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Everything posted by Mrwan

  1. Good luck guys
  2. Congrats
  3. karma Is a bitch
  4. good saudi arabian guy
  5. Sad to see you guys leaving, Good luck in your future
  6. Great to see DDMC back, Good luck ^^
  7. Happy birthday brother
  8. Starting price: $60.000.000 Minimum bid increase: $1.000.000 Buyout price: $90.000.000
  9. Starting price: $15.000.000 Minimum bid increase: $1.000.000 Buyout price: $30.000.000
  10. AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, Perfect @bachwa
  11. Mrwan

    F bykers

    Wow, didn't really expect that.. RIP MMC
  12. Las Venturs (8/8) Activity during the BR
  13. Los Santos (8/8) *Red County (8/8) Activity during the BRs ::: :::
  14. Hello guys, As you might know I am here to announce that OverdoseCrime Is officially closed for good, I would like to personally thank everyone who supported us, Everyone who tried to help and everyone who was a part of this gang even If It was for a little bit of time, I don't want to make this so long to read for everyone, but I also want to take the opportunity and apologise If anything happened from "us" as a family towards anyone, Ya'll should know and be sure that I did everything I could to fix anything In the gang, I was stupid sometimes yes but I was trying and I was doing everything I can, I learnt a lot from this family and I even learnt from the members. I would also love to thank @Rover , @Cruz , @Jeffforthewin , @Gotchi , @Jizzy and a lot more ... For everything, You guys were the best mates I've ever met, That'd be It. Thank you all & Rest In peace OverdoseCrime.
  15. gz
  16. You could also take a look at this suggestion which Is something cool that'll make more options other than just speed. (https://saesrpg.uk/topic/10598/new-job-and-new-selling-ability)
  17. @Knight9742 said in New job and new selling ability: @Mrwan Bull shark testosterone: ( sold by drug dealers ) Gives you 10% resistance/armor from damage for 60 seconds. When it wears off it slows you by 20% for 10 seconds. Could be an Idea mate, Why not. @Quality said in New job and new selling ability: +1 . This will make VIP even more fun. It's kinda boring now we need something to spice it up Trust me, It won't only make the vip more fun but the server in a whole.
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