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SAES Retired
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Everything posted by Bone

  1. 50m and i'll buy it right now.
  2. Donator spawn added expires at 15/6/19
  3. Updated le topic Congratulations @Terry @JohnnyEnglish and @Joe <3
  4. @Deu said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @Bone said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: @Deu said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: you can do better men, you look like billionaire now :duck: just a meme, nothing more you could've focused on one of the script ideas like KATLA and complete it to keep the current player count stable on the server but you wanted to do it the other way(intended or not) around and this is what being pointed out in the meme itself i like billionaire btw my favorite president :shrug:
  5. @Deu said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: you can do better men, you look like billionaire now :duck:
  6. @ESO said in SAES:RPG Rules Update!: @Bone said in SAES:RPG Rules Update!: @ESO hes not a native dutch! well, maybe if you weren't too stoned you could'v provided one! :feelsupmen:
  7. @ESO hes not a native dutch!
  8. @Billionaire said in Use of exploits reminder: @Gengar said in Use of exploits reminder: Thanks for publicly shaming me. I get it that you wanted me out of the clan and I normally wouldn't even bother posting anything regarding that, I'd just move on with my game and have fun with my friends. But there was no reason whatsoever to shame me like this in front of entire community and that irritated me enough to make this post. Just for the record, I did not try to assist anyone to cover up anything. You have screenshot of the chat, you can clearly see that I advised person involved to cooperate with you guys. The fact that SAES HQ team is twisting everything to suit their own needs is different story. It's no secret that they wanted me out of the clan for quite some time, taking away every bit of access I had with some bullshit excuses with every chance they got. Good for you that you finally found some justification to remove me completely. This announcement alone shows how eager you were. When was the last time you announced clan members who were removed with reasons of their removal? You had people removed from clan because they were deliberately deleting reports of their friends without solving them and none announced anything about that. You had people removed from clan because SAES HQ team has access to read their forum private messages in which, apparently, they were stating their disagreements with some actions from the clan, none ever made announcement regarding that. Let's not mention clan members who were selling benefits on SAES to players for couple of PayPal bucks and some Steam items. And many others who were removed along the way in the past 7 years that I'm here. None ever announced publicly anything about any of them. But hey, let's just shame Gengar and let's ban people. Not only the ones who are abusing (completely fair ban when it comes to them), but also the ones who were just given money from abusers. Since when is it a crime to be on the receiving end of /give command? If you approached the player and asked him to hand you over the money because it came from bug abuse, he would have given it to you without any objection. But no, let's just ban and shame people. Fact that ~[Bone takes money from abusers himself and uses it to sponsor his own events and even buy some fancy properties is no big deal around here. And let's not forget that NanoBob built his own program which automatically inputs numbers for cracking safes in bank robs and gang robs and not only uses it around whenever he likes it, but also distributes it to some other clan members for their own usage. There were times when he was leading his own gang and abusing his access to restart banks in order to use his program, doing a lot more then just 2 bank robs per day]~(red) and yet none ever did anything about it. I guess rules everyone has to follow don't apply once you reach position of SAES HQ. Damn this is some inside story which i would like to forward to our only remaining two most trusted SAES HQ ever @Brophy @Ronseal disappointed for not mentioning @Tombaa :'(
  9. @Billionaire said in Increase money rolling or bring 2.0: @Mega9 said in Increase money rolling or bring 2.0: Economy can't happen before issues with payouts, balancing and bug abusing is resolved. That can't and won't happen overnight, especially when people don't report them to be fixed. Features have been added, sad to see you haven't noticed. Just recently we re-introduced a complete new private vehicle selling system, that itself allows development of new groups, kidnap mode - those are just most recent. Economy is a sensitive topic, you can't even comprehend the amount of work that needs to be done coding-wise, then develop circulating economy and taxation and all the logic that goes into it. Also, not everyone is a fan of losing all their easy-made money, so you have to consider community feedback into equation, what use do you have from a perfect economy system if your player-base drops to 20 concurrent players and you struggle to have any kind of player to player interaction. You can already see from your poll that people have divided opinions. You can help by starting re-balancing all job payouts, after that's done, tweak house pricing and tax, same goes for vehicles. Re-think bank robberies, who are you robbing - virtual banks with endless amounts of money, not affecting anyone, multiple times a day? It can't happen with the snap of your fingers obviously, resources are limited and we gotta make use of what we have available until that changes. Why don't you allow the government to print money by getting MOU from Federal Bank just like in real life? Gov need to make sure they don't print more money as it will increase inflation and vice versa. We can also add Cuba officially as a country to develop trade and use foreign exchange for the economy a somewhat similar idea is going to be discussed among the ones who got involved in the entire rework of the economy instead of "printing" ( injecting more capital ) we aim to Have the /FR play a key-role on inflation/deflation. Printing money is the last resort governments do ( looking at ECB ) who injected capitals into economy's to make it look "shiny" on paper and result in massive inflation making money less worth. I understand the idea and direction but it is too early to even think about this yet. First, let us list up what the current jobs/drains offer on the economy in taking/giving money. Hopefully, we can announce soon a list with an estimate calculation of what the current overall earning is, etc. edits*, And yeah having Roleplay as part in all of this is even more awesome, and @Bartman your "meme" is half incorrect in 2012/2013 money was generated caused by massive bugs such as the golden mod-shop bug instead of paying the shop, the shop paid you for tuning your vehicles
  10. @Billionaire said in Increase money rolling or bring 2.0: @Bone said in Increase money rolling or bring 2.0: Learn to read the actuall post And state where you heard the same before Another edit If we give a deadline date and we can't make it to the deadline disappointment happens hence we give no time or set no time to complete it, knowing you are not aware of the size of the task itself this is bs we know what happened with 2.0, years passed nothing got implemented in-game. We don't mind even if you state 1 year for the job to be done but we need something added to the server we are pissed doing sr daily and many players not playing the game because its got nothing new to offer as well as they have nothing to aspire for as many achieved the groups they wanted to get in, the properties they wanted and the money they needed. And if the money is needed to get the job done by an expert scripter, we old players are doing full-time job and we are ready to donate money to reach the goal for anything including 2.0, reset or for a major update. yet again im not speaking about 2.0 so you clearly hvn't been reading it carefully :dash:
  11. Learn to read the actuall post And state where you heard the same before Another edit If we give a deadline date and we can't make it to the deadline disappointment happens hence we give no time or set no time to complete it, knowing you are not aware of the size of the task itself
  12. Just to give an answer on questions regarding donators, IF a wipe is happening then obviously there will be compensations happening for donors. re-read my message above :D
  13. Behind the scene there are a few people including myself doing a rework on the economy, This is a challenging job and consumes a lot of free time, so no expectation of when it is "done" yet. So in short of what we are doing right now is, We wont trigger a full "wipe" but we keep this option open as final resort, instead we'll be doing a full adjustment on the current outcome and build a fair income system during the progress we'll be keeping you lads updated trough a nice forum topic / discord. As @Billionaire proposed to increase the economy is just shoving the problem ahead which we will be facing at later stage meaning it will be to late to sort it out cause right now there is more money being generated each month among players than players spend around ( we are aware that there is less option to spend money around this is also a thing we take along the progress ) As for housing, it has crashed due the amount of money being generated by players meaning they got more to spend around making houses have unrealistic values and values made up by players them self Back to some actual facts, Players together have generated a increase total of 9.3 BILLION over the past 8 months with a increase of 1.1 BILLION each month While organizations have been decreasing 793.1m over the past 8 months currently most money around is being generated by the following, Store-Robberies,Trucking,Arresting,Bank-Robbery Yet i want to point out, We are working on the matter we are not in a rush and take time to work this out to limit mistakes made Our aim goal is to realize a stable and moderated economy which can be altered once things are turning messy
  14. cbug is not fully patched hence the script is still in place
  15. @JoGe said in Increase money rolling or bring 2.0: @Ghost722nd said in Increase money rolling or bring 2.0: The real problem is that players don't have enough ways to spend their money for. We need more "money drains" which make sense. For instance furniture/stuff for owned interiors just to throw an idea into. Excatly, imo planes and helis should be also buyable but for "ridiculous" prices like maverick 150m etc. that would decrease money from the richest people but they also get something for it. Also server's super cars etc prices should be increased. Then it still would be pretty same for new players to get their first cars etc so newbies wont suffer from this. nice thought but won't work who is buying a plane or heli when his/her/it gang has one :thinking_face:
  16. @Billionaire said in Increase money rolling or bring 2.0: @Bone said in Increase money rolling or bring 2.0: Increasing money on a already ruined/damaged economy has no effect You proposed a idea with no actuall feedback on effect nor think trough it or what it causes. To lighten up your feed, -> https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/101518-would-you-still-play-after-an-economy-reset-with-job-payouts-and-prices-lowered/ Still in the works but delayed hard time cause it need to work out perfectly and relays on new future functions that voting was for 2.0, most people said yes including me for reset money. also that voting was for having a question to the community outcome is still in favor and will be realised once the other script functions are almost to a bug free stage and with the new content the "reset" is based on you might got yourself a fresh economy this year if everything goes as planned we all know that "2.0" you reffer tho is a myth :dash:
  17. Increasing money on a already ruined/damaged economy has no effect You proposed a idea with no actuall feedback on effect nor think trough it or what it causes. To lighten up your feed, -> https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/101518-would-you-still-play-after-an-economy-reset-with-job-payouts-and-prices-lowered/ Still in the works but delayed hard time cause it need to work out perfectly and relays on new future functions which also needs to be smoothed done with precise
  18. @Zwolle said in [LV] BIG CARPARK (BASE): bura 700m olana kadar satmak yok XD we got a 700m bid from zwolle boys
  19. for dem people
  20. [SA] - [FOX]Sam: scorpyo [SA] - [FOX]Sam: i bought rainbow six [SA] - scorp: good for you [SA] - [FOX]Sam: when we playing nigga [SA] - scorp: we aint playing
  21. wonder why something needs to be more simplified when a thing works for years without massive problems.
  22. Voted no cause it makes no sense to have criminals being "alarmed" if there is a JB going on never knew that Criminals are the new police who needs to be alarmed for this.
  23. please enable 22005 @Perez
  24. @unknown_LV said in TST - The Strike Team: ~[Part 1 / Personal information]~. Ingame Name: Unknow_LV Real Name: Sandis Age: 14 Country: Latvian languages: English Gender: male Nationality: Latvian Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? yes,i was once a bans because i shot the wrong person but i shashed the thief for me for 24 hours all the first bans my backyard. Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why?No MMC:closed RDMC: Closed BloodZ: Left cause inactive ~[Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES.]~ How long have you been playing MTA? 4 years How long have you been playing on SAES? 2 years How many hours do you play in a day? 4-7 hours day How many times do you visit the forums in a day? Every hour Previous gangs/squads?:ice, back-bullet,and FOX, F.BI, CUBAN CARS,ARMS DEAREL Are you in any groups?: no am Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: No ~[[Part 3 Questions about your qualifications.]]~ Strengths: Arresting,Shooting Weaknesses: good driver Describe Death match: Killing someone withouut any reason Describe Role Play: Acting in real life Describe Team Work: Helping my squad as i can. Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler] ~[Part 4 / What to do if.]~(teal,black) What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? I'll tell him it's not allowed if he is new member or he do it Fault Or I do ScreenShoot and report What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe? I will say him TST only arrest Someone DMs you: I will tell him to read rules or take Screenshoot and report An admin asks you something: I'll answer him the truth Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? I will answer him Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who? Yes,Bidrift Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who? Yes bidrift Where is our private forums?: In the The strike team Section Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: John is Leader and vice Leader is N.FUN Why do you want to join TST?: im an experienced and skilled player that can bring to The Strike Team all his efforts and power i'm a loyal,respected and faithful person that can support squad's members and help them .i keep helping and hanging with TST and doing all efforts and showing my skills to join this squad and i want to because really i like the teamwork and the activity of this squad also i know many members in TST and They are friendly. TST for me it's not a just squad it's my big family Give us atleast one good reason to accept you?: I think you should accept me, because I have skills in combat, teamworking and I am also a really helpful player. I would never leave a fellow squad member Die.. I would always try my best to help them Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): I'm Rayen, I'm 16 years old guy, I'm Tunisien and living Sousse, I've one brother And one sister, father is a police and mother is Paramedic, I like practicing fitness exercises, I like watching action movies, despite I'm athletic but, I adore fast food, I do not think that it really affects badly on me while practicing fitness exercises. I like video games. Additional information: could you stop upvote yourself by your alternative forum accounts thnx in advance.
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