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Everything posted by Groove

  1. Removed one sentinel, Added 2 police cars, one turismo with piglambo wrap at SAFP base & a maverick at LS airport locked to "Nvb"
  2. Added a police lv & RC goblin (RC baron is a plane with weapon, aka not allowed) locked to masterkillier
  3. Sorted
  4. Sorted, added a freeway at MMC base locked to "mrheisenberg"
  5. @Howlze said in [SUGGESTION]Cops Spray can: @Bartman said in [SUGGESTION]Cops Spray can: how about spraycan for crimes? also the one with damage & shit. i cant understand why clo fire disgunster remooved & traines can use spray can thought walls to get crimes stuck & arrest at jbs Yeah, because criminals need more shit to do with their already 10 to 1 cop ratio. Good argument not to see any progress in the server overall for the next 5 years
  6. fener1907 has been added to donator spawn
  7. It seems like cripz base has to be uploaded more often
  8. User is currently banned, closing it until further update
  9. added decrypter1 to donator group
  10. Could you specify what your username is, what upgrade (color here) you want the helicopter to have, and eventually provide a picture of where you want the helicopter exactly @Freezoom
  11. Voc usou o formato errado. Eu consertei para voc neste momento. Da prxima vez que voc quiser um veculo novo, altere o nome do veculo inserido na parte 2 para que a coisa seja excluda e ajuste a parte 3 com o que voc deseja. Tenha um bom dia! @samuel3021 ::: You had used the wrong format. I fixed it for you for this time. Next time you want a new vehicle, change the vehicle name entered on part 2 for the thing to be deleted & adjust the part 3 with what you want. Have a good day! ::: Admin note: one beagle saved to "samuel3021"
  12. @Howlze said in Disallowing gang members to spawn for a bank robbery: @Teddy said in Disallowing gang members to spawn for a bank robbery: Sure, but only if the counterbalance is that once a BR starts, cops cannot respawn to block the bankrob from continuing and make it fail, since that's just lazy. Script should be relying on the current amount of cops. If there are 10 cops on as the bank robbery spawns, it shouldn't "deactivate" the ability to crack if they despawn. I agree with that. If this applies in addition to the suggested rule, I'm completly fine with it
  13. @Linkan said in Linkans reward change: @Kain said in Linkans reward change: Why are you requesting to remove vehicles at LE base and then requesting to readd some of the exact same vehicles in the same place? The color is bugged and the old one comes back when the vehicle script gets restarted, Henry told me they need to be re-placed in order to fix it Replacing them isn't needed. The admin who changes your vehicles upgrades & colors has to save them all after editing it or the database doesn't take the modifications into account (hence it goes back to what it was before pre-change)
  14. Sorted
  15. Money reward was given to you right now when you were afk (600k - user jt16) :P
  16. Dodo, Cargobob, Cabbie & stuntplane placed at TT base locked to "mhster"; shamal placed at LV locked to "mhster"
  17. All the vehicles specified above have been removed (locked to: lion1221). Contact an admin in-game to have the placement done or provide a screenshot showing where exactly you want your vehicles at your property (a scheme of what goes where)
  18. For futur requests, please mention your username before anyone else (it wasn't mentioned at all in your topic). Bumping your topic is not needed, it'll be sorted out once one admin is available. The adress of the house where the vehicle has to be placed at is good, but we would prefer if you specified the owner aswell (which is SergioR on this situation). For now, sorted, added a damaged glendale at "3 Donut Road" in LV at "SergioR" property. The vehicle is locked to "ItzSpicey" as owner. Please be more precise on your next reward change or it might get refused
  19. Sorted, locked 2 FCR to "gengar"
  20. Sorted, one stuntplane locked to "ennes" at LV airport ::: :::
  21. Use the right format: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/544/reward-changes-format @iMhster
  22. Sorted, 2 vehicles locked to "mertt"
  23. You are 5 GBP short to receive a small interior. Please read this.
  24. Sorted, hotring racer 3 locked to "tristan012". On the futur, please specify what color you want on your vehicle or it'll be left to whatever come up default
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