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Everything posted by Mrwan

  1. If you would remove speed, Maybe you can consider this. (https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10598/new-job-and-new-selling-ability)
  2. Mrwan

    Bozi's End.

    take care pal, been nice meeting you ^
  3. Good idea especially for newbies they are not aware of each location in the map yet, but with this they can communicate easily and get to know the map more in a faster way, +1
  4. Property for Sale Property owner(in-game name): Mrwan Property address: Sa Enterprise corp City/County: Los Santos Price range: 130,000,000 Any details you want to add: It's just next to the bank, It's such a great business Screenshots:
  5. GUI: Property: Starting bid Is: 140.000.000$
  6. nvm
  7. I'd like an experienced mapper who has a lot of free time to possibly finish this out in a few days. I have particular needs for the mapping so I can send instructions via Discord if you wanna pm me about it there, My name there Is Mrwan#0042 Also if you have some screens of other work you've done in the past I can have a look at that'd be helpful. Also If you can make shaders too It'd be helpful aswell as we gonna need to shader the project when It's done. We can talk about the prize of the base on discord. Thank you.
  8. In-game name: OC|>Mrwan Username: jaycee2015 Age: 19 Nationality: Egyptian Previous bans/punishments: Nothing. Why you think you would be suitable for the role: This job requires someone to be experienced, mature and old enough to understand everything In this game, I have tried several times to show interest and to join SAHA but I failed in every time but I don't really give up that easy so yea here I am once again trying my luck and doing my best to 'show' my Interest In SAHA, As for my qualities, I am very active, Mature and very experienced. I can handle responsibilities and deal with everything that Is a part of my job.
  9. Ah shit, Here we go again. gl
  10. Congratulations ya'll
  11. A good friend
  12. Ingame nickname: Mrwan Team you bet for (type Draw if so): MerkelJugend Amount you bet: 5m
  13. Happy birthday pal <3
  14. Good luck guys!
  15. rip...
  16. gzzz
  17. Happy birthday munn. I go eat now <3
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