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S.W.A.T. - Special Weapons and Tactics

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I. Personal Info

In-game Name: Im known as Lilskies ingame.
Username / Account-name: My username is mahdi444.
Age: I'm currently seventeen years old.
Gender: Male
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): A2
Nationality: I am Tunisian.
Languages Spoken: I do speak English, Arabic and a bit Frensh.
Average Ping: 80-100
Average FPS: 40-50
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello there! My name is Mahdi, seventeen years old. I am from Tunisia and i currently live in sousse, I like playing video games, such as MTA, Rust and PES, i have a good aiming skills and parachuting skills.

II. In-Game Experience

When did you join the server: I've been playing on SAES for 5 years.
How much do you play each day: Depends on my free time.
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: ICE, TST, CripZ, Z, C
Name the reason(s) for leaving: (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) They start free inviting anyone, also there were some problems there (The Strike Team) dead (CripZ) There comes my best times, but every thing has an end, the gang was on the edge of dying, the inactivity left me no other choice, I was thinking of leaving till now, then I found no points on staying there, so I left. (Organization Zero) I dont feel it confortable. (Clandestine Mob) Missunderstanding with the members
Current group memberships: N/A
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? Yes, I would
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): Yes.
Name the reasons why you received these punishments: I got banned because the admins thought i was abusing my PING, because i can go through the jail's cell door without waiting it to open.

III. Personal skills and knowledge

Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.

Your strengths: I've a good aim, stable driving and a good parachuting skills.
Your weaknesses: Sometimes, i get angry faster and i cant control myself, and second is my fps.
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I've been searching for a consistent squad and a good one, there's no doubt that SWAT is one. Plus, being in SWAT means to honor and respect. It truly is something a person could feel proud of. That's because it's the best squad in the server. I want to show the SWAT what my skills and what I am capable of, have fun with patrols and role plays
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: In my opinion I would be good for SWAT, because I have rather huge experience with Law Enforcement where I have been taught how to use Tactics and use Teamwork to my advantage, I also have been taught of many other things which I would like to believe that helps me be a good candidate for such an elite squad such as SWAT.
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):


Just before closing time, the Los Santos Bank was being robbed. The suspects drove a truck through the main security door into the lobby. As the bank's alarm got triggered immediately, the S.W.A.T. team was being informed as well and gave them the opportunity to respond quickly. According to the witnesses no staffs were able to run outside so they're most likely being kept hostage. Besides, the suspects would be armed with machine guns and have signs of a gang. What gang it is ain't confirmed yet, however probably they have no trouble in using violence when dealing with law enforcements.
Once arrived at the scene I would instantly provide my team members the necessary equipment for this task, such as a gas mask, stun grenades and heavy armour. Then a short brief by using the bank's blueprints to determine the route.
The speed and tactics are the crucial things in order to dominate this whole situation. Firstly a mirror camera to look underneath the door of the currents situation of that specific room to check if the room is either full of staff members or suspects. If it's clear of staff, a stun grenade to be thrown inside and then followed by a quick raid. This to create confusion and distraction among the suspects which should disable them harming others for a while so they can be caught. During the raid it is obviously important to secure the civillians and ready them for evacuation and ofcourse also to take down the suspects, even with force if needed.



Withdrawn, sorry guys, but after 3 days of cop side i already got bored and there's no point of joining squad to left it 1 month later. Thank you all for hanging.


@Lilskies / @Lilskies Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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I. Personal Info

In-game Name: FoxZilla

Username / Account-name: mertt

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Nationality: Turkish

Languages Spoken: Turkish,English

Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): B1-B2

Average Ping: 60

Average FPS: 100

Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello My name is Mert. I am playing basketball and i like playing guitar and piano. I have started SAES with my brothers. And I have learnt a lots of things from them. I was tried to join SWAT but cloudnt join now i am trying to join again. I think i have improve myself

II. In-game experience

When did you join the server: I joined the server in 2011

How much do you play each day: I have school so i am playing like 2-3 hours in day but in the weekends i can play 4-5 Hours.

Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies:

  • Five-0

  • FOX Operations X

  • Black~Bullets - B~B

  • Secret Intelligence Service - MI-6

  • The Strike Team - TST

  • San Andreas Police Academy - SAPA

Name the reason(s) for leaving:

  • Black~Bullets I left it because i want to help pirus

  • Mi-6 I left because they were inactive

  • TST I left after that i joined SAPA for pc diploma.

  • SAPA I was decieded to change my side

  • FOX My friends were left from FOX then i decieded to leave.

  • Five-0 First times was good for me but last times i have felt myself lonely and i cloudnt play with other members because due to the difference in the times we play

Current group memberships:

  • Guardians Of Peace - GOP

  • Texi El Centrino - Centrino

  • The Motor Heads - TMH

  • San Andreas Studios - SaS

  • San Andreas Police Academy - SAPA

  • Global Express Trucking Co. - GXT

If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead?: Yes.

Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): I have jailed 3 time.

Name the reasons why you received these punishments: Well, First time i have jailed beacuse DM. I was in event and this event type was knock out of my nrg with ambulance i was crashed someone and him car got fire and he reported me then i got jailed. Second time a lot of player were front of jail and one cop tryied to arrest my friend then i killed him and one admin jailed me and matizz beacuse of camping on front of jail. Last time i was spawned as donator and i didnt see donator rules then some cops tried to arrest me and i killed them with rpg then i got killed.

III. Personal skills and knowledge

(*= this question has to be answered in full sentences)

Your strengths: I am good at taser arrest and driving.

Your weaknesses: Rarely i cant play because of bad FPS.

Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.*: Well, I am playing in SAES since 2011 and i saw a lots of SWAT activities and i want to be part of these activities. And SWAT has a good and active players.

Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.*: I think i will be good for SWAT because i am active and i am not retared. I hope i will prove myself and you will agree with me. We can make better activities.

Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): In 3th November 2019. The weather was great. SWAT member Nico was at lunch break and he was having lunch. After 20 Minutes later he finished him lunch and he back to him work and he started to listen radio. Then he heard bank robbery at Los Santos. Somebody request SWAT and Nico said it to other SWAT members then they went to LS bank with SWAT Tank. After 10 - 15 Minutes they arrived to LS Bank and they went to inside the bank. SWAT members were doing their job perfect. SWAT members and other cops started to make tactic. SWAT Nico was said amazing tactic and they decieded to use it. They were 10 Cop with SWATs. 4 Cops went to first door and 4 cops went to second door. SWAT Nico and one cop went to high place for snip the Criminals. Then Criminals got arrested in just 10 Minutes then SWATs back to SWAT base.


@FoxZilla Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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@Luppo ~[Accepted]~(lime), contact any level 3+ In-game for your entry test. Good luck!

~[*Note]~(red): Join SWAT Discord in order to get tested (If you still haven't joined) Click here for SWAT Discord

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@Krrrecik Application withdrawn as you asked, good luck.

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@mryusuf On behalf of SWAT HQ's, we are sorry to inform you that you haven't passed the application stage ~[DENIED]~(red), Your application is not good enough and does not match our standards at all, however you haven't shown much efforts/interest in joining us.

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@Lilskies On behalf of SWAT HQ's, we are sorry to inform you that you haven't passed the application stage ~[DENIED]~(red), during the fact that you were banned yesterday for bug abusing, which is not accepted at all so we have no choice but to reject your application.

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@FoxZilla ~[Accepted]~(lime), contact any level 3+ In-game for your entry test. Good luck!

~[*Note]~(red): Join SWAT Discord in order to get tested (If you still haven't joined) Click here for SWAT Discord

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@U-H-Hisoka On behalf of SWAT HQ's, we are sorry to inform you that you haven't passed the application stage ~[DENIED]~(red), Your application is not good enough and does not match our standards at all, however you haven't shown much efforts/interest in joining us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I. Personal Info

In-game Name: NixoN^
Username / Account-name: adde69
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): b1 (GOOD)
Nationality: Tunisia-Monastir
Languages Spoken: Arabic/Frensh/English
Average Ping: 65-60
Average FPS: 55
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): my name is Hamza ,I'm 22years-old I live in tunisia (Monastir) Ihave one brother and 2sisters now I study at university and always play computer and my friend told me about the game Grand Theft Auto I kept looking for online because it's my favourite So I looked for SAES:RPG I got into it and got to know many friends .
II. In-Game Experience

When did you join the server: because i have many friends in the server and i have good fun .
How much do you play each day: 3hr/4hr
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: N/A
Name the reason(s) for leaving: N/A
Current group memberships: Taxi El Centrino - All Load Trucking
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? : No
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): N/A
Name the reasons why you received these punishments: N/A

III. Personal skills and knowledge

Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.

Your strengths: my strenghts is Sniper/Confrontation/Shooting
Your weaknesses: Driving
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I am punched and love Cop This made me join the squad and team workhard thats all .
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I know all the laws and I help anyone and I am present at any time.
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):
we had in possession one armored van and a helicopter and in terms of units we had one assault team composed of 5 people with shotguns and M4s and a sniper team composed of two members . so we went ahead and started the units' deployment . we had the sniper team stationed at the roof and the assault team in some nearby garage and we waited for the gangsters to come so we can ambush them . so as soon as they came we send the signal to our sniper teams to scout the area for all the criminals , luckily they weren't really armed only a couple of them had carbines and the others were men in suits so we the sniper took care of the too armed guys and the assault team rushed out and arrested the suited men easily . another operation taken care thats all .


@Nixon11 Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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@Nixon11 On behalf of SWAT HQ's, we are sorry to inform you that you haven't passed the application stage ~[DENIED]~(red), Your application is not good enough and does not match our standards at all, however you haven't shown much efforts/interest in joining us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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I. Personal Info

In-game Name: Yoav
Username / Account-name: yav123
Age: 22.
Gender: Male.
Rate your English skill level: C1.
Nationality: Israeli.
Languages Spoken: Hebrew (Mother language), English (Advanced).
Average Ping: Arouned 70.
Average FPS: 60-70.
Tell us about yourself:
Hi, my name is Yoav, I am 22, and I live in Israel. I served in the IDF for almost 3 years in the - Computers and Information corps. Recently I got released from the army and started my civil life. Currently I am looking for a small job before going to study computer engineering next year. My main hobbies are: Computers, cars, swimming and hanging out with friends.

II. In-Game Experience

When did you join the server: Early 2014.
How much do you play each day: I just got back after a long break but I think it will be around the 2 hours at least a day.
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: SAPA(It was still a squad) + MI-6 + ALT(It was still a Company).
Name the reason(s) for leaving:
SAPA - I felt that I got the experince to move on to another kind of squad.
MI-6 - I was very happy there but I really wanted to try ALT so I moved to them (At this time ALT was a company that wasn't a group).
ALT - I was recruited to the army, and wasn't able to maintain regular activity so I was kicked due to inactivity.
Current group memberships: PC.
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? Yes.
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): No.
Name the reasons why you received these punishments: N/A.

III. Personal skills and knowledge

Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.

Your strengths: I have a very good deductive reasoning, great motiviation, also I am very determined and series, more over I have high interpersonal communication.
Your weaknesses: Self criticism is sometimes pulling me down in some kind of stuff and makes me feel angry and unfocused.
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I think that S.W.A.T is the best squad that can really realize my potential in the server, in addition a have a couple of friends there that told me about the squad and this really stimulate me to join S.W.A.T.
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I think I have a very good experince especially in being a cop, more over I think that I will be good to S.W.A.T since I am good at arrests and my RP skills are high. In addition I am a very friendly guy that can make a good company and fit in.
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation: It's a regular day in Los Santos, S.W.A.T officer Yoav and S.W.A.T officer iTsMe just got to PD to start their duty. After playing some darts in the alerting room, a call came in saying there is a bank robbery in progress at south Los Santos with hostages involved, in this exact moment the two officers ran to put there vests on and got there weapons from the armory, they rushed into their aromred vehicle where the whole team was already there. After a crazy ride of 15 minutes they got to the bank. They immediatly surround the bank with their weapons pulled up. After they waited for 20 minutes in the melting heat the bank door opened a bit, a hostage came out with a suicide vest streched all over his torso. The hostage became to progress in iTsMe's direction. After shouting to him to stop Yoav saw that the suit looked a bit fabricated. Yoav pushed his PTT button and whispered to iTsMe to play the game. iTsMe began spending time by shouting and walking backward. Meanwhile Yoav contacted the rest of the crew and told them to split out in order to check the rest of the exits. After S.W.A.T officer Amit reported that he heard movements at the loading bay, Yoav quickly jumped on the armored truck with the rest of the team and they rushed to the loading bay. When they got their they quickly throwed a bunch of FlashBangs into the air and got control at the area, 3 robbers went down and 2 was badly injured. After the situation calmed down a saboteur checked the suicide suit of the hostage it turned out that the suit was indeed fake and all the hostages went out safe.


@Yoav Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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** I. Personal Info**

In-game Name: Deepy
Username / Account-name: kelogglu
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): B1-B2
Nationality: Turkish.
Languages Spoken: English/Turkish
Average Ping:80-90
Average FPS: 60
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): So Hello,My name is Emre. Im living in Turkey/Izmir with my family. Im 16 years old and i love to play PC games. Im studying on a High School,My goal is to be a Tour Operator in the next years. My hobbies are usually playing PC,Basketball,Football going out with friends and do something together with them. Im reading books like 2-3 hours a day and do some stuff in the house. Im also interested in many kind of musics. Im playing games like The Long Dark,The Forest,EU4,HOI4,DST,Garry's Mod which is most of those are based on survival and historical games.

II. In-Game Experience

When did you join the server: About 2-3 Years ago.
How much do you play each day: 6-7 Hours a day.
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies:
FBI:In 2017 i joined Federal Bureau of Investigations.Because of the inactivity there was not much person do play with. So i decided to leave it.
NSA:I left this one too due to inactivity like FBI.After a short time i left,its dead.
SAFP:After a long time of Membership,i was kicked out of the organisation due to bad behaviour towards members.
BBMC:I wanted to try criminal side so i joined it.But it wasn't suitable for me.
OC:However it is demolished right now,it had the bad members than me.They weren't showing respect to each other acting like animals to theirselves. So i left it.
CripZ:Some discussions with Members itself brought me to an exit from this gang.There were somethings that i didn't like personally.
UE:I joined to UE to try a new experience of gameplay just as like CripZ.I stood in it like 2-3 months then left it due to my wonders to go back to cop side.
Name the reason(s) for leaving:Has been given at up.
Current group memberships:N/A
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? I gladly would.
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): A ban given by System 2-3 years ago.
Name the reasons why you received these punishments:Deathmatching.

** III. Personal skills and knowledge**

** Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.**

Your strengths: Tazing,Chasing,Driving,Sniping,Using Helicopters.
Your weaknesses: I dont have any weaknesses except i cannot use boats.I dont know if there are some more.
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Just as like everyone,after my roll of from San Andreas Federal Police i needed to find myself another squad to join and continue my career from a different spot.SWAT seemed a suitable squad for me because there are lots of good players in it.Which is experienced with Killing and Tazing.Include chasing in it too.
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I can actually do whatever is needed in a Squad.Post tons of activities,events and many other. It would be so good to Represent SWAT.What other thing makes me think is that i got some skills left in the days.Maybe with them i could be suitable with SWAT.
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):


Los Santos,28th of January. I was chilling at the Pizza Place.Then he got a call,it was about the Massive Jailbreak near SWAT Base.Huge amount of criminals inside the jail were trying to break out and somebodies had to handle it. Me and Officer Benny met infront of the base to attempt to stop Jailbreak.FBI and Five-0 units were on the way as well.We entered from the door and first thing we saw was 5-6 criminals trying to break out from the front gate.We quickly deactivated them.Went on the second door.We saw 2 more criminals trying to go out from the front door again.We got them as well.Then we have gone to the third door.There were tons of criminals shooting at us at the same time.We covered near the wall and waited for the assistance.After most of them were killed and arrested we took a decide about rushing all in and demolish the JailBreak.After the last kills of Police Side,we managed to get in and rush through cells.There was a criminal standing behind of the Desk and it seemed like he was waiting for us.We tazed him and send it to the place right of us.After when we go out,we met with another criminal group.Most of them were escaping on a picador to East Los Santos.3 Cop cars were chasing them including Officer Benny and Me. At the East Los Santos Beach their wheels were popped up by us.We get out of the car and started to deactivate them for once and all.They were sent through to jail.When we looked back we saw a criminal running away from us,we started to chase him by running but he was carrying a bomb.Officer Benny was about to taze him but instantly he throw a nade upon us.We jumped to the water to save ourselves from the Grenade.When we get out of the water he were lost and probably was up to Jailbreak again.And we were ready to chase them as well.



@AngelDust Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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I. Personal Info

In-game Name: Nishki
Username / Account-name: bluelive122
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): B2
Nationality: Saudi
Languages Spoken: Arabic as a native language and English as a foreign language.
Average Ping: Around 70 - 80
Average FPS: 60
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text):
Hello, my name is Mohammad. A twenty year old from Saudi Arabia but currently I live in Turkey in order to finish my studies I am taking gastronomy and culinary . Other than that, I am a big fan of music; I listen to different genres but I prefer pop. Also I would love to spend my spare time playing video games such as Overwatch, PUBG, Fortnite, World of Warcraft. It is also thanks to this server that I could enrich my knowledge of many things.

II. In-Game Experience

When did you join the server: I joined the server back in 2016 so that's 4 years.
How much do you play each day: Around four or five hours a day.
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: OverdoseCrime - The Company - CripZ - ETF
Name the reason(s) for leaving: As for OverdoseCrime it died. I did not really find the comfort I was looking for in TheCompany or CripZ. And as for ETF I have been kicked for being adminjailed ( everything was explained and solved )
Current group memberships: BES,TMH and Cluck
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? I would, happily.
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): One ban for advertising another server.
Name the reasons why you received these punishments: I did advertise another server in the main chat on accident ( everything will be explained if needed )

** III. Personal skills and knowledge**

Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.

Your strengths: I honestly find working in a team such an important task in order to succeed in the police side, adding to long distance pursuits, tasing, parachuting and driving.
Your weaknesses: I am pretty sure I would never succeed at chasing a huge amount of criminals by myself or getting a lag spike while doing such thing.
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T: I screwed up in the server in the past months. I decided to quit for a short period of time and come back fresh. I wanted to settle down in a professional organisation and this squad was the best choice that came to my sight since it has the most skilled members in the entire police side, I was really impressed and I never hesitated to give it a try.
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T: I believe I should be given a chance to join S.W.A.T. because I'm experienced enough to be a part of such respected squad. I can offer a lot to this squad such as my activity and skills. Also I will take the opportunity to apologise if I screwed up with anyone or anything
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):


Late afternoon on the outskirts of San Fierro, officer Nishki patrolling around reporting his 10-8 status. Suddenly, recieved an urgent phone call from his superior mentioning that other officers were murdered by a group of people who were entring the bank in San Fierro and probably planning to rob it, the report was not that obvious and clear so they were apparently rebels or gang mebers. Officer Nishki entered his base with his mates then to the headquarters, they took everything they need; their weapons, medical kits and body armours, got in their vehicles then turned the sirens, the officer's partner took care of reporting it on the radio and they responded to the bank robbery right way. The robbers were already ready, they split in two waves, one took care of cracking the money safes and the other wave took care of protecting others. The bank was overcrowded and heavily armed, nothing the cops could do, the S.W.A.T air units decided tothe mission. Helicopters were flying around the top of the bank, officers used the heli-rope and entered from the rear door of the bank. Some criminals were arrested but some wave managed to run away. S.W.A.T's vehicles' sirens were turned on, chasing the rest of criminals who ran away, air units couldn't use the ropes since the robbers were driving over the speed limits. Thus, few officers have chosen a shortcut and placed a huge roadblock and luckily the criminals have chosen the same way so they crashed into it and got arrested finally



@Nishki Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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@AngelDust On behalf of SWAT HQ's, we are sorry to inform you that you haven't passed the application stage ~[DENIED]~(red), Your application is not good enough and does not match our standards at all, however you haven't shown much efforts/interest in joining us.

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@Nishki On behalf of SWAT HQ's, we are sorry to inform you that you haven't passed the application stage ~[DENIED]~(red), Your application is not good enough and does not match our standards at all, however, you haven't shown much efforts/interest in joining us.

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I. Personal Info

In-game Name: I go with the name Nishki
Username / Account-name: bluelive122
Age: I am 19 years old.
Gender: Male
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): B2
Nationality: Half Saudi Half Emirates.
Languages Spoken: Arabic as a native language and English as a foreign language a bit of Turkish as-well.
Average Ping: Around 70 - 80
Average FPS: Around 100+
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text):
Hello, my name is Mohammad. A Ninteen years old from Saudi Arabia but currently I live in Turkey in order to finish my studies I am taking gastronomy and culinary . Other than that, I am a big fan of music; I listen to different genres but I prefer pop. Also I would love to spend my spare time playing video games such as Overwatch, PUBG, Fortnite, World of Warcraft. It is also thanks to this server that I could enrich my knowledge of many things. I enjoy watching Anime as-well on my free time might be childish for some people but it is actually entertaining for me. I watch lost of history vids as I am a big fan of history world wars corruptions revulsions and so on.

II. In-Game Experience

When did you join the server: I joined the server back in 2016 so that's 4 and a half years ago.
How much do you play each day: Around six or seven hours a day.
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: OverdoseCrime - The Company - CripZ - ETF
Name the reason(s) for leaving: As for OverdoseCrime it died. I did not really find the comfort I was looking for in TheCompany or CripZ. And as for ETF I have been kicked for being adminjailed ( everything was explained and solved )
Current group memberships: BES,TMH and Cluck and IAC as-well
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? I would, as my only set point right is joining SWAT.
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): Yes I have been banned for advertising and asking some of my friends to join another server.
Name the reasons why you received these punishments: I did advertise another server in the main chat on accident ( everything will be explained if needed )

** III. Personal skills and knowledge**

Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.

Your strengths: I honestly find working in a team such an important task in order to succeed in the police side, adding to long distance pursuits, tasing, parachuting and driving. I am a bit Humble chill and friendly I always enjoy helping people as I help myself as-well.
Your weaknesses: I am pretty sure I would never succeed at chasing a huge amount of criminals by myself or getting a lag spike while doing such thing.
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T: I screwed up in the server in the past months. I decided to quit for a short period of time and come back fresh. I wanted to settle down in a professional organization and this squad was the best choice that came to my sight since it has the most skilled members in the entire police side, I was really impressed and I never hesitated to give it a a second try. Got denied once but here I go again as I said I want to be part of this amazing squad.
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T: I believe I should be given a chance to join S.W.A.T. because I'm experienced enough to be a part of such respected squad. I can offer a lot to this squad such as my activity and skills. Also I will take the opportunity to apologise if I screwed up with anyone or anything
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words):


Late afternoon on the outskirts of San Fierro, officer Nishki patrolling around reporting his 10-8 status. Suddenly, recieved an urgent phone call from his superior mentioning that other officers were murdered by a group of people who were entering the bank in San Fierro and probably planning to rob it, the report was not that obvious and clear so they were apparently rebels or gang mebers. Officer Nishki entered his base with his mates then to the headquarters, they took everything they need; their weapons, medical kits and body armours, got in their vehicles then turned the sirens, the officer's partner took care of reporting it on the radio and they responded to the bank robbery right way. The robbers were already ready, they split in two waves, one took care of cracking the money safes and the other wave took care of protecting others. The bank was overcrowded and heavily armed, nothing the cops could do, the S.W.A.T air units decided tothe mission. Helicopters were flying around the top of the bank, officers used the heli-rope and entered from the rear door of the bank. Some criminals were arrested but some wave managed to run away. S.W.A.T's vehicles' sirens were turned on, chasing the rest of criminals who ran away, air units couldn't use the ropes since the robbers were driving over the speed limits. Thus, few officers have chosen a shortcut and placed a huge roadblock and luckily the criminals have chosen the same way so they crashed into it and got arrested finally


@Nishki On behalf of S.W.A.T., i'd like to personally thank you for your interest in joining our squad. Unfortunately, as we've literally told you 3 days ago, we feel like you're not fitting to our organization at the moment. Because of that, your application has been ~[denied]~(red,black).

Note: You may re-apply again in 1 month (22nd March 2020) starting from today if you feel like it. However, if you continue to repeatedly post other applications in this thread after this notification, we have no choice but to completly disregard every single other attempts to join our organization you may express in the future.

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I. Personal Info

In-game Name: Dori
Username / Account-name: dori12
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): C1
Nationality: Israel
Languages Spoken: Hebrew, English.
Average Ping: 70
Average FPS: 60
Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello my name is Dor I'm 19 years old and Im from Israel. Currently, I do 1 a year computer science course in a college near my home. I started playing computer games when I was 9 years old. I play MTA since 2013. My main games are: MTA,LOL, Counter-Strike GO and GTA V. A few of my hobbies are workout at the gym, programming, playing video games and netflix&chill.

II. In-Game Experience

When did you join the server: I joined a few years ago but I have been in a long break and came back 2 months ago.
How much do you play each day: I play around 4 hours per day, on weekends even more.
Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: SAFP
Name the reason(s) for leaving: Well I have been in SAFP for a really great time, it's amazing squad but I decided to move on because I couldn't "connect" with people there and felt a little bit of outside, and as of now I got pretty much a lot
of friends in SWAT so yeah I decided to move on.
Current group memberships: N/A
If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? Yes
Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): N/A, not that I remember.
Name the reasons why you received these punishments:

III. Personal skills and knowledge

Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences.

Your strengths: One of my strengths is that I like to be the best in everything I do, at least trying to do the top efforts to be the best, I'm really friendly I enjoy helping people, my best strength is loyalty I'll always be loyal to my friends/group(squad).
Your weaknesses: Sometimes I have this bad habit of delaying work I have to do to another day or start practice a day before the test.
Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I want to join S.W.A.T because from my point of view S.W.A.T is the best squad in the server, the most active and most skilled players are in this squad. I think S.W.A.T is the best place that I can utilize my skills to the fullest. I know that the squad members are very friendly people and I want to be part of this family. Also, I have a few friends in S.W.A.T and I really enjoy patrol with them.
Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I think that Ill be good for S.W.A.T because Im very friendly I get along pretty good with people. I love to play as a cop and I think Im good at being a cop. I'II be good for SWAT because I was in other servers as S.W.A.T and I know how the squad works and how the squad does missions wisely and tactfully. I've been through S.W.A.T situations and I have the knowledge of S.W.A.T I know what to do as a S.W.A.T member and what I shouldnt do.
Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): Well, This was a great day until PD called SWAT Officers and reported on a bank robbery and that the criminals have hostages, once SWAT got that call, They immediately started moving into the plan room and gather all together once they all were gathered S.W.A.T Commander started to speak as he says that there will be 2 teams, One Alpha and Bravo, Alpha team will be 6 Officers, split into 3 duo's each duo would have a Officer with Riot Shield and a Officer with AR-15 behind him, They all will be geared up with flashbangs, Bravo team would be 10 Officers and they will be geared up with flashbangs also, They will arrive from the top of the bank, and Alpha team will access from the front main door, Once they're all in position, the Police will handle the road and block it so none will come through, and of course Eagle unit, which is a SWAT Officer with Sniper watching the area and reporting on every movement so nothing will go wrong, Eagle unit will be on a roof of a building next to the bank, When everyone will be in position, Alpha and Bravo will radio that they're ready. They will ambush in exactly 30 seconds the Bravo team will throw flashbang 5 seconds before the breach in, after they do that, Alpha team rushes towards the doors, as Bravo team goes down with a rope quickly, Both teams eliminating the criminals and Bravo team would quickly take the Hostages as they untie them and rush with them towards the exit door, Alpha team stays and makes sure everyone is safe and that the criminals are down, when everyone is safe, they continue walking around the bank checking for more criminals while they all in three duo's are covering each other back with riot shield and securing the area, Once everything clear, Alpha team reports in that the bank is clear, Bravo team report status update that Hostages are safe and outside the bank, Eagle unit reporting that the area is clear, no suspicious vehicle or anything like that, and everyone return back to their place, SWAT return to their base, Police seize the area and investigate more.., Medics takes the corpses from the bank and clear out.


@Dori Thank you for your interest on joining the team, your application is now "~[under review]~(orange)" and has been moved to our forums where it will be checked and discussed through the next few days. The final result will be posted on this topic in the following week. Feel free to hang around us and join our patrols so we can get to know you better. Wishing you the best of luck.

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