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Everything posted by Groove

  1. 4m$ rewarded in-game Flatbed & Huntley added at M base in SF locked to "olo1" Added olo1 to donator group consider 30 GBP were donated Medium interior 13 added to "Cdc Casa de Armas" (should perhaps be changed as someone made it to refer to CDC)
  2. @Lumen said in Lumen's Reward Change: Vehicle 1: Black Stratum with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas, Vehicle 2: Black Hotring Racer with V8 and the same red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas, Vehicle 3: Black Apha with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas Vehicle 4: Black Turismo with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas Vehicle 5: Black Landstalker with V8 and red lights. Lock to: jiom, igthomas Vehicle 6: NRG-500 black. Lock to: jiom, igthomas Those are added, donator being "jiom" Added "jiom" to donator spawn Large interior 22 placed at 9 East Beach Large interior 23 placed at "ls uber orange home"
  3. Removed 2 vehicles with wrap locked to "chadi147" Added a shamal at LS airport, Picador & Huntley at AA Hideout 5, locked to 'chadi147' Medium interior #13 added at Eesti on Vene Keel 3. NOTE TO FUTURE ADMINS LINKED THIS TOPIC: Xpooks is not the owner of the donations linked previously, therefore should be claimed by the original donator.
  4. Cropduster placed at SF airport with "weed" wrap Stratum placed at FBI base with "triangular" wrap Squalo placed by BC hospital with "camo" wrap Firetruck placed at LS firefighter spawn with "nyan1" wrap
  5. added "olp" to donator group
  6. @ChasinTLSN said in SAES:RPG - The life of a dino: Nice video(s) yet I'll rather subscribe to Juri Ratas. kyr za BELGIUM imagine electing a :rat: at the head of your country
  7. Have you ever wondered how it would feel to play as a dinosaur in SAES and starts your own brotherhood? Well.. Some of us have tried: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8zEgTM9rGY ::: :heart: our hero behind the dino skin sopa de macaco wasn't forgotten, @Spetnazz drank it all a few days ago; we shall have a new one on the futur mvp dinosaur: @Solrac mvp macaco: @Rivals @Petrow :upside_down_face: & F @Tritosh at 10:40 :::
  8. :bed: :birthday:
  9. O @PBR 19/03/20 Proofs of having 3 members+: ::: ::: full galery: https://imgur.com/a/thKQvij
  10. AA @PBR 19/03/20 Proofs of having 3 members+: ::: ::: full galery: https://imgur.com/a/thKQvij
  11. @Adistar said in FREE CLO: Finally, a good suggestion +1 Am I a step closer to clo now??????? no morrocan allowed, they are supposed to do their military service as demanded by king mohamed
  12. Added a "camo3" generic wrap to the vehicle placed on my post above
  13. Added an infernus locked to "Gerdekci" at LS skatepark (with a free clo1 wrap (donation bonus)) 2m$ rewarded aswell
  14. Sorted Police LV added at whetstone locked to "midoprock" 2m$ awarded (double money bonus) 1 generic wrap can still be rewarded if desired (obtained via the donation bonus mentioned here: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16127/donation-rewards) Moved to archive but not locked (in case you want to request the wrap)
  15. @Kubreit said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: Well done on using a copycat server to do this meme
  16. @Spentou bonne anniversaire frr
  17. Sorted, username "samuel3021"
  18. Include your username in your request alongside where P~B base is (eventually a picture of where you want the plane exactly)
  19. Sorted 1 maverick & 1 shamal placed at LV airport locked to "tadeucosta00"
  20. @Kybali0n said in hi guys, my name is Andrea!: looks like @ILLUSION female version ;D callate macaco we will phone canserbero to fuck you up maricona de merda
  21. @Style said in Black~Bullets | Media Archive: 9.3.2020 - Criminal activities with @Arms-Assassins & @Tuga-Thugs ::: ::: nice
  22. Added a leviathan on bayside locked to "samuel3021" & rewarded $1m
  23. Added a medium interior 11 at "Uber House 5" Everything is sorted
  24. Added to donator group (username: "karkar1") based on this donation, and the previous one of 10 GBP: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/15656/donation-django-amount-10-00-gbp/3?_=1583446772073 => total of 30 GBP
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