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Everything posted by Mrwan

  1. OverdoseCrime Is In
  2. Happy birthday my dear brother <3
  3. @UNDER said in Pm sounds: it will quickly bother admins @Tut-Greco said in Pm sounds: @alex0107 for that you may use /ignore <playername>, it already exists OR maybe put an option to enable/disable the sound, would be better.
  4. I suggest adding flamethrower In the weapons shop for RP purposes, you can make a script for It so If someone tried to abuse It by killing people or destroying cars, It won't work, Just work on buildings and other stuff for RP Purposes, I am pretty sure It'll help many people to get new Ideas for RP's and do more RP's.
  5. Congratulations
  6. ^[Roleplay Participants] ^[] ^[It was a normal normal day for Outbreak Organization members they were standing In their base together discussing the organization problems and the things we need, Then one of the members came up with the Idea to buy weapons so Immediately Commander.Mrwan took out the list from his pocket and checked out how many weapon crates they'll need.] ^[] ^[After that he knew the exact amount of weapons they need, Then he called a gang called OverdoseCrime known with the good weapons quality for a good price, Then he had an agreement with Mr.Johnny who answered his phone call, Then they immediately started to move towards OverdoseCrime base In Bone County.] ^[] ^[It took them around 17 minutes to arrive to OverdoseCrime base, When they finally arrived they found Mr.Johnny well prepared with the stuff we wanted and with his boys around him for security, Then they started their conversation.] ^[] ^[After they shook hands and after talking about both Organizations situations and problems, They finally got to business, Commander.Mrwan asked Mr.Johnny to show him the stuff because they had to go for business, then Mr.Johnny showed him the truck with the crates Inside and let him have a look by himself.] ^[] ^[After that Commander.Mrwan found some good weapons choices In the crates, He found alot of M4's In most of the crates and other crates contained some Sniper's and Shotguns, So he didn't bother taking out one of the M4's so he could try It and see If It's the same quality he's looking for.] ^[] ^[After that he turned back to Mr.Johnny and he told him that It's working pretty good and It's even better than the quality he's looking for, Then they started to talk about the price for all of them because Commander.Mrwan liked them alot and he was ready to take all the crates even If It's more than the amount he wanted, He would not let that good deal slip from his hands, So he asked for their price and Mr.Johnny tried to make a good discount for Mrwan since It's their first deal, The final price was $425,000 only for Outbreak, Commander.Mrwan Immediately agreed on this price and ordered the guys to load up the crates to their van.] ^[] ^[When the boys were done, Commander.Mrwan had a smile on his face then he walked to Mr.Johnny and shook his hands and he took out the money from his pockets and he handed It to Mr.Johnny and they had a conversation about possible future deals.] ^[] ^[When they were finally done talking, they shook hands again then Commander.Mrwan took the guys and they took off.] ^[]
  7. Happy birthday <3
  8. Happy birthday brother <3
  9. Happy birthday pal!
  10. Happy birthday mate!
  11. @Ikzelf said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: it's kinda weird that AA members are mad about that while an AA member made the design lol
  12. kol sana wnta tayyeb yasta <3
  13. First of all, We'd like to thank everyone for even thinking about applying for our beautiful organisation, keep In mind that we never Ignore anyone's effort and we're always doing our best to give you all many chances as we can, I'd like to wish you all the best of luck and looking forward to do some work with you all, here Is the answers for the last applications. @Crazzy @Ortenn Thank you for your effort, I am sorry to tell you that you're ~[DENIED]~(red), that's for your very weak application and lack of efforts/experience Ingame, Apply again In 2 weeks. @Petrow @Resistant I am happy to inform you both that you are ~[PENDING]~(orange) for now, Keep hanging around with us, Good luck! Mrwan Commander of Outbreak
  14. Happy birthday brother <3
  15. How can I install them?
  16. Happy birthday brother <3
  17. First of all, We'd like to thank everyone for even thinking about applying for our beautiful organisation, keep In mind that we never Ignore anyone's effort and we're always doing our best to give you all many chances as we can, I'd like to wish you all the best of luck and looking forward to do some work with you all, here Is the answers for the last applications. @PewD Thank you very much for your efforts, I am sorry but this time you weren't even close for passing the application stage, In order to join us you'll have to stick with us and join our activities so the members can see you and put any opinion about you, Sorry but you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks from now, Good luck. @Spicey Thank you very much for your efforts, You may have been around us just a little bit but that's too far from enough to join, plus your attitude Is unacceptable at all, you really need to change your attitude towards the people In the server and also to the members, You applied for OB and yet you were doing shit to the members, You're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 1 month If you're still Interested, Good luck. @hazy Thank you very much for your efforts, The members have noticed you around in our activities and you've got some good votes to keep you on track, therefore we decided to give you ~[PENDING]~(orange), Keep hanging around with us and show us more of what you've got, Good luck. @alex0107 Thank you very much for your efforts, You got denied two times before but yet you never stopped trying and you kept hanging with us and showing us your efforts, That's why we decided to finally give you a shot, You're ~[PENDING]~(orange), Keep hanging around with us and you shall succeed, Good luck. @SoulFly Thank you very much for your efforts, You ain't active enough and you're not even around with us when we're doing any of our activities, so In order to join us or even get a chance you'll have to join you will have to be active and join our activities, However you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks If you're still Interested. @Petrow @Resistant You both will get your answers soon, your applications are under consideration, please hang around with us meanwhile, Good luck Mrwan Commander of Outbreak
  18. ^[Our first Roadtrip!] ::: :::
  19. Happy birthday mate!
  20. Ayee, good to see you again!
  21. - 43 - Event Type: Last man standing Price: 3.00.000 LW/G6S: Mrwan / Velona / Coldplay Winner: Bachwa Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1yfgfqwmg/c9382009/
  22. @Sam said in Your opinion about a Gang / Squad or Company: OC is added already it was always added. Oh lol, others are blind then xd
  23. @Sam Why no OC in the list?
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