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Everything posted by Mrwan

  1. Welcome back, have fun around
  2. First of all, We'd like to thank everyone for even thinking about applying for our beautiful organisation, keep In mind that we never Ignore anyone's effort and we're always doing our best to give you all many chances as we can, I'd like to wish you all the best of luck and looking forward to do some work with you all, here Is the answers for the last applications. @J-a-x Thank you so much for your efforts, You're pretty good In shooting and you're skilled enough to be one of us but skills aren't everything In order to be a part of us, we're also looking for mature and motivated people and as far as we know till now you need to work a bit in your attitude and most importantly show us yourself more, you need to hang with us more and participate in our activities more, I'm sorry to tell you that you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 week If you're still Interested. @Tapi Thank you so much for your effort, Never saw you In our activities and you haven't shown any Interest In order to be one of us, I'd suggest you to keep hanging with us and show us that you really want to join, I'm sorry to Inform you that you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks If you're still Interested. @Disa Thank you so much for your effort, You weren't around that much among us and we haven't seen you In our activities, so I suggest you that next time you apply for OB, You should focus on joining our activities and hang with us In order to receive any feedbacks, I am sorry but you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks If you're still Interested. @RadiO Thank you for your effort, You've a weak application and no one saw you among us In our activities even when you were online, I suggest you to join our activities next time If you want to be considered, ~[DENIED]~(red). @Mechul Thank you for your efforts, we haven't seen you around with us and you are not even skilled enough to be a part of Outbreak, I suggest you to keep hanging with us and learn, You're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks. @EloThAm Thank you so much for your efforts, We haven't seen you around with us at all, and you need to stick with us and hang with us In order to join, You're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks. Mrwan Commander of Outbreak
  3. Happy birthday slugs <3
  4. Good luck guys.
  5. daamnn lol
  6. Congratulations guys!
  7. Congratulations STF <3
  8. Happy birthday nigga
  9. Address: Drug Lane 1 Account name: jack269 Last seen: 15 Novomber 2018 ::: :::
  10. Oh shit, I hope you'll get better soon mate
  11. - 27 - Event Type: Last man standing Prize(s): $3.000.000 LWS / G6 Helper(s): Mrwan / @Yoko_Kurama Winner(s): @Radrick Screens: https://postimg.cc/gallery/1dgzfklz6/386933c5/
  12. Such an amazing update, Merry xmas !
  13. Good to see HRMC back, Good luck.
  14. @Oreten said in OverdoseCrime - Promo -: Very Nice !! Thanks mate @Staifi said in OverdoseCrime - Promo -: I FUCKING LIKED THIS SHIT! Well done Kepshit up Cheers @Reggi said in OverdoseCrime - Promo -: Shots at a party... shits gonna be in my head for days I enjoyed most the RP part of it that was really cool. Thanks mate, appreciated <3 @Alperreis said in OverdoseCrime - Promo -: Better love story than twilight Hehe :p
  15. @Velona said in OverdoseCrime - Promo -: 04:32 is so sad when the guy tries to apply heart massage to his dead friend and stand up with a sad face after failure... Yea xD @Matias said in OverdoseCrime - Promo -: Veri nice! Thanks alot mate @Franks said in OverdoseCrime - Promo -: I'm lovin' it <3 Cheers <3 @Narcilius said in OverdoseCrime - Promo -: Gz guys did a very nice job Ty mate @Tut-Greco said in OverdoseCrime - Promo -: :thinking_face: migh've been a good idea to shorten it so it doesn't resemble a roleplay video True, we figured that out at the end xD @Spectre1 said in OverdoseCrime - Promo -: OMG GOOD JOB ty @M7mod said in OverdoseCrime - Promo -: Not bad but 6:46 minutes for a promo is way too much yea was too late to figure that out xd
  16. I am glad to announce that we finally finished our promo video, Have fun watching it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL4iWZpPBC4&feature=youtu.be Special thanks to @Eusebio
  17. First of all, We'd like to thank everyone for even thinking about applying for our beautiful organisation, keep In mind that we never Ignore anyone's effort and we're always doing our best to give you all many chances as we can, I'd like to wish you all the best of luck and looking forward to do some work with you all, here Is the answers for the last applications. @Spicey Thank you so much for your efforts, Even tho you were being kinda nice In the beginning and trying to do your best but at the end you disappointed us by disappearing and never joining any of our activities anymore, despite your weird attitude you should work with us more In order to join us, so I am sorry to Inform you that you're ~[DENIED]~(red), Apply again In 2 weeks. @Zodiac Thank you so much for your efforts, You've been hanging with us for a while already and showing us that you deserves a shot, despite your attitude we still want to see more from you and maybe we'll give you a chance to be a part of us very soon, You're ~[Under-Review]~(orange), Good luck. @Lincoln Thank you so much for your efforts, We haven't seen you alot around us but we still know abit about you and we want to see more from you, so please try to attend more to our activities In order to join, You're ~[Under-Review]~(orange), Good luck. @Judyes Thank you so much for your efforts, We noticed that you're trying every single group you see, you may be an okay guy but applying for most of the groups and trying to join them all Isn't a good Idea mate, Anyways If you're still Interested you may apply again In 2 weeks If you're still Interested. ~[DENIED]~(red) @Faysal Thank you so much for your efforts, We've noticed that you've been hanging around with us already and showing a good efforts but we still need to know more about you, keep hanging buddy and good luck, You're ~[Under-Review]~(orange). @jaimy333 Thank you so much for your efforts, Same as faysal, You're a good person and we'd like to see more from you so you're ~[Under-Review]~(orange), Good luck. Mrwan Commander of Outbreak
  18. Congratulations for those who passed the rec ;)
  19. Good luck jax!
  20. Outbreak Activity - Jailbreak - 11 - ::: :::
  21. Happy birthday bro ^^
  22. @Blu @ANARCHY @sami We'd like to thank you so much guys for your efforts, You guys have shown good efforts and interests in order to join Outbreak, but unfortunately It's not enough yet, we're not sure yet about you guys but we're definitely waiting for more from you guys and we're looking forward to see you again in our activities, Please keep hanging around with us and join our activities as you do and you shall get some good news soon, for now you guys are ~[PENDING]~(orange), Good luck. Yours Sincerely, -~[Outbreak HQ Team]~(maroon)
  23. Welcome mate, have fun around
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