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Everything posted by Mrwan

  1. I was wondering, why we don't have anything like that in Party chats, If someone goes afk or something then the whole party must leave and create a new one just to invite another guy maybe or something, It happened with me alot and I am sure It happened to everyone else, So I thought of suggesting this as It's pretty simple thing but very useful.
  2. Really sad to see this but you know, Real life comes first and since you've been sharing what's going on with you in life with me, I know what happened and I am damn sure that you'll survive this period and you'll become even better soon enough bro, Best of luck and take care bro, See you soon!
  3. @Xavier fuck you wtf viva algeria now tho <3
  4. @Scorpyo said in what is your expectation for Africa cup ? and who will win it ?: According to FIFA new laws, any, i repeat ANY hand touch is a foul, but apparently someone didnt want tunisia to win so suck it loosers from egypt to morocco, we are very proud and thankfull to what our club did in this cup. "From egypt" you don't know how much we all supported tounis.
  5. @joker-dz said in Show us yourself V3: Joker - ALLAHUU AKBAAAAAAR
  6. @Nowayout5 However our rec is closed right now, you can only join us by hanging ingame for now, Wear 176| tags and hang with the members
  7. Name: Mrwan Username: jaycee2015 Team betting on: 2m on CDS / 10m on OC / 3m on AA / 5m on cripz Amount: 20m Total
  8. Watch egypt win the CAN :slightly_smiling_face:
  9. hbd klbb
  10. great work
  11. Mrwan

    Bye bye!

    I tried to help you with everything I can, but you're impatient and stubborn, Good luck in your life
  12. Happy birthday brother <3
  13. What If we make It optional? It would be good for RPs too, for example you can keep the time Ingame as UK time or whatever you want, and add a feature In M panel which makes the player able to choose which weather he wants, Either day or night, It'd be really good for everyone so you can log in whenever you want and then pick the weather you want, I guess If something like that could be added, It would be really good for everyone.
  14. Damnit howlze. Welcome back mate
  15. Name:Mrwan Username:jaycee2015 Team Betting on: OC - CDS - SWAT - O Ammount:2m each
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