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Everything posted by Mrwan

  1. Congratulations my friends, Way to go
  2. Starting price Is down to 7m
  3. @Medo12 said in Richman House - LS: 1m Starting bid Is 10m. not 1m
  4. Starting Bid: 10.000.000$ GUI: https://i.postimg.cc/0QtvDZK7/mta-screen-2020-05-26-23-44-53.png House: https://i.postimg.cc/MTrkvTgD/mta-screen-2020-05-26-23-53-44.png
  5. Address: BC Motel Room #13 Account name: abdel0014 Last seen: 26th of April Screenshots: https://i.postimg.cc/PfpdvycW/mta-screen-2020-05-26-00-58-07.png
  6. Address: Billionaires Penthouse Account name: mihailopetrovic Last seen: 24th of April Screenshots: https://i.postimg.cc/brjNL2SY/mta-screen-2020-05-26-00-23-59.png
  7. That's a really good work, Keep it up mate
  8. Eid mubarak to all the muslims here around SAES, May you all have a nice one and god bless you all.
  9. @Duff said in END OF CRIPZ - :( how2cumBak: Jealous @Mrwan talking trash at all :))) I just said what I saw bruh :joy: But yea It was a great game from CripZ after all tbh
  10. Really enjoyed seeing you around the server, Was obviously one of the best squads around, Good luck ya'll
  11. Wish you all the best mate, Take care ^^
  12. Was just a matter of time, Congrats @Scorpyo
  13. Mrwan

    I'm back.

    Welcome back brother
  14. Bit late but happy birthday brother
  15. as always, brilliant work mate, liked It a lot and I hope It gets added soon
  16. Stay strong mate, Take care and I hope you recover so soon
  17. Happy birthday brother <3
  18. Gang/Squad Name: Generation X Team Captain: Mrwan Available server times to play: Starting from the afternoon
  19. I am really sad to hear that, I hope you'll get well soon brother and be better than ever, Hope I can see you again ..
  20. @Spartan said in [AUCTION] The famous training ground In TR: 39 Starting price Is 100m as stated above mate
  21. Hello everyone. So my suggestion today Is to add some qualification questions to anyone who's creating a new account for SAES maybe, Maybe when someone Is creating an account you ask some IQ qualification questions, Or make them read the rules and test them on the rules, (Questions comes randomly), I mean I don't really know If It's necessary but I do know that It'll prevent a lot of adminjails and It'll save more time for both admins and staff members explaining the rules to anyone who comes new to the server.
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