Vehicle sorted (locked to: fandi123) & placed in front of 4 dragons casino. Money rewarded & donator spawn access sorted. Thanks for donating! Note for myself / futur admins, donator will request more users to be locked to his vehicle here below my post
@DROT said in Adjust country rifle damage: Sniper isn't superior to country rifle just because it has a scope. Country rifle can be used for corner shooting, while sniper can not. Country rifle in JB for example, with high damage would prove to be a very powerful weapon as you can hide your body behind the corner, something that you wouldn't be able to do with a sniper. @kipt that is how a true dmer views things
@kipt said in Adjust country rifle damage: @Groove said in Adjust country rifle damage: @kipt That's the whole idea of the topic. Make it a viable alternative to the sniper ;) Who gonna replace a sniper for that? I mean, in jailbreaks, for example (and in my view), that sure ain't a bad idea but still, don't see many people making that change. The idea isn't to outclass the sniper, but to make it shine with its own capacities resulting at the end on it being a somewhat ok alternative to the sniper. You'd be surprised on how good it can be in a JB if used properly :P
Might sound completly retarded, but can we turn safe 2 to 8 minimum number to 1M (looking at @Tritosh who re-enters none-stop to get a code under 1M); or actually reward people who does it the legit way (if they are a minority?)
Speaking here as the player I am & not the clan member, I voted no mostly because I don't think most of people realize what it involves in a normal gameplay purely outside any theoric aspects. Think a 2 weeks test phase like kill-arrest (a legit testing phase, not shoving it down people throat :( ) could be more interesting so the newer folks get to make themselves a concrete idea on whether the thing is an improvement or a stepback.
Some of the informations provided regarding your donation history are incorrect. Please fix them so we can sort out your request (the one which caught my attention is the ammount donated, you have donated way more than 10 GBP. What the line involves is your overall donated ammount and not how much you wanted to be affected to this change). Once this is done, leave a message here to bump the topic.
Vehicles sorted on the top floor of LVPD (locked to: GirlyPrimis). Shaders are left to be added once they are live. Money has been rewarded & added to donator group
Interior ID:7 added at El_Bendo (house at glenpark) & damaged glendale locked to jokerdz19 placed over there. Everything is sorted aside of forum donation group
Maverick (locked to jokerdz19) & Shamal (locked to jokerdz19,mahdimokni123456) placed at LV airport. Donator spawn & money sorted. Last vehicle (glendale) & interior are left to be sorted with the donator in-game
Might be a disadvantage overall, but hell this was hilarous to see your friends getting some fat skins & you the skinny one. I'm all in just to see @Tritosh running as fast as a turtle