I think krecik was refering to situations where cops pretend they aren't chasing you after having attempted it 5 times, come by you and expect you not to kill them. If you do kill them before they attempt to arrest you, you end up getting reported. For example, this: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/17526/dm-for-no-reason-tritosh-lorch ; happens far more often than you imagine. This idea is good but shouldn't be the norm, only an extra-feature people decide to use or not. It'd be too tidious to constantly toggle your "chasing" status none-stop. Should be something like an icing on the cake. A simple example would be, you are a cop, you wanna fuck around at LV X and you want to be sure not to be deathmatched (which would still be reportable if done), this eventual script would bring up a guarantee to others you won't arrest them and a guarantee to yourself others are aware of it. Could revoke your ability to arrest until you re-type the command to be back on a patrol-routine. This feature could be included on an event panel that said if scripted, hitting 2 birds with one stone (working more as something forced than volunteer on that case but the core is the same ja). Could potentially inspire ourselves from a GTA online passive mode that only revoke your arrest capacity? Normal rules we have at the moment would still apply