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SAES Retired
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Everything posted by Bone

  1. your pc is limiting you in memory and functioning cause you are using 32bit OS
  2. happy bday
  3. @zaza said in 100.000.000$ Mapping contest ( CripZ Base ): @Bone said in 100.000.000$ Mapping contest ( CripZ Base ): if you admit that you're kurdish and openly support PKK i might consider it Sure i will if you admit you are still virgin ! Then im afraid we have no deal sir.
  4. if you admit that you're kurdish and openly support PKK i might consider it
  5. like mentioned before by others and myself, models are slowly replaced by suitable ones fitting the environment Community is free to suggest mods but that doesn't mean they will be added but looked at and taken in consideration or not
  6. car itself looks cool but for GTA:SA its to modern
  7. Bone

    Ban Filex?

  8. @batya8890 said in Shooting while glued.: Press the X key, then press F1> I'm stuck. If you do this, then you can shoot. become the banned for abusing bugs geegee
  9. Power Hour this Sunday (10/03/19) at approx. 15:00 in game time.... lasting ONE FULL HOUR!.. Any reports made during the hour and contains one of the below mentioned rules-skip will be ignored Note: Those who don't feel comfortable with others having fun please refrain from connecting for a hour or its at own risk if you do. Also, Please don't ask for more amunation if you ran out this will be given trough time so if you are out you are obligated to use your own supplies till a refreshment is given. ~[Anyone caught spawn-kiling at Hospitals/Spawns will be served with a hour ban resulting in no more fun for you.]~(red) What can you possibly expect during the power hour: hydras/hunters/seasparrows around airports ( Will be spawned shortly before the event starts ) Given out "banished" weapons to everyone Any BR during the hour will not count on top daily limit for gangs ( Banks will be reset when the event starts, and resets few times during the hour) Squads are free to camp around and will be handed tools to make work more easier and more fun what the hour brings, speed etc etc During the hour certain rules will not apply to the server Death-matching Revenge-killing Avoid arrest ~[!!!! BE AWARE !!!!]~(red) NO CAMPING AT HOSPITALS NO MARKER KILLING KEEP IT FAIR FOR EVERYONE ~[And please don't end up spawn-killing at spawns/hospitals like on previous power hour]~(red) ~[Anyone caught spawn-kiling at Hospitals/Spawns will be served with a hour ban resulting in no more fun for you.]~(red) For questions and shit give @Bone a mention in #saes-support on our discord server : https://discord.gg/MR64u4T
  10. Bone

    Goodbye SAES

    that's possible yes just wondering :) also say hi to martinjames and zodiac16 :)
  11. Bone

    Goodbye SAES

    didnt knew you posted that message from the same ip session @xJuDe @Jxmes anyways have fun
  12. sorry if people are offended by this but fuck sake people moaning is truly in nature of some of us. Before the weather update other admins and myself been playing around with turning on the "old" dynamic weather which gave some changes instead of the fucking static weather. People were then asking if it could be a permanent solution but due the code being old this was not a option to have it enabled permanently but on occasional moments. Now that we have FINALLY a weather system that is almost perfect* ( *requires some tweaking but hey it only improves ) but the funny part of all of this is most people voted in favor of having weather changes are now struggling back and rather see the static weather return but common people make up your mind and think of what you voted for instead of boarding a hype train i'm sure you are capable of thinking yourself instead of letting others do it for you ;) drops mic
  13. Bone


    thats a nice new insta account you created there, oh and radrick stop fooling we are not retarded you simply failed by switching over from forum account and you were retarded enough to register "tweak" on the same session as you left the vamp account at
  14. what they above said #locked
  15. Roleplay used to be great few years ago then the mainstream gaming age appeared and things got different. :(
  16. @Spicey said in SAES:RPG v1.5 Patch Notes: Trucking work system they are not working good. i got 842 truck deliverys and im tryning doing the 300 and they don't letting me any one admin can check it please? https://imgur.com/a/cVHsEAd bugs.saesrpg.uk
  17. auction canceled, these event/mini-game buildings were not supposed to have a icon.. probably some genius thought it was smart.
  18. It was a blast! Thank you all for participating this major event, sadly a few individuals couldn't resist and ignore the spawn-kill rule apart from that much fun! I'll be hosting another "power-hour" soon with lots more preparations
  19. Anyone caught spawn-kiling at Hospitals/Spawns will be served with a hour ban resulting in no more fun for you.
  20. _ Increase the reward in SR & Arresting Right now its balanced very well from looking at "illegal" work always earns slight more than legal stuff -Administrator to inspect more the prison, and punish the criminal that are just camping to have the prison open Yeah i somewhat agree we can look more often there and wipe it clean and wait 5 minutes for the next wave to appear which results in a endless cyclus., instead team up and defend jail as true wardens. -Disable using the double Weapon in prison that is not fair +1 Get a reward for stopping the BR as Cop +1
  21. Power Hour this Sunday (10/02/19) at approx. 15:00 in game time.... lasting ONE FULL HOUR!.. Any reports made during the hour and contains one of the above mentioned rules-skip will be ignored Note: Those who don't feel comfortable with others having fun please refrain from connecting for a hour or its at own risk if you do. ~[Anyone caught spawn-kiling at Hospitals/Spawns will be served with a hour ban resulting in no more fun for you.]~(red) What can you possibly expect during the power hour: hydras/hunters/seasparrows around airports ( Will be spawned shortly before the event starts ) Given out "banished" weapons to everyone Any BR during the hour will not count on top daily limit for gangs ( Banks will be reset when the event start so whoever gets it first has it ) Squads are free to camp around and will be handed tools to make work more easier and more fun what the hour brings, speed etc etc During the hour certain rules will not apply to the server Deathmatching Revenge-killing Avoid arrest ~[And please don't end up spawn-killing at spawns/hospitals like on previous power hour]~(red) ~[Anyone caught spawn-kiling at Hospitals/Spawns will be served with a hour ban resulting in no more fun for you.]~(red) For questions and shit give @Bone a mention in #saes-support on our discord server : https://discord.gg/MR64u4T
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