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Number of Activity: 102
Date of Activity: 01/07/2021
Type of Activity: Stopping Sr's and VIP Rescue.
Involved Members: @AndreaS @thegost442 @GhostRegion @


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Number of RolePlay : 20

Participants in The RP:

  • Criminal Dealer / Mechanic @Liberty

  • All Load Trucking (ALT) @DeeRose @All-Load-Trucking

  • Agent DIA|Bean (Me)


In the start of morning, the Agent of Deffence Inteligence Agency (DIA) Bean, was designated to start his patrols arround Bone County (BC) city, which is an small and calm place, where everything can happen hided from law eyes. Bean just grab his tea and some donuts, like he used to do all mornings before working, and parked his car in a Motel on main entrance of BC. At the exact moment he was inside patrol car, parked and eating, something appears before his eyes, a criminal transaction was happening right at this moment and he should act on the right time, or this chance would be lost forever. The criminal transfered something like an box to trucker hands, but he was carrying a weapon on his hands, so this takes the attention of the Agent Bean, who started his engine and followes them. The criminal headed to Las Venturas and the trucker followed another path, so he had to choose on stop the trucker, because the suspicious packet was on him already. Some killometers ahead, the Agent turnes on his sirens and announced the stop, what happenes on the first asking, without troubles. The trucker was afraid and sweating alot, he asks to the Agent, before stepping out, to show his identification, and Bean shows the distinctive, after it, he step out of his truck and all legal/security proceadures happens. The Agent founds hided on the supply part of his truck, 1 bar of weed stuck on it, what an years of great trouble for the owner of this truck, he cryes alot to let him out but on these situacions the law is the most hearded word, wasn't an case of late vehicle documents. After all averiguation, the Agent handcuffed on the backseat the trucker driver and triggered the service of winch, both was delivered aswell to the San Fierro Department and are on custody of the law waiting final answers of SF judge.

Photographys of all procedures:


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Number of Activity: 103
Date of Activity: 4/06/2021
Type of Activity: Stopped BR
Involved Members: @Bean @Razak @jeffpip @AndreaS
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Number of Activity: 104
Date of Activity: 04/07/2021
Type of Activity: Stopped BR LV
Involved Members: @diogocbc @Razak
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Number of Activity: 105
Date of Activity: 04/07/2021
Type of Activity: Stopped SR / Daily Patrol
Involved Members: @AndreaS @Remp @Razak @diogocbc @theJeff


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Number of Activity: 106
Date of Activity: 06/07/2021
Type of Activity: Stopped SR
Involved Members: Sam Razak Remp


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Number of Event: 54
Date of Event : 02/07/2021
Type of Event : TDM
LWS/Helper : By me
Prize : $2.000.000
Winner : @SlapBobs @RagnarTN
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Number of Event: 55
Date of Event : 02/07/2021
Type of Event : Free For All
LWS/Helper : By Me
Prize : $1.000.000
Winner : @SlapBobs
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Number of Event: 56
Date of Event : 05/07/2021
Type of Event : The Fall
LWS/Helper : @Garcia1999
Prize : $1.000.000
Winner : @Tema x5 @SlapBobs x3 @Blackyy x1 @voli x2
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Number of Event: 57
Date of Event : 08/07/2021
Type of Event : 1v1 Sniper
LWS/Helper : By Me
Prize : $1.000.000
Winner : @Senpai
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Number of Event: 58
Date of Event : 08/07/2021
Type of Event : Chicken Nade
LWS/Helper : @FoxZilla
Prize : $1.000.000
Winner : @SuleymanCAKIR
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Number of RolePlay: 22
Date of RolePlay : 09/07/2021
Type of RolePlay : Stopping two criminals ,Doing Human Trafficking
Involved Members : Alone
Helpers: @Villain @Shadow
Story : Today,I was driving Around SA ,And then i went to BC with my car ,And in my way i saw a man talking in his phone in a garage with a black car,So i Went to him.. But i decided to Undrstand what he's talking First,Then i started Listening to him,And he was Talking to his friend He told him "Take him to (10-20) With a car,And we meet there then we talk about him,Then i waited until his friend came And he was with a big car,Then i let them talking together ,And The man who came told him that "He's died in the car" ,Here i Understanded that It was a human Trafficking.. Then i took my weapon then went to them inside of the garage ,And told them "HANDS UP" And they respected my order ,And started talking to them about what happening there ,First They started lying and telling me that they were fixing the car ,And after that i checked the car ,And i saw a man died there,And then He took a weapon and wanted to kill me,And i was too fast and aimed on him.After that i took them to the prison until I undrstand more about that.
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Number of RolePlay: 23
Date of RolePlay : 09/07/2021
Type of RolePlay : Trying to stop two criminals But they Died
Involved Members : Alone
Helpers: @Villain @Shadow
Story : Today i went to SF with DIA's Car And i was near RF's base ,And i saw 2 members of RF driving with speed .. After that i stopped them with my car then told them to get out and "HANDS UP" And after that i started talking to them And i told them against our rules.. Racing at somewhere without any cover or something like that.. ,And they told me its normal,we always racing here its our area,And i explained to them its not allowed while u racing with that speed in this way..Also how if you both die with an accident and there is no one near you,Who gonna take you,And they kept explaining to me that they always race and they were safe ,So i decided to leave them ,But I saw one of them taking his gun out,But i shot both of them,One died and one Not,So i kept talking with him,Since he was the man who took his weapon out,And then He started insulting and didn't let me talk to him,And i shot him again,And i went to them if they are really dead or Just kidding me, But i found that they were DEAD And then i took them to thier base,Becuase i didn't want anyone to hear about that,And went back to DIA base.
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Number of RolePlay: 24
Date of RolePlay : 09/07/2021
Type of RolePlay : Stopping a Bitch with a man
Involved Members : Alone
Helpers: DAB Trinkao
Story : Today,I saw a car of bitchs near a house,And i heard that someone fucking a bitch there,So i decided to Enter the house ..When i entered i saw one fucking a bitch etc..So i stopped them and stared aiming on them And started talking to them,But they didn't answer me so i took them on the car to the PD ,And told them to give me thier ID card ..And searched about thier ID cards on the cumpted ,And i found that the girl was real bitch and it was in the prison in 2018 about the same thing,But the man has nothing So i wrote on thier ID cards a Jail.. And took them to the prison and kept understanding about them.
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Number of Event: 59
Date of Event : 12/07/2021
Type of Event : Cave Fight
LWS/Helper : @Garcia
Prize : $4.000.000
Winner : @RiKkI And his team
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Number of Activity: 107
Date of Activity : 12/07/2021
Type of Activity : Stopping a PBR
Involved Members: @Razak @YooZy And Me
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Number of Activity: 109
Date of Activity : 14/07/2021
Type of Activity : Stopping a BR
Involved Members: SAM Yoozy And Me
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Number of RolePlay: 25
@leonard said in The Company | Storerob Blog:

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Title: ~[Beat the Heat]~(red)
~[Episode 1 Chapter 1]~(gray)
Participants : @Liberty @Orten1 @Lucifer @Remp @martinf @Break
Story + Screenshot(s):
I was doing my daily job at the dark side of the web, trading weapons,drugs,humans, making fake passport and trafficking in humans, just an everyday job at the web, till someone sent me a message and it was important one, it was a member of Jumbo Klan organisation known as lucifier asking me for serious help, he found out a big chunk of weapons is moving around San Fierro the security is pretty low since there was a heavy decline in the crime around San andreas, So we decided to meet up somewhere we define secretly to see what we can do
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He came after i been waiting for him with addition members to help us get things in thight and everything go according as plan,the blueprint was simple, we sneak in with one of our stolen agency helicopter, so they wont rise the alarm when they sees us, we should remain low and prevent any connection with cops,otherwise we'll expect a heavy backup and we'll stand no chance, we set everything up according to the plan we took our helicopter and we left where Lucifier told us to go
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We kept the helicopter at low range to prevent radars from spotting us because there was some kind of rebels across Tierra Robada's desert, so the military is using high technology tools to detect any flying hardware, we managed to stay low an we reached our destination according to the plan
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We got out and luckly no one came to check us so we took the oppertunity to sneak inside without drawing any attention,the securite was super low and the guards were probably resting after long travels, thanks to Our picklocking skills we managed to open the door and go in
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but thing escelated so quickly after we found a two officers chatting with each others,but we managed to suppress them, we cause alot of noise, the air was filled with screams and warning fire which caused a stress and terrifying vows, which made some members so busy to check up the rooms, so one officer was sleeping in his bedroom, he woke up after hearing the gunshots and screams and he called for the back up immidiatly
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So the Cop decided to confront us,he opened the door at fast rate with his gun out, the moment he wanted to pull the trigger a member killed him, the whole floor was full of blood and his organs were eveyrwhere, after he got eliminated his wireless was still broadcasting and we heard about some Jet Fighter and Helicopters to raid the Ship, so then we decided to give up and leave the whole mess after setting the boat on fire
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To be continued...


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Number of Activity: 110
Date of Activity : 16/07/2021
Type of Activity : Stopping Sr's and VIP Rescue
Involved Members: @thegost442 @samdanie @YooZy @Pistache @Razak
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Number of Event: 60
Date of Event : 17/07/2021
Type of Event : LMS no rules
LWS/Helper : @Judyes

Prize : $1.000.000
Winner : @Killer
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Number of Event: 61
Date of Event : 17/07/2021
Type of Event : Lucky Nade (Judy killed all :( )
LWS/Helper : @Judyes
Prize : $1.000.000
Winner : @BaRy
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Number of Activity: 111
Date of Activity : 19/07/2021
Type of Activity : Stopping Sr's, Daily Activity and VIP Rescue
Involved Members: @Razak @K1volt @YooZy @DIA Lazar
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