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Everything posted by Mrwan

  1. First of all, We'd like to thank everyone for even thinking about applying for our beautiful organisation, keep In mind that we never Ignore anyone's effort and we're always doing our best to give you all many chances as we can, I'd like to wish you all the best of luck and looking forward to do some work with you all, here Is the answers for the last applications. @Silver Thank you so much for your efforts, We've noticed your efforts and your will to join us, but we'd like to see more from you so we need you to keep hanging with us and show us that you really want to join us, for now you're ~[PENDING]~(orange), Good luck. @Zodiac Thank you so much for your efforts, You're pretty good In shooting and you're skilled enough to be one of us but skills aren't everything In order to be a part of us, we're also looking for mature and motivated people and as far as we know till now you need to work abit in your attitude and most importantly show us yourself more, you need to hang with us more and participate in our activities more, I'm sorry to tell you that you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 1 week If you're still Interested. @TheCrazyCoC Thank you so much for your efforts, We never saw you In our activities, You haven't shown any kind if interests at all plus your attitude Is really bad and you really need to work on that, I am sorry to Inform you that you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks If you're still Interested. @PerroLoc0 Thank you so much for your efforts, There's some good thoughts about you and we've noticed you in some of our activities, you've good skills and you're not annoying or immature therefore we'd like to give you a chance, you're ~[PENDING]~(orange), Keep hanging around with us and expect your final answer soon. @KARIM Thank you so much for your effort, Never saw you In our activities and you haven't shown any Interest In order to be one of us, I'd suggest you to keep hanging with us and show us that you really want to join, I'm sorry to Inform you that you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks If you're still Interested. @Dexter Thank you so much for your efforts, Your effort was of course noticeable, you joined almost every organised jailbreak we made, you Indeed showed that you're able to be one of us therefore we'd like to give you a chance, you're ~[PENDING]~(orange), keep hanging around and expect an answer soon. @Boutiss Thank you so much for your efforts, Unfortunately we haven't seen you around with us at all, and this is now how you are going to join Outbreak, Therefore I am sorry to tell you that you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks. @XpookS Thank you so much for your efforts, You're same as boutiss, you haven't hanged with us at all and you haven't shown any interest to join us therefore you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks. @Will Thank you so much for your efforts, Even tho your FPS Is fucked up and you lag alot but you still don't give up and you always try to join us in our activities and you're not bad even with that FPS, I am glad to tell you that you're ~[PENDING]~(orange), Keep hanging with us. @xKayLeR Thank you so much for your efforts, Same as xpooks, you haven't shown enough interest to join us, we never saw you and you can't join us like that, I am sorry to Inform you that you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks. @ChasinTLSN Thank you so much for your efforts, You've been hanging with us In almost every activity till now, you showed very good work and you proved to us that you're worthy that's why we wanted to move on with you, therefore you're ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime), Congratulations. @MR-DaLi Thank you so much for your efforts, I am sorry to tell you that you're ~[DENIED]~(red), you haven't shown any Interest to be one of us, so apply again In 2 weeks. Yours Sincerely, -Mrwan
  2. Congrats brothers, welcome back to the top <3
  3. Congrats fellas!
  4. Lmao, I thought you guys are joking, but It's good to see bloodz back, Good luck guys
  5. @Zei Post the examples here so everyone can see them mate
  6. Your ingame username: jaycee2015 Your ingame alias: Mrwan Your real name: Marwan Zean Your year of birth: 2000 Your gender: Male Nationality: Egyptian Country of residence: Egypt Language skills: I'm pretty good In Arabic for sure and also my English skills are not the best but It's decent. English Proficiency: I would say 7/10 How long you have been playing: 4 Years till now, Will be 5 years In the next March. Your strengths: Well, I would say that I am learning really fast and most Importantly I learn from my mistakes and re work It and make It better, Despite that I am also a calm person sometimes I lose control but I get back to who I am quickly, I am a hard-worker, I work very hard to achieve what I want In the best possible way. Your weaknesses: Sometimes I lose control, especially when someone insults my mother. Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): SAHA Teamspeak Installed: Yes. Discord Installed: Yes. Do you frequently get involved on Discord: All the time. Reason for application: Well, I've been very Interested In SAHA ever since I came Into this server, I liked housing and I liked to be someone who can sort stuff like this, Despite that I am very helpful and I really like to help people If I can, so ofcourse with being SAHA I'll be able to help most of the people with their requests regarding SAHA, I am also very active In the server that I can help everyone In anytime I am online ofcourse. Unique qualities you can offer: Activity, Being helpful and mature to everyone who wants my help, work hard on sorting out requests as fast as possible. Server Memberships: OverdoseCrime - Leader Lightning World Sports - Trusted Outbreak - Sub HQ San Andreas Pirates - Member Additional information: " Attempt the Impossible In order to Improve your work " Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: N/A Previous (legitimate) bans: N/A Are you a muslim?: Yes, and proud of It.
  7. Dear @Makel Thanks for your effort and showing Interest, You've been reviewed by our members and the HQ team, and we decided to deny your current application, but we still wanna see more from you and wanna give you a chance, You've 24 hours to fix your application, If you failed to do that then consider yourself denied and you can re-apply In 1 week from now. Dear @Rowdy35 Thanks for your effort and showing your Interest, You've been reviewed by the members and the HQ team, You're doing well but you still need to do more In order to join us, you're PENDING, Keep hanging around with us and show us that you're good enough to be In our organisation. -~[Outbreak HQ Team]~(maroon)
  8. RIP The Oddboyz..
  9. Outbreak Activity - Jailbreak - 3 - ::: :::
  10. Well, there should be some rules or minimum things for it, like for example.. people with more than 1500+ hours can be added to it and can use it, maybe a test from an admin for just knowledge or something would help too, It can't be like anyone who just joins the server can make an event lol.
  11. Outbreak Activity - Jailbreak - 1 - ::: :::
  12. Happy birthday SAES!
  13. Would be better If It's not only blue and white, black would be good too, also the notifications, I can't see which notifications that I see and the others that I still have to see, would be better if they make the unread ones lighter or something, otherwise I like it. EDIT: @Brophy maybe you could do that?
  14. @Rover you lucky bastard..
  15. Wish you all the best in your life, stay strong and take care.
  16. I'll pick 7
  17. aaaaaaaaard <3 Happy birthday pal, have a good one ^^
  18. Congrats guys, I knew you gonna make it ;)
  19. Never wanted to see you leaving or see anything happening to you, Good luck In your life bro and I wish I can see you back someday.
  20. Happy birthday mate!
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