Sajjad

Account name: sajjad

Languages Spoken: English, Arabic, Turkish(intermediate)

Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): MMC, HSMC, C, BBMC (all of them died)

Current server groups: N/A

Your strenghts: patience, leading RTs, shooting

Your weaknesses: Perhaps the time I spend on the game

How long have you been playing on SAES: almost 4 years

How long have you been playing on MTA: 6 years

Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: No

Rate your English skills from 1/10: 8.5/10
Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 7/10

Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 8/10

Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 6/10

What is the meaning of DeathMatch: Killing players for no reason, outside of the main roleplay of the server.

What is the meaning of RolePlay: Acting on the base of your identity in the game and you don't contradict with it, e.g. if you were a biker you should act like real bikers, and don't do anything that a biker doesn't do (riding sport cars for example)

What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: Escaping the cops in unfair ways such as suicide and disconnecting from the server.

Why do you want to join HRMC: As I was thinking that great clubs are fading away and cease to exist, HRMC arise form the ashes to take over, with skilled bikers and wise leadership; I truly saw a huge potential in the club.

Why should we accept you: Cause I had a history with prior clubs, that may adds up something for the HRMC.

Do you have any friends in HRMC: Yes, (Twixx)

Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: Nope.

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-Application Format-

Ingame name:salver

Real name:Hamza

Account name:Hamza250

Age:16 years old


Languages Spoken:Arabic/Frensh/English

Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave):BBMC/ICE
BBMC dead
ICE his membres didn't respect me
Current server groups:N/A

Your strenghts:Driving/Shooting

Your weaknesses:i have lag sometimes

How long have you been playing on SAES:1 years but i was inactives

How long have you been playing on MTA:3 years

Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES:N/A

Rate your English skills from 1/10:8/10

Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10:8/10

Rate your Driving skills from 1/10:8/10

Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10:9/10

What is the meaning of DeathMatch:DeathMatch know as DM when u kill othres playres without reason.

What is the meaning of RolePlay: Roleplay is playing real life situations ingame and playing like its real life.

What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest:Avoid arrest when a cop chasing u and u kill urself it's not allowed.
Why do you want to join HRMC:cuase i wanna prevoide some helps in this GANG.

Why should we accept you:I Friendlier and active in game.

Do you have any friends in HRMC:yes,reket

Tell us something more about yourself:Hello,my name's Hamza know as salver in game i 16 years old i'm studen i live in Tunisia .i play in this server from 1 years but i was inactives I like vidos game and Football

Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang:reket

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-Application Format-

Ingame name:Lio

Real name:Lio

Account name:Lio5



Languages Spoken:english and arabic

Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): 1- MI5 winston changed it to be NSWC i left bec i want join gang like HRMC

Current server groups:N/A

Your strenghts: teamwork, driving bikes, roleplaying, shooting, flying and jailbreaking

Your weaknesses: FPS

How long have you been playing on SAES: 2 years

How long have you been playing on MTA: 5 years

Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: no

Rate your English skills from 1/10: 8

Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 7

Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 9

Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 9

What is the meaning of DeathMatch: killing someone for no reason like shooting at someone in his car for no reason

What is the meaning of RolePlay: roleplay is acting like real life

What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: avoid arrest is killing yourself by anyway in order to escape from the cops

Why do you want to join HRMC: Because HRMC is active and mature and my passion is in the MCs and there is nothing better then a motorcycle brothers

Why should we accept you:i am activity and i have good skills like driving RP and shooting and i respect members of HRMC

Do you have any friends in HRMC:frank,reket

Tell us something more about yourself: hi my name is lio i live in egypt and i love playing football and i have 14 years old i have one brother .

Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang:no

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