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Everything posted by Mrwan

  1. Hello everyone, So this Idea Is pretty simple and I had it from seeing that we can add skins to the cars (Logos or whatever we want) so yea I had this Idea to do the same with guns maybe, Maybe even add this as a reward for Squads / Gangs when they achieve certain level, They can shader their weapons probably, Add logos or anything that's gonna be in their spawn like the skin shaders. If you have anything to add, Please go ahead
  2. sold, lock please @Terry
  3. bump. @JohnnyEnglish you losin
  4. Starting bid: 100.000.000$ Minimum Bid Increase: 1.000.000$ ::: :::
  5. Starting bid: 4.000.000$ ::: :::
  6. Hbd buddy <3
  7. another pharaoh
  8. @Shadowz Could be an option @Brophy I do xd
  9. @Cappo That could work out too
  10. @Piercee You know If I saw that It's possible In SAES to make muscles grow and shit, I would've suggested It for sure xd
  11. @JohnnyEnglish I mentioned that It could be added to medics too, but yeah
  12. @Jim Imo, It fits Boxer way more, since even the spawn Is Inside a gym.
  13. @Jim said in New job and new selling ability: This will give criminals a huge boost at BRs, SRs and Tufs because cops are not going to be able to buy the proteins and it will be easy for cirminals to kill cops with this new stuff. The police cars are already nerfed I'd keep it as it is now. That's why I said "Boxer or Medics" Because both are public spawns and cops can use It from them
  14. @reket said in New job and new selling ability: I don't think boxer should have the ability to sell it, due to the fact that boxer is just a boxer, not a dealer. If, then for OC. You might be right, even If the community couldn't find a spawn for It like (Boxer or even Medic), then I wish they accept to add It for OC, We're trying to be unique and everyone Is trying to be different not only (drugs and weapons selling abilities) In every gang around.
  15. Hello everyone, So I've been thinking about this Idea ever since I made my gang called (OverdoseCrime) from the gang role, I had that Idea since years but I couldn't just announce It or make a poll about It since the gang was small back then and I didn't want to talk about It unless we remain In the server for long time and let everyone know about us and about our RP role, So the Idea Is basically about the following: Adding Proteins selling ability basically the Idea about this Is pretty simple Amino Acid Capsules - 20% More fist damage Whey Protein - Max HP as 120 for 60 seconds works only when you have full health at time of purchase Mass Fusion - You get 20% slower but your attacks do 25% more damage Adrenaline Shots - 20% more speed and 10% more damage for 50 seconds after that you get slowed down to -15% speed and -10% damage for another 30 seconds because of your body recovering from high dose of adrenaline Some protein name here - Slow regeneration of 30% HP f.e. you gain 5 HP every 10-15 seconds until you get +30 HP Those are example of the selling list, If you have any suggestions then ofcourse you're free to say It, However I also wanted to mention something, that this selling ability could also be used for the "Boxer" or even "Medic" spawn and It'll help alot Thanks for reading.
  16. @Filex said in Change the party leader / Give rights to invite: why not add a funtionality that the leader can toggle on/off which allows everyone in party to invite Could fuck up the whole thing sometimes, I guess giving someone specifically the rights, Is better.
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