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Everything posted by Groove

  1. I think krecik was refering to situations where cops pretend they aren't chasing you after having attempted it 5 times, come by you and expect you not to kill them. If you do kill them before they attempt to arrest you, you end up getting reported. For example, this: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/17526/dm-for-no-reason-tritosh-lorch ; happens far more often than you imagine. This idea is good but shouldn't be the norm, only an extra-feature people decide to use or not. It'd be too tidious to constantly toggle your "chasing" status none-stop. Should be something like an icing on the cake. A simple example would be, you are a cop, you wanna fuck around at LV X and you want to be sure not to be deathmatched (which would still be reportable if done), this eventual script would bring up a guarantee to others you won't arrest them and a guarantee to yourself others are aware of it. Could revoke your ability to arrest until you re-type the command to be back on a patrol-routine. This feature could be included on an event panel that said if scripted, hitting 2 birds with one stone (working more as something forced than volunteer on that case but the core is the same ja). Could potentially inspire ourselves from a GTA online passive mode that only revoke your arrest capacity? Normal rules we have at the moment would still apply
  2. Added a shamal at LV airport locked to "yosoooo"
  3. Added 1 kart, 1 super gt locked to "aekara21" in LS
  4. 4m rewarded in-game (me noob sorting too early) awaiting @Brophy confirmation
  5. @Bartman & @Tritosh for CS
  6. Removed a cabbie Added a supergt locked to "arcom15"
  7. Deleted any past donations so the 230 GBP donation calculation can be done from what is below: PART 1: near LV X 2x Damaged glendale 1x cheetah with gaymen wrap 1x hotring racer 1 with meme1 wrap 1x super gt with meme1 wrap 1x stratum with meme1 wrap 1x dft with meme1 wrap 1x roadtrain with meme1 wrap 1x Jester 1x bullet 1x kart 2x elegy PART 2: planes 1x shamal at LV airport 1x shamal at SF airport 1x shamal at LS airport PART 3: O base 1x damaged glendale All of these locked to "oximan42" --> 210 GBP total 2 custom wraps left to be added on the elegy (total of 230 gbp)
  8. director T in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WI3gPMma0g
  9. this was an april fool, he isn't born on 1st april :laughing:
  10. Rewarded 11m$ (in 1.1M cut and 9.9M cuz I'm a potato)
  11. Added a tractor locked to "joshbond" at ThC base You can add the engine upgrades yourself via modshop
  12. Added a stratum locked to "gubby20" at O base
  13. Added a kart, forklift, bullet, stuntplane at ThC base locked to "joshbond" Added a NRG-500 in LS locked to "joshbond" Shamals can't be placed at gang base, please choose another location
  14. Sorted Changed 7 vehicles locked to "ferthistheking17"
  15. Do you want any specific colors on your vehicles (which suits a law enforcement vehicle)
  16. 4m$ rewarded Alpha locked to "marso" at cuban embassy in SF Dodo locked to "marso" at TT base 2 generic wraps still potentially usable
  17. Should be a thing tbh. Telling people just to join CLO / DE is not constructive at all, this idea makes special vehicles far more accessible without affecting anyone gameplay at the end of the day (as it's another dimension).
  18. Added an ambulance with nyan wrap locked to "jojofromjory" at LS taxi driver spawn
  19. Changed int 23 :https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16152/donation-wendo-amount-5-00-gbp/3 rewarded here into a int 25 (the person has donated 50 GBP overall) Adress: Dark alleyway underground club
  20. Changed the sabre into an hustler (locked to frickovvictor)
  21. 2m$ rewarded Maverick placed at M base (SF) locked to "trymebitch"
  22. Note you can request 2 wraps for free for these 2 vehicles if you want (donation bonus period)
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